Welcome to "The Musicians Circle"--play an instrument, hum a tune, stop on by!!

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Welcome to "The Musicians Circle" All Audio Circle rules apply and no personal attack of any sort will be tolerated (My stage name was Fast Eddie so don't be shocked if I yank your post and tell you about it because its over the top and objectionable)  Feel free to post about your musical experience and how it enhances or detracts from your listening experience and influences your audio gear purchases, setup etc.. Don't be afraid to tell everyone about the wild experience you had while playing or expect to have in an upcoming gig or basement jam session...I will, thats the fun of it all.

 I'll be your cruise director and my name is Ed (eclein) and I started playing drums when I was 10, I'm now 53 and played last week for kicks...music is Life! :banana piano: :violin: :drums: :guitar: :dance:
« Last Edit: 2 Mar 2011, 04:43 am by eclein »


Well, this should keep you busy! Thanks for starting this up. I started playing guitar when I was 11. Joined numerous garage bands in my high school years. Learned to fix tube amps to keep the band going and ended up amking a career out of it. Pretty typical stuff.

Current collection: Gibson SG, Fender Strat, Ovation acoustic, and a frankenamp - twin 10"s with 6550 outputs.

Play for fun now.


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  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
We need pics of the frankenamp??
I always liked the look of SG's....I played with a band called "Tha Band With No Future"...best bunch of guys ever...no pressure...we had a bench out front for subs to come in...LOL


I'll post some soon.

Great band name. We shared a gig with "The Minnesota Barking Ducks" - still my favorite band name. We had various names as well and we had a revolving door of players - whoever had some equipment!


I'm excited about this one. . .



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  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
Welcome Paul...guys if you have ideas for stuff to talk about please post them...I was thinking of making a list of good concert blu-rays and DVd's that as a player you like because the disk shows off the musical talents of certain acts...Jeff Beck Live at Ronnie Scotts comes to mind as he and his fledgling band just smoke, and shred and smoke some tunes some more...

Here is my tip of the week for a CD track that not many may have heard but shines in musicianship and straight up energy...
 Larry Carlton's first album, track called "Point It Up"...if you listen and don't tap your toes or fling your arms around playing air guitar you may actually be dead...a favorite of mine since its release and my friend Joe Nicolo turned me onto it in the Butcher Brothers first studio--Half Track studios in Wayne PA.....I'm flashing back sorry,LOL....check out Point It Up


Well, here is a different twist. I consider myself a musician but i dont play an instrument. I run the sound board (Yamaha LS9) every Sunday for the band at church. We have a six instrument band and 3 vocals. I consider myself to be as much of the team as anyone, although we sound guys just lurk in the shadow's. Its actually amazing how much i contribute to the oversound by being very passionite about my mix'es. Of course it is a very thankless job and no one has a clue how much i can effect the worship.

Anyway i think my audiophile hobby very much influnces my ability to run and mix sound. Because i have trained my ears to hear the differences between componants and cables and such, it has given me a keen ear for producing a good mix.

Call me crazy but i consider myself a musician.  :green:


Congrats Ed! 

Is it true that drummers can write the number 6 in the air and rotate your leg clockwise at the same time?


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I play the bass but don't consider myself a musician.  I suck!  After 20+ years of it I refuse to say "I"m a bass player". 

 :shake:  My teacher is a musician I just go through the motions.    :cry:

Oh well, I'm good at spending money for audio.   :thumb:


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  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
not me, I'd just end up killing myself with this walker.....LOL.!!!!  Jason-If you own a bass and try to play and have fun with it--your a musician,  trust me on that!! Welcome!!

Sound men are definitely part of the group as far as I'm concerned. I have had a few guys that were just total jerk offs and some who made the whole excercise look effortless.
 (long story alert)
 I remember playing this gig at Swarthmore College, our bass player went there so we played in the outdoor theater that was all grass terraces and stone walls about 3 feet high every so many feet and folks were just partying on these nicely groomed levels of grass and at this point in time Swarthmore students were one of the smartest groups of extremely eccentric folks on the planet, think dancing to an undanceable Grateful Dead song (nothing against the Dead mind you-"Cats Down Under The Stars" was one of my favorite all time shows) but doing so in the aisle of a packed CVS store. So one of the students a physics major was the sound guy and he insisted on miking my drums with mic placements that interfered with my actual playing... he knew exactly how the sound waves would come off these tubs and for sure he was gonna do it the absolute perfect way--forget the fact that the drummer has to stand up to hit a few of the drums that are normally placed so I can rip a 32nd note roll across four or five of them and just rip it up while doing a solo that was quickly gaining some notoriety...he'd place the mics, I'd come back a few minutes later and move them out of the way, he'd eventually see they had moved and walk all the way up to the stage and move them back..... only to really piss me off..  so I'd wait until he started to walk away and when he turned  to make his final approach back to the mixing board I quick move the mics and get out of the way....sound check and he notices, walks up on stage and starts moving them as I'm playing so of course I had to prove my point and hit those babies real hard every chance I got. he backs off a bit but I notive them creeping back into the evil dreaded perfect position and i quik move them 4 or 5 more times when he's not looking..by this time all the band members are following the action and helping keep a look out for the "beast" as things progressively got more comical...at one point he walked backward to the board so his beady little eyes didn't leave the scene of his scientific disruption..... in the end i won  of course as i quielty left the stage after sound check rounded up my travel gig bag ome heinekens for the recess and explained to the promoter i couldn't play today for the hundreds of people pooring into to the lovely out door theater because its quite impossible for any human to successfully perform under such duress when in fact the crew was making it physically impossible for me to get to "my happy place" and I had decided to go home and watch TV...I remember it was a Hogan Heroes Marathon and that seemed like a good excuse.... so we drove off with the manager and many long haired "oh wow man" guys in hot pursuit,,,parked a block away had some Heineken and got ready to play as laughter was the distraction we used to get ready for the show....I don't remember seeing the "beast" any more that day, he was probably locked ina chem lab all day inventing fun things like spandex or teflon or some such thing


