Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-

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Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #20 on: 22 Aug 2004, 08:54 pm »

I'm not sure if it was obvious to anyone else, but just before Elle is left in the trailer blinded, the camera flashes back and forth to the black mamba still slithering on the floor....

I assumed she would be bitten and killed.  Elle's thrashing about would have surely welcomed a dozen or so bites considering that Bud got 3 bites for just looking at the snake wrong  :lol:
Just my take on it.



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Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #21 on: 22 Aug 2004, 09:11 pm »
Quote from: azryan
Elle has zero depth. She's a ruthless killer. loyal to Bill, and jealous of Uma. That's about it.

If you think these characters were incredibly deep I can't imagine how you describe a film where the point is actual character development.

It must blow your mind -the astounding black hole of massive depth.


Oh my gosh!  You're right!!  How could I have been such a fool to like this movie or identify will all the characters?

Thanks for showing me the path!



Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #22 on: 23 Aug 2004, 12:14 am »
You're right azryan.  The characters aren't very deep or multifaceted, no development, so not much of a deep drama in my opinion.  Not a spoof eh?  It can be a spoof and have serious/stylish moments as well, can't it?  No?  How did Uma ever get out of the grave, anyway?  The moment she broke through the coffin, the 6 feet of dirt on top of her would have flooded into the coffin smothering her rather quickly.  She could barely punch through the coffin, so I don't think it would be feasible for her to punch through the dirt before she got smothered.  No leverage to use her legs either.  And my question with Bud being in death valley is that I didn't realize that there was a reference to him being in California, so I was surprised to recognize their film location as Calif and see california license plates.  You can be in any state with any license plate, but not for long, at least, not legally.  It didn't exactly seem like Bud was on vacation and just passing through.  But if they said he was in california, ok then.

If you like character development, you should give Deed of Paksenarrion a shot (it's a book trilogy.)  That's character development.  Don't read anything else by the author though, they're terrible, for some reason.  I didn't find Cold Mountain to have much character development, either, but I guess it's just me.  Seems that only 1 character did any changing and it happened in a blink of an eye, basically.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #23 on: 23 Aug 2004, 02:36 am »
Quote from: EProvenzano
I assumed she would be bitten and killed.  Elle's thrashing about would have surely welcomed a dozen or so bites considering that Bud got 3 bites for just looking at the snake wrong -

Yeah. Too bad Q.T. didn't add a little clip of Elee getting killed. Uma even says she doesn't have a future right at the very end of the fight. Just really weird to leave her alive.


No prob. man! Great debate!

Quote from: ooheadsoo
Not a spoof eh? It can be a spoof and have serious/stylish moments as well, can't it? No?

I thought you were making it out to just be silly like Cannonball Run or something but maybe not and just how your wording seemed to me?

It was just on a diff. level than spoofs like Scary Movie or Scooby Doo, etc... but I think you'd agree? No?

"-You can be in any state with any license plate, but not for long, at least, not legally.-"

Right.  People can get away with that for a year or more if they don't get pulled over or if they have two homes.

I think they did say Budd was in TX. El Paso I think. And I just watched vol. 1&2back to back this morning and forgot. hehe

I didn't find Cold Mountain to have much character development, either, but I guess it's just me. Seems that only 1 character did any changing and it happened in a blink of an eye, basically.

'Change' isn't the same as charater development. A character doesn't have to change at all. I'm talking about just learning more things about a character so we understand them better.
IMO it doesn't have to be spoken exposition either. It can be done with realistic emotional performance too. Whatever 'gets us inside their head'.

Kill Bill does have some of this for a few characters, but next to none for most of them. Mostly 2D characters but that's fine IMO for most of what he was trying to do in this very experimental film/s.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #24 on: 23 Aug 2004, 04:23 am »
I know what you're getting at, but Cold Mountain just didn't do it for me.  Pretty cliche, IMO.

Berserk (anime) is also a good one imo for character development, on a different level.


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Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #25 on: 24 Aug 2004, 12:38 pm »
I disagree, Elle got what she deserved by being left blind,which to her charactor ,was probably worse than being killed.

One of my favorite parts of the two movies was Uma's martial arts that was a hoot  :lol:


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #26 on: 24 Aug 2004, 06:15 pm »
Quote from: Ears
I disagree, Elle got what she deserved by being left blind,which to her charactor ,was probably worse than being killed.

Then she could just kill herself and it'd be real easy with two very deadly obects left in that trailer. A black Mamba and Hanzo sword.

I think it's more likely that she'd choose to live and if anything attempt to kill Uma later. Hire someone or something.

Perhaps Q.T. intended to leave that open for a sequel. I read that he may shoot some scenes of that girl who was 'Vernita's' daughter for a sequel about her going after Uma as an adult.

