Interesting - I have been playing with trying to get my MMG's (which originally came with the 2.2mH and 12 uf cap) to sound right (like Quads).
I have tried various "cheap" caps such as Solen, ClarityCap, Jantzen.
Using the same values of caps and switching between brands, the Solens (which are all really old (and therefore have been broken in for 20 years)) sound great - much more detail and "bite" and "attack" the HF than the others.
The Clarity Cap PX sound "slow" and "hollow" and "syrupy" and muffled.
The Jantzen Standard Z-caps sound "aluminum-foily" and "boxy" and sort of "springy" (weird).
Anyway - I have not gone to any effort to "break in" the new caps (Clarity and Jantzen). How would one go about breaking them in "on the bench"? What would the benefits be?
My latest iteration is a big coil (like 3.0mH) on the LF panel and a 12/db oct on the HF producing a big "HOLE" in the midrange - my MMGs at least need a HUGE cut somewhere around 6,7,8,9 hundred Hz, and doing that does it.