Introduction, and a Dynaco FM3 query

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Introduction, and a Dynaco FM3 query
« on: 17 Feb 2022, 11:44 pm »
After a LONG absence from tube gear, I'm now getting back into it again.  This board, and this circle in particular, seem like they'll be useful places to hang out.

As per the rules, I have to introduce myself; hence this message.

I have a Dynaco Stereo 70 that has been well modded by all usual means, as has my PAS3.

I'm in the middle of a very cool (I think) custom power amp.  The design is my own, which is to say, I've stolen bits and pieces from other actual engineers and I'm calling it my own.  Long tailed pair inputs, needlessly stiff solid state regulation, (one per plate), circuit built on a PCB with a ground plane and a few other tweaks.  The magic of this design is that I have a pair of output transformers from a Leak .1, and I'll be using those.  My fingers are crossed that it will actually work.  (Working in the simulator on the computer and working in real life are two very different things.)

If it works, I'll build myself an electronic crossover.  The Dynaco will power a JBL subwoofer while the "Leak" will drive a pair of Klipsch Heresys.  Right now, the Dynaco does it all, and it works, but every so often, it seems like I could use a wee bit more power in the bottom end.  I'm hopeful that adding a little bit of amplifier and an active crossover will do the trick.  (The crossover will also be tube, of course, little more than a cathode follower driving an RCRCRC filter driving another cathode follower.)

The other device, currently in pieces, is a Dynaco FM3.  Now, since moving from the city to the country, to something of a mountainous area, FM reception is sketchy, to say the least.  I do sometimes wonder why I'm doing this; I may end up with a fantastic tuner that receives nothing at all.

(Then I remember how much fun it is and those doubts go away.  Actually, if common sense were the primary determinant, I don't think I'd be playing with tubes! )

Anyway, Google found me a thread here

and in that thread, a member named


posted that he had created gerbers of the Dynaco circuit boards AND made them available via Dropbox.  Unfortunately, the links he posted go nowhere.

I would contact guzeev directly, except, as a newbie, I can't.

So I post here, in the hopes that someone can point me to these gerbers or anything else someone thinks I might find useful.

Thanks for any thoughts.


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Re: Introduction, and a Dynaco FM3 query
« Reply #1 on: 18 Feb 2022, 06:07 pm »
Welcome to AudioCircle, Alan!

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