Open and revealing - I/C's that transfer what the source produces !

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Hi Tuan,

I sent you a PM a while back.  Did it make it into your inbox?


Hi Tuan,

I sent you a PM a while back.  Did it make it into your inbox?

PM Sent...


Hi Tuan,

Could you send me your receipe? How tight a twist do you make each cable? I suppose your receipe will give those details.? Yep, those bullets do make a surprising difference. You ought to hear those Soundbolts of John's with Silver bullets. The main thing I noted between the Silvers and the regular copper Ikemans is the compression is gone, more dynamics, better delineation of everything, as well as better top to bottom resolution. in my particular system, it made a surprising difference almost night and day. Now, this is no exaggeration. YMMV This is in my opinion.

amp is a SKA150D, control Center is a TVC, speakers a pair of 400 dollars from a Company from John Saucoletos. Sorry I know the spelling is wrong. He is known for his speaker designs. Anywho, the DVD player is a Philips bought at of all places, I think Target.

Right now, don't have anything set up, because, my wife and I are staying with relatives til we can get back on our feet.

Might just try my hand at building a pair. Now, being a blind person, you will have to get a bit more descriptive than normal. You mentioned speaker cabling as well as power cord?

Ray Bronk

Hi there, how did the i/c work for you?  Did you build it?
if so, what was your result?


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Hi Tuan,

Could you send me your receipe? How tight a twist do you make each cable? I suppose your receipe will give those details.? Yep, those bullets do make a surprising difference. You ought to hear those Soundbolts of John's with Silver bullets. The main thing I noted between the Silvers and the regular copper Ikemans is the compression is gone, more dynamics, better delineation of everything, as well as better top to bottom resolution. in my particular system, it made a surprising difference almost night and day. Now, this is no exaggeration. YMMV This is in my opinion.

amp is a SKA150D, control Center is a TVC, speakers a pair of 400 dollars from a Company from John Saucoletos. Sorry I know the spelling is wrong. He is known for his speaker designs. Anywho, the DVD player is a Philips bought at of all places, I think Target.

Right now, don't have anything set up, because, my wife and I are staying with relatives til we can get back on our feet.

Might just try my hand at building a pair. Now, being a blind person, you will have to get a bit more descriptive than normal. You mentioned speaker cabling as well as power cord?

Ray Bronk

Hi there, how did the i/c work for you?  Did you build it?
if so, what was your result?

Hi Tuan,

It has been a busy month or two. We had to help my sister-in-waw move because they lost there management job of some aparments. they had only thirty days to do the move. They had about 90 days worth of stuff to move in 30 days. then afther that, my wife and I moved back here to Tucson. So gotta go in to the circle's profile and correct that info.

So to your answer, at the moment no. All my equipment is in storage. So that's the story at the moment. Will try this IC once I get settled.

Ray Bronk


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Hey Ray whats up. If you think the Silver Bullets are good try the WBT Nextgens [ silver]. Another leauge. Expensive but IMO worth every penny.



Hey Ray whats up. If you think the Silver Bullets are good try the WBT Nextgens [ silver]. Another leauge. Expensive but IMO worth every penny.


Charles I am sure the WBT nextgens are amazing...but they are really really expensive...The Bullets are nice, I have some copper ones I use, but all my cables that I make and use for myself are just the Switchcraft RCAs, affordable and, IMHO, does a great job...I don't know if I can tell the difference between them and the, really don't know if I can pick them from the Next Gens.



Hey Ray whats up. If you think the Silver Bullets are good try the WBT Nextgens [ silver]. Another leauge. Expensive but IMO worth every penny.


charles, so, did you go with the Silver Bullets or WBTs?  What was the outcome?


Follow Up...

Hi there, I justed wanted to follow up with those of you that have or are using my cables.  Wanted to see if any of you switched and are now using something else or have stead fast and still use my cables.  If so, I'd like to know your experience, either way... :green:



Also, sorry to announce that I will no longer be giving out the recipe as there have been too much confusion / deviations from it....

Sorry... :duh:




Stay Tuned to the February or possibly March issue of Affordable Audio for a review by Jeff Brown...



  • Industry Participant
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charles, so, did you go with the Silver Bullets or WBTs?  What was the outcome?

  Niether actually. Audio Note silver over copper for $16 each. Very happy.



send us a link to the connector please...intriguingly affordable!


  • Industry Participant
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Stay Tuned to the February or possibly March issue of Affordable Audio for a review by Jeff Brown...


  Cool !  the Parts connection and Highficollective sell them. The price is $17.95 not 16 as I thought, my mistake.  The IC connectors are $34.95 each.



Sonny sent me his latest design. I don't think it's his magnet wire version. Very nice looking cable and it sounds terrific. Open and revealing, but very 'liquid' sounding. One thing I noticed is audience applause on live recordings tended to sound like white noise, with this cable it sounds like people clapping. I'm running it between my DAC and pre. It just seems to play nice w/ my SS pre. I dunno, maybe it's acting like a 'tone' control and lacking ultimate 'truthiness', but I like it. Good job Tuan!


Review Announcement - Affordable Audio!
« Reply #94 on: 10 Mar 2010, 09:31 pm »
Hi All,

I wanted to thank Jeff Brown of Affordable Audio for taking the time and effort to audition a pair of my cables, now called "Sweet Spot Reveal" on the March issue of the Affordable Audio E-Zine.  If you're interested in the review, please click on this link: and go to page 17.



Sonny sent me his latest design. I don't think it's his magnet wire version. Very nice looking cable and it sounds terrific. Open and revealing, but very 'liquid' sounding. One thing I noticed is audience applause on live recordings tended to sound like white noise, with this cable it sounds like people clapping. I'm running it between my DAC and pre. It just seems to play nice w/ my SS pre. I dunno, maybe it's acting like a 'tone' control and lacking ultimate 'truthiness', but I like it. Good job Tuan!

