"The Little App That Can Lead To A New You" [Fake you I say]

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   Man! What the heck is the world is coming to these days?  Living in virtual world? :scratch:


   A new you? Yeah right, more like a fake you. Photoshop by the pound?  :lol:

   BTW... I don't think that blonde Tara really need the app, she look fine and cute to me the way she is.

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


wow this is pathetic.

With the ubiquity of selfies already, we already have a distorted view of people…cell phone photos at arms length with the camera's wide angle lens (usually around 28-35mm) make nearly everyone look thinner in these self-portraits. Furthermore, everyone and their grandmother already knows how to use very unnatural camera angles to create more flattering images of themselves--which usually means hiding their natural size and features.

Numerous times i've seen photos of a friend that hadn't seen for a while and I think "whoa, they've done some serious working out recently" as their social media photos (usually with filters) added make they look very svelte. Only to see them in person afterward and see that the creative selfie image indeed was not truthful. Hey, no problem with being creative. But this app to intentionally fake your persona based on weight is lame to me.



   Pathetic and lame indeed.

   I don't know man. I feel like nothing is real anymore these days.  :?

   Some of the people shown in there look fine to me. So, I think there's a deeper problem with people who totally embraced this kind of apps... very low self esteem.

   I guess people are trying to complete with fake and heavily retouched models on magazine.  :roll:

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:



  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 5449
  • I'm just not right!
Selfies are selfish.


This is nothing new, just a consumer grade app that simplifies what professionals have been doing for many, many years in Photoshop and other apps. I think Buddy is right, people are constantly exposed to highly massaged images of already photogenic people in media everywhere and of course we more average folks are going to come up feeling inadequate in comparison. Reality is, I do editing of that sort on every head shot or portrait I shoot professionally. If you don't, clients are going to think the photographer is inept :roll: Don't look at tweaking a sagging jaw line, lightening dark circles under the eyes, evening out complexion, thinning out the cheeks and accentuating the cheek bones, etc. as pathetic, it's aesthetic compassion! :lol: