Need advice on my RWA system....

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LA mitchell

Need advice on my RWA system....
« on: 12 Jul 2012, 09:14 pm »
Hi all,

So I have an original Sig 30 and I do love its sound.

I just got a few extra bucks and was wondering what direction to go in next.... do I go for a Sig-15 (love the fact that it has a tube in it) or do I keep my original sig 30 and go for an Isabellina (new one with tube).

I guess I'm wondering how much of a jump in sound it would be to go from Original Sig 30 (partially upgraded to 30.2) to a Sig 15.  Any help/advice is much appreciated!



Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #1 on: 13 Jul 2012, 04:58 am »
The answer to your question conceivably lies in the source component(s) you own now, and what you might wish to do to upgrade in the future.  It's not clear what you are currently using (am I incorrect in assuming that it is a CD player/transport?).  If that is the case, and you do not intend on getting inefficient speakers and/or a server I think the best option would be to go for the Signature 15...and never look back.

On the other hand (oops, I'm sounding a bit too much like Tevye) if your ultimate goal is to move to computer-based audio then I believe the better move would be to add the Isabellina instead.  That also gives you the flexibility to upgrade to high-resolution playback at a later date, if you wind up with more money burning a hole in your pocket. :)

It will interesting to find out which option you will choose. :dunno:


LA mitchell

Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jul 2012, 11:43 am »
Hey Profbratsch,

Thanks for your thoughts, man.  I went ahead and placed the order for the Sig 15. I like the way you said "never look back" because I don't want to turn into a gear-swapper (not that there's anything wrong with that, I just wanna get the "right" sound and enjoy some tunes while I'm doing stuff around the apartment).

It said something about "wait time 2" when I did my checkout, so if that means 2 weeks or whatever, I guess I gotta go to work and get my mind off the SIG 15 until it gets here. If I can get enough work (I'm a freelance boom-operator) maybe I can get that Isabellina in a few months....  (that RWA sound is kinnna addictive, eh?? lol)

Thanks again,



Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jul 2012, 03:44 pm »
You are quite welcome, and I really hope you enjoy your Signature 15 :singing:

"Getting the right sound" is a pretty subjective phrase but you will have many more ways of approaching that goal through tube rolling.  Stick with stock until you get the sound of Vinnie's tube circuit in your head.

My eyes must be getting bad but I had trouble reading the label on your speakers. :o  Are they Silverlines?  If so you made a great choice!  Alan Yun has come up with a number of fabulous designs.  His sound concept tends to border on the warmer sound of neutral, so if you eventually wish to go for a more clarity...and have additional funds for a pricier might try the Siemens CCa, perhaps even getting it cryoed.  VERY low distortion and bass extension, and you will commonly find a bunch of them on the 'Gon or eBay...unfortunately with an enormously wild swing in price range!

If the prices are too rich for your budget there is a MUCH less expensive tube, one which I am actually using in my RWA gear.  They are Voskhod 6N23Ps and you can purchase them for the cost of a good dinner...or less.  I had Vinnie install them in my gear and he was quite impressed upon the first listen to that particular tube.

In the long term if you decide to add the Isabellina, and you have any thoughts of adding headphones to your system (your neighbors might appreciate that gesture when your listening session takes you to 2AM :lol:) I would suggest you wait until you can afford the HPA version of the DAC.  I have the balanced headphone stage in my Isabella and it drives my Hifiman HE-6 cans exceptionally well (and they are not the most efficient).  If you listen primarily to pop and rock you would be more than happy with Audeze headphones matched with an Isabellina HPA.

See how easy it is for me to spend your money? :green:

LA mitchell

Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #4 on: 19 Jul 2012, 08:29 pm »
Thanks for the advice Profbratsch. I just got my shipping # (had some paypal problems that I finally worked through). 

I feel relieved that I won't have to concentrate on all the different brands/components out there. My mind is fatigued from playing "guess which component would sound best with this other component". It's been an interesting journey for the last two years, but I gotta hang up my wanna-be audiophile-hat.... too mentally taxing for me.... I plan to enjoy a leisurely stroll on the RWA upgrade path, and I very much look forward to each step.


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Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #5 on: 19 Jul 2012, 11:11 pm »
I'm a freelance boom-operator
How does one get started in that?

LA mitchell

Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #6 on: 20 Jul 2012, 12:59 am »
just bought some equipment, found someone to mentor me, and started getting gigs :?


