New OS3 to replace Manic Moose

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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #80 on: 18 Aug 2022, 12:01 am »
I think I am straight now fellows and I appreciate everyone's input. What I did was to delete the four Vincent Ingala CD files I imported on the hard drive and re-installed the four CD files. It is now playing like a charm. It cues up instantly and I have no pauses in the music. I think I corrupted the files by the means I imported the music, but I will spare everyone the details but I will say laziness was a factor. :oops: By the way, if you are into smooth jazz, Vincent Ingala is the best out there if you like energy, great recordings and great original compositions. 8)


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #81 on: 2 Mar 2024, 08:28 pm »
Well, about time. Manic Moose is and have always been beta software. I have tried to play Peter Gabriels ”That’ll do” for a couple of years now and it still comes opp with the ”oops” message 👎

Dan H

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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #82 on: 3 Mar 2024, 02:40 pm »
Out of curiosity I just tried the same track on my BR-20. No issue.

I notice from the screen shot of your BDP-2 that "Update / Clear / Consume" appears in the center of your dashboard, just below transport controls and time bar. on my BR-20 the same line appears just above the Now Playing column on the left. Are you running the latest software/firmware versions of MM on your BDP-2?


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #83 on: 3 Mar 2024, 04:24 pm »
I notice from the screen shot of your BDP-2 that "Update / Clear / Consume" appears in the center of your dashboard, just below transport controls and time bar.

That is how Safari renders it on iOS. In my iPad i have it in the center as well while on my macbook it’s on the left.


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #84 on: 8 Mar 2024, 05:45 pm »
That is how Safari renders it on iOS. In my iPad i have it in the center as well while on my macbook it’s on the left.

the UI will adjust itself relative to the height and width available, on an ipad the UI layout changes if you switch between landscape or portrait (the orientation your holding the iPad) or if its a full size iPad or an iPad Mini.



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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #85 on: 8 Mar 2024, 06:04 pm »
the UI will adjust itself relative to the height and width available, on an ipad the UI layout changes if you switch between landscape or portrait (the orientation your holding the iPad) or if its a full size iPad or an iPad Mini.


Any feedback on the OS3 beta?(Chris)
« Last Edit: 9 Mar 2024, 01:40 pm by Highendfool »


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #86 on: 9 Mar 2024, 10:48 am »
the UI will adjust itself relative to the height and width available, on an ipad the UI layout changes if you switch between landscape or portrait (the orientation your holding the iPad) or if its a full size iPad or an iPad Mini.


Thanks Chris, I know that’s a by design behavior. I was just replying to @dan h that it is not related with the Manic Moose version

Dan H

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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #87 on: 9 Mar 2024, 05:26 pm »
Thanks, Alan and Chris, I neglected to consider different browsers. I'm using only MS Edge.

Still odd, though, that that track won't play on Blik9's BDP-2 but presumably has no issues with any other track.


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #88 on: 9 Mar 2024, 07:46 pm »

Also: Ryan Adams ”Big ”Colors” comes up like this. Remarks about landscape/portrait are not very relevant. We’ve been experiencing these kind of serious errors for a long time now. Time to do something about it!

Dan H

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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #89 on: 9 Mar 2024, 08:03 pm »
Blik9, it appears you chose a video file (video.flac). Use the non-video file.


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #90 on: 9 Mar 2024, 08:16 pm »
No this was not the track, it was the album. It’s in my favourites, but the only way to play it is to search for it again in MM and play it from there. Managable, but annoying!

Dan H

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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #91 on: 9 Mar 2024, 08:34 pm »
I see what you mean now.

The first time I selected album it came up with only that video.flac file. I cleared that and searched again and was able to add the entire album.

Don't know if that's a MM problem or a Tital problem.


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #92 on: 15 Mar 2024, 04:35 pm »
Any feedback on the OS3 beta?(Chris)

Just a couple of employees with BR20's have been testing it on and off last couple months, mostly just testing the convenience switching (instead of turning services on and off manual) between Roon Ready, TIDAL Connect, Spotify Connect, Shairport-Sync, etc as there isn't much of a UI yet and what UI does exist is more of a exploration of using the new framework and how it can be leveraged at this point.



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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #93 on: 15 Mar 2024, 04:53 pm »
Just a couple of employees with BR20's have been testing it on and off last couple months, mostly just testing the convenience switching (instead of turning services on and off manual) between Roon Ready, TIDAL Connect, Spotify Connect, Shairport-Sync, etc as there isn't much of a UI yet and what UI does exist is more of a exploration of using the new framework and how it can be leveraged at this point.


Take your time. No rush from me. :icon_lol:


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #94 on: 16 Mar 2024, 02:32 pm »
Take your time. No rush from me. :icon_lol:

Neither for me, as I switched to Audirvana ;-)


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #95 on: 17 Mar 2024, 11:48 pm »
Neither for me, as I switched to Audirvana ;-)

Good for you. If it is worth your paying a subscription fee for a sound better than Roon, fine with me. I’ll stick with the free Manic Moose that sounds better than Roon and suits my needs. :lol: :duh:


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #96 on: 19 Mar 2024, 10:03 pm »

Good for you. If it is worth your paying a subscription fee for a sound better than Roon, fine with me. I’ll stick with the free Manic Moose that sounds better than Roon and suits my needs. :lol: :duh:

Manic Moose is not for free… BR-20 has a price tag of EUR 9870 here (USD 10,700).
Audirvana fee is nothing to have a good usability and a seamless experience and integration between Qobuz and local library.

My 2p


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #97 on: 20 Mar 2024, 02:29 pm »
Please hurry Bryston.  Don't listen to people that don't use the features.  If they are happy using it for local file playback only then they can continue doing so, but every day I see customers jumping ship or avoiding Bryston products altogether because of this ancient software. It was a cool idea 13 years ago.


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #98 on: 20 Mar 2024, 05:03 pm »
Definitly second that. 13 years and still full of bugs. I don’t want to be unkind: I love the Bryston sound, but I think this is kind of disrespectful to the people who chose you.
« Last Edit: 20 Mar 2024, 07:45 pm by Blik9 »


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Re: New OS3 to replace Manic Moose
« Reply #99 on: 20 Mar 2024, 06:37 pm »
Definetly second that. 13 years and still full of bugs. I don’t want to be unkind: I love the Bryston sound, but I think this is kind of disrespectful to the people who chose you.

Exactly my thoughts...
I really want to keep using my 314 but other devices seem quite appealing for me at the moment.
I'm looking towards Lindemann amazing interface