$1000 PJ recommendations?

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$1000 PJ recommendations?
« on: 22 Dec 2012, 11:12 pm »
As referenced in another thread here, my main floor kitchen and 2 bathroom updates are done.

Budget set aside for a basement finishing project.

I am struggling as a PJ noob to work through the complexities of throw, seating distance, screen size, and PJ selection!

From the look of the unfinished space in question, I will have approx 7 foot ceiling.  Seating will be U shaped with couches perpendicular to the screen, the furthest seat about 10 feet from the screen.  A chair will go in the sweet spot, and will likely be seated about 12 feet from the screen.

I suspect (due to ceiling height restrictions, and exacerbated by a bulkhead near the screen) that motorized is out, so fixed it will likely be.

I am looking for a 1080p unit.  I need to contain this to $1000 for the PJ.

I think I can fit in a 92 inch screen.  I will have roughly 12 feet of throw - a pool table behind the sweet spot chair complicates a unit hanging down behind the sweet spot chair.

Sources will be satellite TV, a blue ray, and music from a Mac Mini.

I am considering toys like the Epson 8345, the Optoma HD20, and the Optoma HD200X-LV.

Are there good units in the price point that can hit my desired screen size with the budget in question?  Willing to drive to the US from Canada and use a US shipping address for a purchase like this.
« Last Edit: 23 Dec 2012, 04:28 am by mcgsxr »


Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #1 on: 22 Dec 2012, 11:13 pm »
I somehow doubled my post!  Now I'll catch heck for padding my stats!
« Last Edit: 23 Dec 2012, 04:27 am by mcgsxr »

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #2 on: 23 Dec 2012, 03:34 pm »
Hey Mark.
I'm using the Epson 8350 and love it. Fantastic machine, and highly recommended. If memory serves, it was right at $1000.
Regarding the "how's" of checking distance versus screen size....check the "projectorcenteral.com" site, look at the "calculator" and see what your desired screen sizes would be compaired to the throw distance. Once you nail down your size, it'll give you the optimal range the PJ should be from the screen.

Mine is 17' feet back (ish) and screen size of 140". THe zoom on the 8350 is pretty wide, you there's a lot of adjustability if need-be.



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Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #3 on: 23 Dec 2012, 05:32 pm »
+1 on the Epson 8350. I've seen it in action and unless 3D is a must, its very good. Amazon USA has these at $1100.

Otherwise a used JVC DLA projector (this is what I did).  An RS1 or RS2 would be in your budget. I hate to admit it, but the Epson 8350 may be the better value vs the RS1 & RS2.

Personally I like LCD & LCOS projectors more than DLP. Color / image saturation just seems better, and more " film-like".

I wouldn't stress too much about their distance etc, unless for some reason you have unusual mounting requirements (ie very close or very far or way off to one side)


Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #4 on: 24 Dec 2012, 01:43 am »
Thanks boys.  I am basically trying to show my wife that for the same $, we can get a huge screen down there.  No light issues (other than some potential use with pool playing, but if anyone is playing pool during the PJ time it will be me, so the relative loss of visual fidelity will be a trade I am willing to make), freedom from normal TV watching (there are 42 and 55 Plasma choices elsewhere in the home for that), and dedicated space down there.

I have done some simple calcs off that website, and it looks like a 92 or 96 screen is doable with a PJ distance of 10-12 feet.  That will work fine.  I believe I can centre the PJ horizontally, no worries there.

I may not have 36 inches from the floor to the screen bottom though, as a bulkhead will steal some H overall.  I will need to do more calcs about finished floor H, and bulkhead H to confirm.

3D not of interest to me at this time, my 55 Panny Plasma is 3D, and we rarely use it that way - once a month tops.

What I am less clear on, and hard to predict having never owned a PJ before, is seating distance for screen size.

I don't want to end up with a screen too large for my 9-11 foot viewing distance.  The calcs for screen distance put it right around the recommended distance for THX, but that would be closer than how I sit compared to other HD screens in my house.

How close do y'all sit to your screens?


Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #5 on: 24 Dec 2012, 03:06 am »
I got the Optoma hd20 a couple months ago on woot.com for a little over $600, good value. I have it about 15' back from a 150" screen. Could not be happier for the money. A buddy has a higher end Epson, very nice but I did not see triple the cost. Good luck.


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Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #6 on: 24 Dec 2012, 04:35 am »
I'm about 9-11ft from a 96 screen that's less than 36 inches from the floor and am perfectly happy. Just please don't believe those who say "I don't need / use a screen - I use wall / etc". Get yourself a decent screen - it doesn't have to be a super expensive Stewart - a decent Carada will suffice.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #7 on: 24 Dec 2012, 03:15 pm »

I may not have 36 inches from the floor to the screen bottom .........

How close do y'all sit to your screens?
Mine is 30" from the floor. Looks fine though. Since the screen is pretty tall, you don't feel like you're looking downwards.

On your second question, my PJ is directly over your head in the seated position, so the seated distance and throw distance are the same at 15'.
and 'yes'...I got my tape measure out, just for you.  :wink:



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Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #8 on: 24 Dec 2012, 04:53 pm »
Mine is 30" from the floor. Looks fine though. Since the screen is pretty tall, you don't feel like you're looking downwards.

