An un-motorized platter, a Zerostat and a shop vac with amazing results......

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Briefly tried with my HD small shop vac, happy to report it works. :thumb:

Tried with a old Moby Grape album(already was wet cleaned before) after wet cleaning, it still many pops/crackles.

With the shop Vac, results are very promising, played album and most of pops/crackles are gone. Actually I can listen to whole album. :D

Definitely worth trying :thumb:


Wayner my friend, Happy belated Birthday wishes for starters !

interesting discovery you've made here ……….. while I feel my VPI RCM is powerful enough in the vacuuming sense I wonder if a different brush attachment combined with a longer 'dry suction' cycle might do the same thing ? The power of the vacuum can definitely over power the platter motor.

Something to ponder and try …………..



Good to hear from you Dave! I thought my records were clean until I did this process. If the vinyl is damaged from molds or fungus, I guess there is no repair, but if it's just gunk lodged in the grooves, this seems to work pretty well.

Are you going to RMAF 2014?


Are you going to RMAF 2014?

No, I'm going to miss it again this year, hopefully next year………  are you going ?



Wow. The last guy looks like he copied mine almost exactly. Oh well.