Sounds dumb to me though, but IMO almost anything can be made cool if done right.

Dumb too that in the credits they cross off the names of the group who are dead but Elle gets a question mark. As far as he showed... she's simply alive and blind.

He put a LOT of great stuff in these films but I think the project was just a little much for him in the end.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #27 on: 24 Aug 2004, 06:29 pm »
Leaving the other Hanzo sword behind in the trailer is beyond my comprehension. It is "priceless" after all.

Can you imagine the amount of audio gear Beatrix Kiddo can afford if she eBay-ed the Hanzo sword?



Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #28 on: 24 Aug 2004, 09:43 pm »
Quote from: Lost81
Leaving the other Hanzo sword behind in the trailer is beyond my comprehension. It is "priceless" after all.


I thought it was stupid too.
Obviously, a loose end to be tied up in a sequel...
Not that much interested.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #29 on: 25 Aug 2004, 06:47 pm »
About 'Beatrix' leaving Budd's Hanzo sword 'cuz it's priceless...

Do you guys really think she would have taken it and then sold it??

That seems totally out of character to me.

If anything she'd take it I think and simply keep it as the work of art she felt Hanzo's work was but it was Budd's sword. A gift from Bill no less so maybe she just didn't want what that represented.

And really... they don't show it or anything but she obviously could have also taken Bill's sword too. Quite a collection. heh

Maybe she'd have taken the other two back to Hanzo as a gift since he did make her sword for free. Yeah, now that I type it I think that seems even better/more logical/in character.

Also it was hard to tell just how rich Uma already was which I think is a little quirk/flaw in the mythology...

We're suppose to accept that when she wakes up from the coma she can fly all over the world 'cuz she was a top rate pro. killer and should have lots of $$ hidden away...

But then she was going to marry a guy that we never see she cared about to work in a used CD shop.

Why? If she had a lot of money she could have raised B.B. on her own. I mean poor women do this sort of thing even.

Then we see Elle's filthy rich and Budd's dirt poor. It just doesn'ty make sense but if you just take it for the action and consider the story very loose and distantly secondary then it's ok IMO.

Vol. does this very well, but Vol. 2 trips itself up in not doing that.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #30 on: 1 Sep 2004, 06:54 pm »
I had lots of problems with the story-line of this one.  

Like when she's driving in the car at the beginning of the movie giving the narration.  She says "Yep, just one more I've got to take care of".  Then she goes looking for Bills' brother. WTF!?!?!  Was he even AT the wedding massacre?!?!?

The other thing was when she went to train with Pai Mei.  Supposedly for months.  Years?  What was her motivation at that point?  She wanted to be a killer?  She loved Bill and he wanted her to do it?  I just didn't get it.

I know I was disappointed after expecting it to be similar to Vol 1.


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Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #31 on: 1 Sep 2004, 10:15 pm »
Movies are suppose to be FUN !! How can you enjoy them if you are sitting there nit picking every little scene as if you are in class.
I hope you don't make love this way.



Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #32 on: 2 Sep 2004, 05:07 pm »
Granted, different movies are intended to be enjoyed different ways.  But when Kill Bill 2 reflects so much on the events on Vol 1, moreso than just a straightforward action movie, it's hard not to focus on the storyline.  To me Vol 2 was much more about why and what happened in Vol 1 than anything else - it was story driven;  Vol 1 was more action driven.  I can like either, when done well.

If the second movie had the same punch as the first I'm sure I wouldn't have noticed (or cared) about the flaws of the story.  As presented, I was given lots of time during the movie to think about the whys and the what-fors.  (I assumed that was a clever Tarintino trick to put the viewer in the mind of the main character, who was also thinking about past events).

I just don't think Vol 2 was as good as Vol 1, and I don't think Vol 2 would stand on it's own.  IMHO.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #33 on: 2 Sep 2004, 05:46 pm »
With all due respect, I think you guys are looking too closely at the story of this movie (it was originally one movie, after all).

The movie was meant as a homage to Spaghetti Westerns and Kung-fu flicks, where the action and character's driving needs for revenge are paramount and weak plots are typical. I'd wager that QT purposely made the story-line weak, trying to mirror the typical B-movie plots that the Saturday afternoon "Kung-fu Theater" movies typically have.

I think it's best just to sit back, enjoy the ride and have fun w/ the dialog and the quirky gestures/actions the characters have. I thought they were both very fun movies.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #34 on: 2 Sep 2004, 05:58 pm »
Quote from: marvda1
Movies are suppose to be FUN !! How can you enjoy them if you are sitting there nit picking every little scene as if you are in class.
I hope you don't make love this way.