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Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #7 on: 20 Jul 2012, 01:01 am »
just bought some equipment, found someone to mentor me, and started getting gigs :?
WOW.   :o


Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #8 on: 20 Jul 2012, 03:10 pm »
Good luck to you. I started with the original Sig 30 myself. Then went through its natural upgrade path to 30.2 LFP-V. Now on to the Sig 15. Each step has been meaningful. You are jumping a few iterations, so the improvement should be even more dramatic.

IMO tubes matter. But as you may have gathered, some may help and others may not be a fit for your speakers or musical tastes. If in doubt on a tube to fit your needs, send Vinnie a note re. your gear and what you most crave from a potential tube swap.

What are your primary sources? I love the Isabellina DAC (mine has headphones out too). I've also heard the new RWA ProDac, so that is on my current wish-list as an upgrade for my HPA.

Cheers! Kent

LA mitchell

Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #9 on: 22 Jul 2012, 06:35 am »
Hey Kent, I've been reading your past posts with GREAT INTEREST.  I will probably be seeking specific RWA upgrade advice from you in the near future if you don't mind :)


Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #10 on: 22 Jul 2012, 01:06 pm »
Hey Kent, I've been reading your past posts with GREAT INTEREST.  I will probably be seeking specific RWA upgrade advice from you in the near future if you don't mind :)
Sure. You should be able to send PM via Audio Circle.

Vinnie R.

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Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #11 on: 22 Jul 2012, 09:10 pm »
just bought some equipment, found someone to mentor me, and started getting gigs :?

Nice - sometimes you just gotta jump on in, right?  8)

LA mitchell

Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #12 on: 31 Jul 2012, 07:04 am »

if you decide to add the Isabellina, and you have any thoughts of adding headphones to your system (your neighbors might appreciate that gesture when your listening session takes you to 2AM :lol:) I would suggest you wait until you can afford the HPA version of the DAC.  I have the balanced headphone stage in my Isabella and it drives my Hifiman HE-6 cans exceptionally well (and they are not the most efficient).  If you listen primarily to pop and rock you would be more than happy with Audeze headphones matched with an Isabellina HPA.

Hey Profbratsch,

I really like listening to 2 channel (at low volumes), but there are times when I think I should do your suggestion and get some good HEADPHONES as well as the ISABELLINA HPA.... like when my girlfriend is sleeping, or she's RANTING about something and I want to IGNORE her  :banghead:

The thing that worries me, is that if I spend this extra THOUSAND BUCKS on the HPA and then another chunk of change on some LCD2's, i might end up feeling GUILTY when I am NOT using them (because all that expense is just sitting there).  Do you find yourself using the headphones vs speakers equally?

Thanks in advance for your response.


Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #13 on: 31 Jul 2012, 05:02 pm »
The thing that worries me, is that if I spend this extra THOUSAND BUCKS on the HPA and then another chunk of change on some LCD2's, i might end up feeling GUILTY when I am NOT using them (because all that expense is just sitting there).  Do you find yourself using the headphones vs speakers equally?

I listen primarily to speakers but I had Vinnie equip my Isabella to have the flexibility of private listening.  There may eventually be a time where I cannot play symphonic music or movie soundtracks without incurring the wrath of my neighbors.  :nono:  Sometimes my better half can get a bit "oversaturated" with listening, so headphones come in very handy. :inlove:

If the LCD-2 is a must-have I do not think you have to feel guilty about purchasing them.  They will sell quickly on the 'Gon or Head-fi and you should be able to recoup most of your money, should you decide that cans are not for you.

Hope we can hear about more of your impressions of the Signature 15.  Enjoy!


Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #14 on: 2 Aug 2012, 02:05 am »
Hey Profbratsch,

I really like listening to 2 channel (at low volumes), but there are times when I think I should do your suggestion and get some good HEADPHONES as well as the ISABELLINA HPA.... like when my girlfriend is sleeping, or she's RANTING about something and I want to IGNORE her  :banghead:

The thing that worries me, is that if I spend this extra THOUSAND BUCKS on the HPA and then another chunk of change on some LCD2's, i might end up feeling GUILTY when I am NOT using them (because all that expense is just sitting there).  Do you find yourself using the headphones vs speakers equally?

Thanks in advance for your response.
After many years of letting audio sit on the sideline, it was the purchase of my first iPod 7 years ago that drew me back into the addiction. My quest began on Headfi, for IEMs (Ety 4Ps) and then grew into headphones (Senn 650s). Next big step was to AKG K1000s just about the time AKG discontinued this fantastic product. The next couple steps get interesting...

