What equipment are you currently working on?

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Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #40 on: 22 Apr 2009, 01:48 pm »
:lol:  :thumb:


Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #41 on: 22 Apr 2009, 04:33 pm »
I smell competition for well regarded Kaplan line of products. :lol: :lol:

Mariusz :thumb:

Absafriggn'lootly, I can't wait to see what Levi comes up with for powercords. 8)

Levi - Nice addition of the parallel capacitor filter :thumb: How does it compare in listening tests to your Blue Circle powerbar with its own built in parallel capacitor filter?
TIA -Paul


Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #42 on: 22 Apr 2009, 04:45 pm »
Thanks Paul.  I have not done any listening test. 

I am happy with the modified Hammond powerbar (Blue Circle).  I am planning on installing the CablePro in my son's room.



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Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #43 on: 22 Apr 2009, 05:04 pm »
I am not really a tweaker. 

Here is my recent project.  Please don't ask me for details as this is a fairly simple tweak.

It started as a CablePro NoiseTrapper

Then I added snake oil  :lol:

So far so good.  No smoke or fires comes out when I plugged it in.  It is a much lower noise floor :thumb:


Sure looks like you're becoming a tweekfreak to me Levi. :dance: Hey, how about a couple large Bybee's on the ends of the hot/neutral wires coming off the IEC Levi. Better yet, make it 3 large Bybee's and include the ground also. Try it, you'll like it. I did. :thumb:



Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #44 on: 22 Apr 2009, 05:11 pm »
Bybee on the Earth GND?  Now thats funny. 


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Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #45 on: 22 Apr 2009, 05:28 pm »
Bybee on the Earth GND?  Now thats funny. 

Talk to Wayne Waananen of Bolder Cable.  :o

Or just laugh. :lol:



Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #46 on: 22 Apr 2009, 06:43 pm »
What does it do?  When does electricity flow through it?


Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #47 on: 22 Apr 2009, 07:09 pm »
Guys, if you want to discuss the merits of bybees, please don't use this thread to do it, with all due respect.  Levi was right to share his project, but discussion on bybees belongs elsewhere (one can hope not the lab for my sake).  :icon_lol:


Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #48 on: 22 Apr 2009, 07:45 pm »
Currently in the design phase:

EL84 SE amp using 6j6 as driver tube.


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Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #49 on: 22 Apr 2009, 07:56 pm »
Guys, if you want to discuss the merits of bybees, please don't use this thread to do it, with all due respect.  Levi was right to share his project, but discussion on bybees belongs elsewhere (one can hope not the lab for my sake).  :icon_lol:

Sorry Josh, my posts saw a simple off the cuff suggestion for Levi only and wasn't meant to be a topic of discussion. That's why I referred sts9fan's comments to (a much more informed than I) Wayne Waananen for more info. Evidently that suggestion wasn't adequate enough, I had no intention of taking it any further than that myself. :D



Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #50 on: 22 Apr 2009, 09:42 pm »
I'm in the planning stages for an all DHT headphone amp, I have the cases (large baking pans from the flea market) picked out & painted plus all the transformers, capacitors & chokes I'll ever need.  I just need to decide which tubes I want to use and see if I can pick up a stash of nice sleeper tubes for cheap.




Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #51 on: 23 Apr 2009, 12:50 am »
Finished. But will try few more tweaks and recommendations from fellow members in the future.
I am not sure if this project qualifies to be in this thread  :dunno:- if not, sorry. Some of the build progress can be viewed in my gallery.

Mariusz :thumb:


Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #52 on: 23 Apr 2009, 12:34 pm »
I'm planning on building a headphone amp soon. Thinking of the Millet Mini-Max with some boutique upgrades (of course). Beezar.com is pulling together a kit to make it easy and source all parts and plans from just one vendor.

Unless of course someone has another suggestion that they feel may be better than the Mini-Max?



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Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #53 on: 23 Apr 2009, 08:33 pm »
Two projects now well under construction:

First is a Millet Minimax headamp.  With a little help from my dad over the past few days I was able to get the entire board stuffed and soldered, except for the 1n4148 diode, which Mouser sent me an SMT version of.  Once that's in, then it's time to wire it all up and mount it in the custom Lansing enclosure.  Tweaks are Black Gate NX s for output and cathode bypass caps, with no film bypasses, 15 ohm Audio Note tantalums for the output resistors, Vampire RCA jacks and OCC litz braided wiring to board, Herbie's baby booties for feet, and a Maple thingamabob for the volume knob.  No LEDs.

