VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions

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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #80 on: 10 May 2015, 03:11 am »
Joe, How are your 55' coming along? Have you noticed more changes or modified tow in or placement etc?  I have had the opportunity for several day long listening sessions and am finding that mine are continuing to sound better with more hours - basically more awesome! - more relaxed, open, liquid, and dynamic. Pulling out and listening to things that I have not heard in years with surprising results, for example - best Mancini Pink Panther I have ever heard. The 55's really do have excellent PRAT and jump factor.


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #81 on: 10 May 2015, 05:06 pm »
Joe, How are your 55' coming along? Have you noticed more changes or modified tow in or placement etc?  I have had the opportunity for several day long listening sessions and am finding that mine are continuing to sound better with more hours - basically more awesome! - more relaxed, open, liquid, and dynamic. Pulling out and listening to things that I have not heard in years with surprising results, for example - best Mancini Pink Panther I have ever heard. The 55's really do have excellent PRAT and jump factor.

Hi Joe - yes, same as your experience, the VR55s are more relaxed and smoothing out. Bass is tightening up and highs are very sweet and liquid - everything just keeps getting better  :thumb:

Yesterday I had some folks come over and tried a pair of Mola monoblocks on my system - very dynamic and highly resolving with the VR55s! More so than my VTL monoblocks, but ultimately I still prefer the sound of the VTLs - richer in the mids, smoother in the highs (the Mola's were a bit grainy there) and more musical overall - also I haven't found too many amps that throw as large of a soundstage as the VTLs though the Mola's were close.

The Mola's did highlight how dynamic the VR55s are - leading edge transients were very well rendered - and also how transparent and resolving they are.

There's lots of potential with the VR55s if your system is up to the task - they will deliver PRAT in spades  :green:

I played some Billy Holiday for the person that came over with the amps and she mentioned that's the best she's ever heard her - and she runs our local audio society!

Also, my M-B Ultra speaker cables should arrive tomorrow and Albert says they are spectacular - can't wait to hear what they do for my system  :thumb:

Will report back once I've given the cables a chance to settle in.

Cheers, Joe


Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #82 on: 10 May 2015, 06:06 pm »
Joe - Excellent experiments! That one of the pleasures of Class D - you can lug them easily to others' homes for comparison listening. The Ultra wire is a trip. What do you have for IC and PC to go with it? I just have Ultra IC and then Signature for the rest.


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #83 on: 10 May 2015, 11:19 pm »
I have mostly Darwin ICs but plan to upgrade the pre-amp to amp cable to M-B Ultra next year - gotta give my bank account a break for the rest of the year :duh:


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #84 on: 12 May 2015, 07:03 pm »
Got my Ultra speaker cables last night and installed them into my system and here is an early report on what I'm hearing - basically, everything!  :green:

The cables took a little time to settle in but once they did, it was like opening up a live stage in my living room  :thumb:

In terms of frequency response, the bass opened up in a way I didn't at all expect - rich, full, more harmonically textured and with a depth that I thought I could only get with a dedicated subwoofer. The mids are superlative - they improved in a similar way to the bass, giving instruments and voices more body and weight and truly natural timbre. Lastly, the highs at first sounded less extended but after some further listening, I realized there's actually more extension in the upper frequencies but that they are in fact rendered in such a natural and relaxed manner as to seem less prominent at first listen. The highs are completely free of glare, grain, or harshness in a way I'm not sure I've ever experienced before. The resolution improved but without any accentuation of the upper frequencies - rather simply by presenting more musical information in a completely organic way.

Beyond frequency response, these speaker cables are incredibly transparent and driving the VR-55s, create a 3-dimensional soundstage (3D hologram as Albert calls it) that goes beyond simply placing instruments in space - they add a depth, weight, and presence to each instrument and to vocals that so closely emulates the real thing as to be unnerving at times (as your brain is tricked into believing something is there that isn't).

With acoustic guitars, you not only feel the resonance of the body when the strings are plucked, but you're presented with a 3D acoustic image of the body itself - i.e. you can practically feel the size and extent of the guitar's body within the sound field. This extends to other instruments where the physical size of the instrument is seemingly discernible within the soundstage - these cables give you 3D instruments, not just 3D soundstage!

To add to the transparency point, playing some material I'm very familiar with, exposed some overdubs in the vocals I've never heard before but here they were; clearly delineated, layered, one just behind the other and very easy to follow. I'm also hearing some very subtle instrument sounds that were previously lost in the background - now clearly rendered by the Ultra cables.

Wrt vocals, everything mentioned above adds up to such a tonally correct and organic representation of vocals and with such a presence that I'm not sure I could distinguish playback through the VR-55s with a live playback. Playing some Al Green, I could, not so much hear, but feel him draw in a breath and knew exactly when he was ready to exhale and start a new verse. On this particular Al Green track, his image in the soundstage came through clearly as though he was standing right there in my living room, at normal height and just as with guitars, you could feel his chest cavity contribute to the rich undertones of his deep voice.

These cables have unleashed the full potential of the VR-55s imo - it's as close to plugging your speakers directly into the source as I can imagine - they simply disappear and present the full musical canvas to the speakers, unaltered or distorted in any discernible way.

As a final note, the cables were Kable Kooked by Albert for two weeks before shipping, which he claims puts the equivalent of ~1000 hours that are needed to break these babies in.

Hyperbole you might think, but I honestly was not prepared for the transparency and presence conveyed by the combination of these cables and the VR-55 speakers - it is simply breathtaking and if you can afford these cables, I would give them my highest recommendation without hesitation.


Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #85 on: 13 May 2015, 02:29 am »
Yup, clarity to hear all the subtleties in a natural way - yet, instant jump when called for - I think that is what makes Ultra worth the price of admission. Now you have me lusting for the speaker cables too :thumb:


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #86 on: 15 Jun 2015, 07:46 pm »
Joe, were u able to deconstruct the cabinets?  My 55's will ship this wk and I'm still trying to figure how/where to store them.  Of course I could turn them into a clothes closet!


Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #87 on: 15 Jun 2015, 09:44 pm »
I kept mine intact in put into a storage building - stacked they are not too big at least in my space. I would assume if you are keeping the materials, with all the padding inside, you will not save much room by deconstructing. Glad your babies are coming soon!


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #88 on: 15 Jun 2015, 10:36 pm »
thx for the response Joe.  Yep, I looked at stacking in a large utility closet. They are deep (not wide or tall) and that poses a slight issue.  I'll start clearing out a space,, somewhere.  My Memory Player has been sent for the latest upgrade so it looks like I'll use a very lightweight integrated and digital player for another few wks. Hope to dial everything in by mid July!