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Congratulations on the Circle, this should do well.
I have a good sized guitar collection and play until I get good and then I stop and have to start all over again!
If you have a Post Your Gear thread I'll help clutter it some.

Delta Wave

That's funny, poor, poor chemist perfectionist...  :lol: Don't they realize that the drummers are the token insane ones and not to be trifled with?

I remember playing a huge party one time and we were into it pretty heavy... I'm sure it was something very punk or metal... Anyway the other guitar player was bending down to adjust a pedal and I was jumping around playing my guitar and really getting into the crazy hardcore energy that was our band, as he was getting up to play his part in the song I come crashing down from mid air with the tree trunk of a neck and headstock that was my 72' Electra Les Paul copy and nail him straight on top of his head. He probably needed stitches but eh, we were drunk of course. I think the part that pissed him off the most was that he kicked his beer onto his pedal board when he stumbled. Good times, good times.  :lol:   :rock:


Good job here, maybe i will post some pics of my  83 Rick 4001 ...Yah


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Play guitar just to have fun.

Here is the latest:

Time to try it with RB3 when the MIDI controller arrives. 


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  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
HAL- whats RB3?? I'm not real sharp here of late...LOL or ever...LOL


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Rock Band 3 can now use a MIDI guitar in PRO mode to play in the game!   I have an XBOX360 console.

Now you can play along with your favorite bands for real!   :thumb:


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  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
Nice!!!!!! I have PS3...I enjoy kicking "Bob from St. Louis" all around in Gran Turismo with his cars no less!!!LOL..


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There is a version of RB3 for PS3.

It also has a PRO Mode for drums and keyboards.  It is pretty cool and the sound quality for the tracks is very good. 

There is also an online game play mode for playing with remote members.  Not sure about PS3, but works with XBOX Live Gold here.



I am an amateur musician.  As a young person I played the trumpet from 10 - 18 years of age and I really got into it by answering an advert at school.  I currently play in community based jazz band and another trumpet player who is originally from the US told me that music programs are a lot more advance there compared with Australia.

At 18 years of age my trumpet teacher passed away and I felt that it was an uncool instrument to play.  I really just played brass band music and in the 1970's jazz music wasn't that well known here in Perth.  Anyway, skip about 28 years later I had suffered major knee and back problems and I couldn't participate that well in sport anymore (running across the road was about it for me) I decided I needed a hobby that wasn't going to hurt me anymore (I've had about 8 sporting related surgeries).

I spent quite a bit of money and bought myself a nice godin electric guitar and peavey classic 30 amp.  I had lessons but playing the guitar by ear just didn't make sense to me.  In 2008 the aussie dollar spiked against the US and I decided to buy a nice Getzen semi professional trumpet and get lessons again.  I was really lucky to find a trumpet teacher that put me on the right path with playing.  Fast forward 2.5 years and I play the trumpet better than what I accomplished as a teenager and in the next couple of weeks I'm trying out for a semi professional jazz band  :roll:

Btw I bought myself a Kanstul 1537 professional trumpet a few months ago and it is a ripper.  US manufacturers build really good instruments at very reasonable prices. 

In regard to my audiophile experience I find that I don't listen to my system as much.  I've spent a lot of money on it and to be honest I have imported gear from the US and I have experienced so many problems with my gear.  I always seem to have problems with my amps and aussie voltages.

Sorry for the long post.




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  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
Rod--Welcome and post away, we're musicians here and we just don't tell short stories, I know for me its impossible..I haven't heard of alot of that equipment you mentioned but if it works then good deal..

 Hey- who do you listen to that gets you going?? I just downloaded Jan Garbareks Dresden Concert and although he's a sax guy there is a cat in that circle of players that plays trumpet, he guy who played on "WAVES" by Terje Rypdal...its a complicated Norwegian name I think, or Scandanavian....I'll dig it up, he plays very nice semi avant garde stuff