I'm also spoiled in that I get to attend RMAF every year and their head-fi section is huge. Huge. So I get to hear basically everything, for as long as I want, as many times as I want. Other headphones definitely have different strengths (and weaknesses) vs the T1s, but overall I am pretty happy with my choice. I'll take the HD800 as an example. It does some amazing things. But after hearing it a bunch of times at CanJam, it's just way too bright for me. So that's easy to let go of the thought "maybe the HD800s are better". I also discovered I am just not a fan of planar headphones (ironic since I LOVE planar magnetic drivers in speakers). So that cuts out an entire class of "what if" thoughts.
Basically, you should try to hit a CanJam if there's ever one anywhere close to you. Or go on head fi and see if there's any meetups in your local area - those are also fun and very educational.