So now I'm sitting on a fairly pricy, yet uninspiring 2ch system (Ayre V3, Vandersteen 2W sub, Wadia 830 CDP and Acoustic Energy AE-1 monitors), and begin a quest for an amp to drive the K1000s earspeakers...

After ordering a First Watt F1, a headfier sends a PM about a new amp from RWA called the Sig 30, that just won some award from 6moons. After a call to Vinnie, I agree to let him ship a Sig 30 so I can run it side by side with the F1.

Bottom line is the headphones (Sig 30 / K1000s) are addicting (addictive???), and I'm back in love with listening to music -- even more so than my 2ch rig. Next big step I make the connection that many RWA customers also have single driver speakers from Omega, and that is when things get really interesting...

So now I'm listening near-field to Omega single drivers on RWA, and the end of the game is now in sight and I've never looked back.

Bottom line is I have the HPA and a nice set of headphones (now AKG 701s). I've also spent many hours with friends owning very pricy headphone rigs including mega-buck Stax electrostats and LCD-2s.

While I will never deny that headphones are great for private listening or not disturbing the neighbors, I'm now 100% convinced that no headphone rig, regardless of brand or price can ever be as real or fulfilling as 2 ch done right. Dynamics, soundstage, detail, bass, you name it... no headphone rig can do what great 2 ch is capable of doing. Fine print...

Like I said, headphones have their place, and a product like HPA makes both headfi and 2ch possible (I even run my Blueray though the HPA Isabellina DAC for movies). But in the right room, with the right gear, and with the proper set up, 2 channel has the potential to bring listening to a whole 'nother level. I will say this another way...

For months, maybe years I read headfi posts and got all jazzed about what they had to say about headphones. But making the move to RWA, single drivers and now a nice room with acoustic treatments has led me to the conclusion that good or great is relative to what you've experienced. Compared to the 2ch rigs (or surround sound) rigs many of these guys had / have heard, a good headfi rig may seem like heaven. But some of us know that utopia is still a few notches higher.

Not trying to brag or be a snob. But I must admit that my eyes have been opened and now I'm spoiled. But IMO that's a good thing.

Lesson for you or others (IMO): Headphones are great, and even take away issues like room acoustics. You might even be able to argue that for the money, a good set of headphones is hard to beat. BUT, if you have the money and the room, IMO you should know that headphones can get you as close to good 2ch as good 2ch can get you to a live performance (if that makes sense?). It's all relative.

The other lesson is that within money constraints, IMO investments in products like Sig 15s and HPAs are wonderful building blocks no matter when your budget or tastes may bring you in terms of speakers / headphones. I have multiple decades on you, so I've had a chance to try a few things and blow a few bucks along the way. But the one area I've invested money that I've always felt was an exceptional value has been RWA for seven years now (and honestly, Omega too for making a great speaker at a great value for the way I listen). Your milage may vary. Current rig...

Sig 15
Macbook via USB
Omega Super 6 monitors (nearfield)
Omega Deep Hemp sub
AKG 701s
A room well treated with GIK sound panels including tricorners, first reflection and 4 of their mega bass traps (don't recall the model name)


LA mitchell

Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #15 on: 2 Aug 2012, 08:49 am »
Yo Kent,

Thanks for the exceptional post. I'm grateful that you share your years of experience.  You really answered my headphone question in a very-easy-to-understand way with your analogy.

Got my eye on that Isabellina for the "tone & timbre" you had used to describe it on one of your posts. And tone/timbre is more important for my listening habits than soundstage is (although I do appreciate a good soundstage). 

One other thing: I love the sound of my Sig 15 and even though I prefer it to the first-gen Sig 30 I just sold.... I wish I could have afforded to keep her around, to me the sound was special in it's own way. Kind of like missing an ex-girlfriend and wishing she could stop by occasionally  :shh: lol



Re: Need advice on my RWA system....
« Reply #16 on: 4 Aug 2012, 11:36 am »
Since I live in a condo I do most of my listening with headphones. I have to say the Isabellina HPA is a superb sounding unit and one which will provide you with many hours of happy listening.

If I may suggest you try the HiFiMAN HE5 (orthodynamic at about $600) or HE300 (dynamic at about $250), both sound way beyond their MSRP and can be found for less in the used market. If you choose Vinnie's class A balanced headphone out you could get for about $100 a balanced out cable from Head Direct (retailer of HiFiMAN) to fit both the HE5 and the HE300.

Good luck.