Second is the Bottlehead s.e.x. amp -- finishing mechanical construction of top plate, gluing up temporary base, and just received 2 .1 uF Ampohm tin foil PIOs for coupling caps, and two Ampohm 2.2 uF metal polys for parafeed caps.

Nickel pinstrip MQ iron is on order, and CCS boards are next.

I'm building this bone stock to start, then slowly upgrading and tweaking as I go along.  This will eventually be the headphone amp for the bedroom, and will also drive the zigmahornets that will live there too.

Wish I could take some pics because the minimax board is quite dense and I'm kind of proud how it turned out so far.

-- Jim


Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #54 on: 30 Apr 2009, 02:50 pm »
Newest project:

Peter Millet's Low-Mu preamp.


Mine is going to be a single in/dual out (I only use 2 sources and really want to put some nice RCAs and really would rather not have a switch...)

I have ordered as top notch as I can afford for parts, still need to get the power transformer, choke, chassis, and RCAs.

Tubes will be EH 6CA7H for CCS, Svetlana Winged =C= 6as7, and EH 5U4GB got rectifier.

I am really looking forward to hearing this thing.


Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #55 on: 30 Apr 2009, 09:36 pm »

I'm up in south Forsyth county, near 141 and McGuiness Ferry, just over the Fulton county border. Coincedence.... I'm currently putting together an interperetation of Pete's Low-Mu preamp myself. I have the chassis and top plate done and am currently wiring it all together. I've taken some liberties with the power supply.

If you ever want to toch base and compare notes drop me a line

I'm also putting together bits for a DAC (AD1865 non oversamplung) and my new phono section (2 6C45p/ LCR/ E188CC) is about at
about 80% done.

Last but not least, I'm just starting to eyeball and researching doing up a Schroeder clone tonearm for a 401 I've just acquired.

Jeff Davison

Newest project:

Peter Millet's Low-Mu preamp.


Mine is going to be a single in/dual out (I only use 2 sources and really want to put some nice RCAs and really would rather not have a switch...)

I have ordered as top notch as I can afford for parts, still need to get the power transformer, choke, chassis, and RCAs.

Tubes will be EH 6CA7H for CCS, Svetlana Winged =C= 6as7, and EH 5U4GB got rectifier.

I am really looking forward to hearing this thing.


Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #56 on: 1 May 2009, 12:51 am »
Oh wow!

I have a Buffalo DAC that I still need to put together.  :icon_lol:

Here are some parts: (for the preamp)


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Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #57 on: 2 May 2009, 10:42 am »
I have a project that I never seem to get around to finishing but hopefully completion won't be too far off now  Some time ago I bought two 15 watt Class A amp kits which were on special from one of the local Australian electronics suppliers.  The reason for this particular amp being chosen was a) it was cheap, and b) it has the remarkable THD specs of just 0.00006%! 

I then bulit up one of these amps using the standard industrial grade components.  The second amp has been built using premium "boutique" parts which I sourced mainly over internet from people's leftover parts which were surplus to their requirements.  These parts include Caddock 132's and Vishay RN60 resistors and the caps are mainly Elna Cerafines plus a couple of Black Gates for the amp boards.

The power uses high speed soft recovery diodes, RN60's and Nichicon Muse power supply caps whilst the other uses standard "no name" generic caps and resistors.

The PCB's are now complete and I now need to build some chassis to house these amps.  I intend on using identical chassis and then conduct some listening tests to see what effect the premium parts have on the sonics.  My reasoning is that with such low distortion specs any parts differences should be readily apparent.  Having two identical chassis should make it a more conclusive test as this should enable me to audition the two amps without knowing which amp is which and so provide an objective listening test.

I will post the results once everything has been finished and the listening tests done.




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Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #58 on: 3 May 2009, 05:09 am »
I have just realised that this proposed project of mine is illegal on this circle and therefore I retract my previous post.  I really should have thought it more before writing up such a post, my apologies for this inadvertant error.



Re: What equipment are you currently working on?
« Reply #59 on: 3 May 2009, 05:17 am »
Why would it be illegal?  Enlighten us.