Thanks Joe for the kind words...


BTW: this cable works great for driving good subs. I used to think you could just toss anything in there. I had a hum issues w/ some other cables I had on hand, but none w/ this. Plus the bass seemed much tighter and more articulate.

Tuan is a really classy guy too. I sold him a DOA Adcom amp. I told him he didn't owe me a dime if it didn't work, inc. shipping, but he felt like he needed to send me a cable.


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I have been using a set from my source (Oppo Bd83SE) to my Preamp. A set from the pre-amp to my amp (XLR). They sound great. An additional advantage is in cable management, With all the interconnects I have with multi-channel and stereo, these smaller wires disappear without any loss in SQ. They seem to add more to the extremes top and bottom freq. in my system.

PS These replaced Blue Jeans.


Thanks Harrison...I am glad that the cables are giving you what you wanted from your system!  Again, I think the being an simple design with "no" extra covers or protection on the individual wires or cables as a whole, especially without the 95% shielding braid, it really does allow a lower capacitance and give the signal an "easier" path, as you will, of travel...



I recently took a chance on Tuan's "Sweet Spot Reveal" IC's this last week and I am very happy that I did.

About 6 months ago, I thought (big mistake :roll:) that I was finished gear swapping and I purchased all new IC's from Blue Jean Cable (LC-1) in the lengths I needed.  Since then, only my receiver is the same.  However, the good news is that the gear I have now is giving me the best sound I've ever had.

My latest purchase was a pair of Odyssey Stratos Extreme SE monoblocks.  When I added them to my setup, the sound became a little "liquid" and soft on the top end.  I switched speaker cables and everything seemed to fall into place and I was VERY happy.  I thought things were near perfect and changing anything would only send me in the wrong direction and I'd lose my wonderful sound (it has happened before).

Over the last couple of weeks, I started to feel like the treble was just a bit rolled off and I started to wonder what a more "open" sounding IC would do for my setup.  I remembered that when I added the LC-1's to my setup, I thought I heard a slight decrease in treble.  At the time, I was running brighter sounding gear and my ears seemed to quickly adjust and all was well.  All the gear swapping has caused me to revive the issue.

I did a little searching and started to think that I may try silver IC's or maybe Anti-Cables or the like.  Then I found this thread and figured I'd give Tuan's IC's a listen.

I received them last Monday and I was able to connect them that evening.  Upon first listen, they were obviously more revealing.  I liked some things they did, but not others.  In the interest of giving them a chance, I decided to stick with them until this past Saturday and then switch back to the LC-1's.  I've had times where switching to something new isn't as revealing as switching back to what you had.  So this was my plan.

What I initially tried to like was the extended sounding treble.  The treble seemed more audible and extended, but I started to think it sounded fake or digital in some ways.  The midrange was thinner sounding, but I could hear more overtones and ambiance in the music.  I did start to think vocals were cleaner sounding and still very nice overall.  To be honest, I didn't really think I liked the IC's all that much.

So Saturday rolls around and I decide to make a playlist of 5 or 6 tracks I wanted to use for comparison when I switched back to the LC-1's.  I listened to the playlist a couple of times and swapped my LC-1's back in.

It's funny how switching to something isn't as revealing as switching back.  From the first 10 seconds, the LC-1's sounded dull and lifeless.  I was quickly reminded of why I was looking for something more "open" sounding.  What's really funny is how I went from thinking my setup sounded fantastic with the LC-1's and I wanted something slightly different but now the LC-1's sounded terrible!  I ran through my playlist and immediately swapped Tuan's IC's back in. 

To compare the LC-1's to the Sweet Spot Reveals (SSR):

The SSR's are definitely more open sounding.  The treble has very nice extension and cymbals have a nice metallic shimmer.  One thing that really stands out is triangles.  The LC-1's really dull them out while the SSR's ring them out with perfect clarity.  Vocals are cleaner with extra overtones and more overall ambiance.  I can just simply hear more music.  They also did all of this without ever getting in my face or sounding overly bright. 

To my surprise, I also noticed that the imaging and separation are sharper with the SSR's.  There is just more coherence in the stage.  Instruments and vocalists can clearly be positioned on the stage.  This all leads to more transparency as well, making my speakers better disappear in the room.

I still hear what I think is better upper bass/lower midrange clarity in the LC-1's, but that may be because it's easier to hear because so much else is missing.  There also seems to be a bit more bass with the LC-1's, but again that may be due to the midrange and treble seemly less audible.  It could also be that the bass is "fatter" sounding making it seem like there is more when there really isn't.

So in the end, I'm going to say that the SSR's are the clear (pun intended) winner for me.  It honestly did take me switching back to the LC-1's to really hear the differences.  All I can say is that I'm very happy I tried them and they've made a very nice improvement in a my setup that I already thought was near perfect.  If anyone would like to try a more open sounding IC, the Sweet Spot Reveals should be on your short list. 

One note:  My DAC has the ability to switch from non-oversampling to 96k or 192k oversampling.  For me, the higher the oversampling setting, the brighter the sound can be.  With the LC-1's, I had this setting at 192k.  With the 192k setting, the SSR's sounded a bit fake with cymbals.  I switched the DAC to non-oversampling mode and the sound is near perfect.  I can't say anything sounds fake or digital.  So my case may be a little unique and I had to make this last change to get the SSR's to synergize with my gear.

I'll end by thanking Tuan for putting up with me and my comments via PM's.  Tuan was as professional and objective as anyone I've ever run across in this hobby.  So thanks again Tuan!  :wink: :D