I'm interested in how you hung the corner panels myself. Any advice?
I handled mine a little bit differently. I basically stacked the four 2x2 finished panels, and used a nail gun to tack them all together to form one large 8x2 piece. This made it easy to move around, and made it very sturdy.
Because these boxes are almost 8" deep, they pretty much stand on their own, and were actually pretty heavy. Since my biggest fear was having the top of the panel "fall" inward into the room and squish me during my 2 channel bliss, I screwed an eye bolt to the top corner of the room where the walls meet the ceiling, and a corresponding eyebolt into the top of the back of the panel. I used a small 4" bungee cord and attached the panel to the wall. The bungie is "taut" and holds the top very snugly against the wall. Because of the depth and weight, the bottom isn't going anywhere, and I left it alone.
It doesn't move at all, but can be easily removed if required.
If you need pics let me know - my description looks a little wordy...