My HT2-TL Review/Comparison (Warning, long winded!)

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Big Red Machine

Re: My HT2-TL Review/Comparison (Warning, long winded!)
« Reply #20 on: 24 Mar 2011, 04:49 pm »
i heard you raving about this before, looks nice! but i have no idea how you made the choice for it - here is THE ENTIRE amount of info on this preamp on the manufacturer's site:

Dude preamp.
Five tubes, $3800 direct

i mean, i know word of mouth and all, but c'mon - that's ridiculous. they couldn't be bothered with a little more than that? is there a hidden page on the site that gives us more? some horrible accident that prevents them from typing more than a few words without excrutiating pain?

"salk speaker - 3 drivers
$4000 direct"  :roll:

You spend your time talking with owners from Audiogon and the builder by phone.  A two man operation so little time for website updates.  The fellows who owned high dollar preamps, not me btw, and now own a Dude claim it slaughters them and now having one I can understand why.


Re: My HT2-TL Review/Comparison (Warning, long winded!)
« Reply #21 on: 24 Mar 2011, 09:42 pm »

Very nice review, indeed, glad the new speakers are getting comfortable in their new setting. I knew they would!!

Seems my brain/ears are my worst enemy, but to hear HD music as the Salks produced it, took my brain to a whole different listening level.

It is all about what you like and enjoy. You seem to have found that in the HT2-TLs.

Again, the interview was very well written and enjoyable to read.

Hope you have 24 more gratifying years of listening pleasure with the Salks!!! :thumb:



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Re: My HT2-TL Review/Comparison (Warning, long winded!)
« Reply #22 on: 25 Mar 2011, 12:23 am »

Very nice review, indeed, glad the new speakers are getting comfortable in their new setting. I knew they would!!

Seems my brain/ears are my worst enemy, but to hear HD music as the Salks produced it, took my brain to a whole different listening level.

It is all about what you like and enjoy. You seem to have found that in the HT2-TLs.

Again, the interview was very well written and enjoyable to read.

Hope you have 24 more gratifying years of listening pleasure with the Salks!!! :thumb:

