SB3 firmware issue!

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SB3 firmware issue!
« on: 28 Jul 2007, 07:06 am »
Hello everybody,
I'm running SlimServer (ver. 6.5.1) on 2 laptop: a PC and a MacBook pro. The SB3 firmware can be easily set to 15 ver when I use the PC, but when it comes to use the Mac, I always get the update that switch it to the latest version (and phase inversion) which I wouldn't. I read somewhere that I should turn off the feature "firmware update" on the SlimServer but - maybe I'm kind of dummy - I cannot find the option on ver. 6.5.1 for Mac.
Can anybody help me in addressing this issue? Should I change Slimserver version on the Mac?
Any insights will be much appreciated.


Double Ugly

Re: SB3 firmware issue!
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jul 2007, 04:56 pm »
Can anybody help me in addressing this issue? Should I change Slimserver version on the Mac?

Hi Marco,

I always ran v15 when I used a MS-based OS, but I've been pretty happy with using the firmware version attached to the latest SlimServer since switching to Mac.

FWIW, I haven't heard of anyone changing versions on Macs.  I wish I had because I'd like to find out it there's a v15 equivalent for Macs, but ignorance is bliss for now.   :?




Re: SB3 firmware issue!
« Reply #2 on: 29 Jul 2007, 01:00 pm »
I'd be surprised if you couldn't change the FW version on a Mac. It should be the same as on a PC. Just put the v15 FW in the correct directory and edit the control file to point to that. The file to edit is squeezebox2.version - make a backup copy first in case something goes wrong. :)

Double Ugly

Re: SB3 firmware issue!
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jul 2007, 05:18 pm »
Just put the v15 FW in the correct directory and edit the control file to point to that. The file to edit is squeezebox2.version - make a backup copy first in case something goes wrong. :)

Gee, that sounds easy! :wink:

Seriously, you may know your way around a Mac, but I don't.  Sometimes I find it difficult to find stuff I *know* I've saved, and though I've tried, I can't find anything Squeezebox or SlimServer related except old MS files copied from my old hard drives and the SlimServer .dmg (image) files I've downloaded for OSX.  I haven't found  any subfolders.  Thus, I still (1) don't know the file's extension, (2) don't know the file's name and (3) I don't know where to begin looking.

Even if those weren't true, I've not heard of a Mac equivalent of v15 firmware, have you, Mike?

Speaking of which, are you still using v15 or have you moved on?



Re: SB3 firmware issue!
« Reply #4 on: 30 Jul 2007, 05:44 am »
I'd be surprised if you couldn't change the FW version on a Mac. It should be the same as on a PC. Just put the v15 FW in the correct directory and edit the control file to point to that. The file to edit is squeezebox2.version - make a backup copy first in case something goes wrong. :)

Hi Mgalusha,
thank you for the advice, however, the Slimserver on a Mac appears on the "system preferences" only and I cannot find any directory where the stuff is stored. I tried to do a search of "squeezebox2.version" file with no positive results. In the library folder I only found a file named "slimserver.pref" but there's no mention of FW version in it.

Double Ugly

Re: SB3 firmware issue!
« Reply #5 on: 30 Jul 2007, 06:38 am »
Sounds like you followed the path I've traversed several times now, Marco. 

I frequently changed firmware versions when I was using an XP box, but as I mentioned above, but the only accessible files I found on my Mac were old 'SlimServer for XP' files copied to the Mac shortly after it arrived (I copied the entire XP computer's HDD to the Mac to avoid accidentally deleting something important).  I don't believe the same modification options exist in OSX because the relevant SlimServer files are apparently embedded beneath the file structure visible to users. 

Obviously they *have* to be somewhere, but they're accessible, I'll be darned if I can find 'em!  :?

Not that I'm suffering with what I hear now, but as I said, it'd be interesting to know if there's a difference.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 15
Re: SB3 firmware issue!
« Reply #6 on: 1 Aug 2007, 04:23 pm »
Hi Marco,

I am running Slimserver on a Mac and like others have mentioned never changed firmware versions. If it is done the same way as it is on Windows then try the following which is a Mac version of mgalusha's procedure...

On a Mac:

1) Open a Finder window and drill down through /Users/<username>/Library/PreferencePanes. In the Finder window you should see all user added preferences including SlimServer.prefPane.
2) Right click or ctrl-click the SlimServer.prefPane file then click Show Package Contents. This will open the prefPane Contents in a Finder Window.
3) Open the Contents folder, Server, then Firmware.
4) You should see all of the firmware and control files. Place your firmware bin file in here.
5) Backup the squeezebox2.version file.
6) Edit the squeezebox2.version file and point it to the new bin file.

I have a hard time believing that the firmware files are different between OS platforms since an SB is an SB which is an SB. :)  However, if Slimdevices ties firmware versions to SlimServer versions then this may be a problem.

Double Ugly

Re: SB3 firmware issue!
« Reply #7 on: 1 Aug 2007, 05:16 pm »
Excellent detective work, circinus! 

Now as to your assertion that all firmware versions are interchangeable, you may be right.  But though a SB is a SB, and though the firmware for MS and Mac boxes may be identical, the firmware  on my Transporter is a different beast.  The latest SB firmware version is 81 whereas the latest release for Transporters is 31. 

Are they truly different, or is it simply a ploy to make us Transporter users believe we have something different?  I don't know, but I suspect the former.

Therein lies my problem; if (BIG "if") there's a v15 firmware equivalent for the Transporter, what is it?  I've yet to find where it's even been discussed, but if you know where I can find that, too, I'd be happy to give it a try! :thumb:

However, if Slimdevices ties firmware versions to SlimServer versions then this may be a problem.

I believe that's always been the case (new SlimServer version usually means a new firmware version), but unless something has changed, I don't believe they're intrinsically connected.  Accordingly, v15 can probably still be used with the latest server release.



Re: SB3 firmware issue!
« Reply #8 on: 1 Aug 2007, 05:44 pm »
Indeed! Excellent circinus!
It does work, I mean, I'm not yet at home, but everything you suggested worked fine. I only need to try the connection with SB3 and will report soon.
Anyway thank you for your precious help!



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 15
Re: SB3 firmware issue!
« Reply #9 on: 1 Aug 2007, 09:35 pm »
Are they truly different, or is it simply a ploy to make us Transporter users believe we have something different?  I don't know, but I suspect the former.

I agree there would be a difference between the SB3 and Transporter bin files. When I first read this thread it led me to believe that the bin file for the SB3 is different on a Mac versus a Windows PC. The more I thought about this it just didn't make sense because it gets loaded into the SB3. On the other hand the Slimserver application for the different OS platforms will be different due to the underlying OS.


Glad to be of some help. Please report back as I have never experimented with the different FW versions but may consider this in the future.