You're in luck, there's about a billion movies and moviegoers who feel this exact same way.  Of course one man's "fun" could be another's "preposterous dreck".  And nobody could possibly enjoy nitpicking more than azryan, so I highly doubt he is not enjoying the movie! :)  The age-old disconnect between movie and real world violence (such as getting shot with rock salt and being "okay" after a little nap) offers loads of opportunity for criticism and mockery and does not mean that the viewer is interpreting the movie 'wrongly'.

Tarantino certainly never lets you forget you're watching a movie.  Every scene seems to say, "Lookit me I'm a movie! Ain't it cool!?"  But there's no bones about it, that's what he does best.  They're films for filmmakers it seems.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #35 on: 2 Sep 2004, 06:50 pm »
Very well said Nathan.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #36 on: 4 Sep 2004, 12:22 am »
Quote from: jgubman
With all due respect, I think you guys are looking too closely at the story of this movie (it was originally one movie, after all).

What's your point that it was 'after all' originally meant to be one movie?

Do you mean that 'cuz it was originally meant to be one film that it's understandable that the story is 'weak'? I don't get your point?

Quote from: jgubman
-I'd wager that QT purposely made the story-line weak, trying to mirror the typical B-movie plots that the Saturday afternoon "Kung-fu Theater" movies typically have.-

Q.T. didn't intentionally make the story 'weak'.  I think I would easily win that bet if we were able to ask him that question.

The plot was meant to be very straight-forward and simple though (which is diff. than 'weak') and Vol. 2 actually got that wrong whereas Vol. 1 IMO didn't.

If you watch interviews with him he talks about the first half as an intro to the characters and the 2nd half where you really get to know them.

His explanation of course sounds good, but then makes no sense if you've actually seen the films...

Never in the 1st OR 2nd film do they expand on that Vivica Fox character at all nor Lucy Lu in the 2nd, BUT they tell Lucy Lu's whole biography in the first film -which is more info then on any other character in either film.

That's just uneven and doesn't match what he claimed he did.

They also tell you next to nothing about Elle and leave a BIG question IMO about why Budd is down and out and IMO you don't learn much more about Bill or Uma than you already knew from the first one.

'More scenes' with them doesn't mean 'character development' in this case.

Trust me.... I didn't sit down and study this for hours, drawing up plot charts and taking note, watching scenes over and over to come up with any of this.

It all just popped into my head when I watched Vol. 2 for the first time.

My little nitpicking this or that scene here has aLOT more to do with how it was edited, the pacing, useless scenes that had nothing to do with the main plot, while main plot questions are left unanswered, etc...

-than a 'weak' story which I'd take to just mean 'didn't have much of a story'. (since I can only guess how you mean it).

Vol.1 I thought was much better overall than Vol.2 and there was 'less' story/plot in it so either you're not talking about my posts (doubt that) or you don't understand the points I made already.

BTW... 'Kung Fu' films were only one of several diff. types of films he was getting ideas from.  

That's one of those things 'thinking about movies when you watch 'em' could tell you.

If that sort of thing doesn't matter to you -fine, but I like knowing that sort of thing.

Quote from: jgubman
-I think it's best just to sit back, enjoy the ride and have fun w/ the dialog and the quirky gestures/actions the characters have. I thought they were both very fun movies.

That's good you liked them. I mostly liked 'em too but you do know you're on a Cinema forum right? A place to talk about films?  

Wouldn't this be the place for people who actually think a bit deeper than you about films and don't just watch them mindlessly to come to talk about them?

As you suggest others just 'sit back and enjoy'... I suggest that you might want to pay more attention to the films you waste time watching (like we all do) and you might get more out of the good ones.

And better able to tell the ones that screw up so many things.

Next time you see a new Ashely Judd 'thriller' you'll understand why it's garbage and not a "Tence thrill ride! Thumbs up!!" hehe

That's fine if you want to just say 'liked it, didn't like it' about films but don't put people down for knowing more about film-making and writing than you.

I can't shut my brain off when I watch a film.

It's like when I saw Hellboy and noticed that it there seemed to be a gap in the story and I posted about it here and months later bubba here said it was actually a film splice error that happened all over the country.

Probably no one else (or few) in the theater I saw it in ever noticed anything 'odd'.  

They just sat back and enjoyed it  'cuz they were too dim to see that the story didn't make sense with an important snippet of scene missing.

Ignorance is bliss though I hear.


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #37 on: 4 Sep 2004, 02:02 am »
You're a funny guy Ryan


Kill Bill 1&2 comments -spoiler warning-
« Reply #38 on: 4 Sep 2004, 05:10 am »
Don't strain yourself. hehe