Hi everyone,
I'm currently using an Oppo BDP105 as a SACD transport in my system, connected to my Bryston BDA-3 DAC and BP-26 preamp (sending the digital DSD stream from the Oppo via HDMI to the BDA-3). Until recently this setup delivered the best audio qaulity in my system - better than streaming.
Now I upgraded my streaming chain by replacing a Cambridge Audio CXN v2 with a Bryston BDP-3. Now the audio quality of my streaming chain surpasses the SACD playback in many ways. So I'm looking to upgrade my SACD playback. I see three ways to go:
.) Modding my current Oppo. I think there are still some dealers who offer linear power supplies and better clocks for the Oppo 105, p.e. Oppomod in South Corea. Pros: Can use my existing device, low cost. Cons: Upgrade quality is limited.
.) Get a Oppo 203 and get it modded. Again Oppomod offers the upgrade into a "ultimate SACD transport". Pros: Best quality while continuing using the BDA-3 as a DAC. Cons: expensive, needs new (used) device and some effort, wrong color.
.) Switching to a standalone SACD player. Give up the use of the BDA-dac for SACD and buy a standalone player from Accuphase, Esoteric or another good brand (of course used, I buy only second hand). Pros: Could surpasse the BDA-3 dac. Bad: Expensive and - good or bad - totally new sound signature.
That's it. Which way would you go? Can you think of a different and better approach? How do you handle SACD playback in a Bryston-based system?
Note: I'm located in Europe. I cant buy an already modded Oppo in the US because the power supply wouldnt fit. I looked for Oppo modders who are still in the business and provide gear that I can used in Europe but couldnt find much. ModWright p.e. doesnt do Oppo anymore so it seems.
Thank you for all your advice, and Happy New Year!