On your second question, my PJ is directly over your head in the seated position, so the seated distance and throw distance are the same at 15'.
and 'yes'...I got my tape measure out, just for you.  :wink:


How is the fan noise?  I have a projector (Samsung 710) over my head, and sometimes it drives me crazy.  Then again, I'm sensitive to fan noise and go fanless whenever possible.  For my configuration, the biggest screen I could get was 92 inches.  I sit about 10 feet away from the screen, and the screen looks a little small to me.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #9 on: 24 Dec 2012, 09:47 pm »
This is the third PJ I"ve owned, and the quietest, by far.
The first was a Sanyo PLV-Z2 (the noise was a bit much at times), the second was an InFocus IN76 it was "acceptable" with regard to noise.

But the Epson makes me realize just how loud the first two actually were. I've very happy with the SPL.
Although, the only complaint I have with the Epson, is if I get REAL crazy with the low frequency content, the lens drops a bit.   :scratch:



Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #10 on: 28 Dec 2012, 06:57 pm »
The Epson is certainly looking to be the best option for the price at this point.

I like the throw flexibility too - exploring the idea of mounting the PJ back behind the main chair and over the pool table - no interference with other uses in the room from a headroom perspective, if the PJ is over the table. 

What I will need to understand is the pathway of the beam of light, to ensure that at 11 feet from the screen my head won't be in the way!  If it is over the pool table, it would be 6 feet behind me at about 17 feet from the screen.  The throw of the Epson will allow a distance like that, with a relatively small screen (92 or 96 diagonal).

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #11 on: 28 Dec 2012, 09:47 pm »
If I understand correctly, the pool table will be between the PJ and the screen?
If so, you may not find that to be very comfortable. That's going to put the image being projected at eye height while you're walking around the table. Am I understanding that correctly?

Big Red Machine

Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #12 on: 28 Dec 2012, 10:10 pm »
i have a pj for sale


Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #13 on: 28 Dec 2012, 11:39 pm »
Bob, the pool table area is behind the HT.  The table runs perpendicular to the HT, so a long rail goes past where I will sit.

The PJ could be hung at the break end of the table, which is about 6 feet behind the main HT chair.

So, the PJ would fire over my head, past me to the screen.

I will post some pics, to give a general sense of the space, but be warned it is raw and a mess due to my kids at Xmas!

Big Red, I will ping you to see what is up!


Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #14 on: 29 Dec 2012, 12:06 am »
Here is a shot from the pool table, past where the main HT chair would be, and towards where the screen will be - the white wall is where a previous owner of the house shot his PJ.  I am thinking the same wall, as that would allow for pool and HT in the same room once in a while, and more importantly would have the front speakers facing the pool table, so at least I could enjoy tunes while playing pool.

Here is a shot from the proposed screen end, back towards the pool table.  Imagine a chair between you and the pool table, and facing you and that will be the main HT chair.

Lastly, here is a shot of where the PJ would go - roughly in line with the pool light, and over the pool table, firing to the right of this pic, towards the white wall - this is an area that no head would ever hit the PJ.  I am only 5'8, but my best friend is 6'8 and I have many at 6'4 and up, so I am looking to efficiently use my ceiling for them!  If I place the PJ roughly over the main HT chair, folks could hit their head on it potentially.

So, the real question is - while seated in that main HT chair, will my head be in the way?

How about pool players walking around the table?  From what I see online, I would think the stream of light would pass over the HT chair, and potentially the pool players (at least those my height!).

I doubt that it would often happen that the PJ would run and folks would play pool, but it would be nice to figure out if it can work or not.

Currently, there is 92 inches from cement floor to bottom of the joists.  We intend on a subfloor (dricore or similar) and a finished drywall ceiling (likely using Z channel on the bottom of the joists).  There will be a bulkhead running the full length of the basement parallel to the PJ light stream, where you can see the large steel beam and HVAC run in the photo.  That area will be shorter, but I am not yet clear.  I am betting a floor to bulkhead height of just about 6'7 (with associated apologies to my very tall best friend!) as it is around 82 inches in current form.

« Last Edit: 29 Dec 2012, 06:26 pm by mcgsxr »

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #15 on: 29 Dec 2012, 01:05 am »
Ok, great. That helps a lot.
I think you're going to have 'heads' in your screen. Not that anybody will be performing critical viewing during a billiards game, but the pool players will get the full brunt of the lumen output of the PJ, right in their eyes. Especially your really tall friends. The 8350 is a bright SOB. Trust me.  :duh:

One thing you could do is run a string from where the lens would be, down to the lower left corner* of where the screen would be.
Then, you could walk around the room and see where the string hits you in the head.

Not sure I'm making myself clear. I've had a nip of some dry red liquid.  :wink:


* I'm saying lower left corner, based on the assumption I have the correct "picture" of your planned room layout. THe lower left corner being the most "invaded" corner.


Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #16 on: 30 Dec 2012, 03:13 pm »
Had a group of friends and their kids over yesterday. 

Had a pool game going, and the kids were watching a movie on the other side of the unfinished space. 

Based on that experience, and observing how folks circle the table playing, I agree that the PJ cannot go over the pool table. 

I will mount it over the main HT chair, about 10-11 feet from the screen.  That will allow total billiard freedom, and will facilitate movie watching (or Superbowl, hockey, March Madness) if necessary. 

It also opens up PJ choices, as that distance, and my expected screen size allow for a few other PJ's into the mix.

Now, to get the plumber over to discuss the drain and basement floor work that will kick off the room build.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: $1000 PJ recommendations?
« Reply #17 on: 30 Dec 2012, 08:51 pm »
Good deal Mark.  :thumb: