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« Reply #80 on: 2 Jul 2017, 01:29 pm »
Yes thanks - this system sounds amazing - but I am told we are doomed to failure.  :duh:


What else can your competition say? That you are going in the right direction and they aren't?
Leaders always have a target on their back, I'm sure you'll manage :D

James Tanner

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« Reply #81 on: 3 Jul 2017, 06:04 pm »
Hi James,

Greetings from Italy.


Everything arrived safe and sound. And I must admit, the Middle T's Active as well as the 4B3s are simply magnificent!

I will send you some pictures soon.

Best regards,

James Tanner

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« Reply #82 on: 4 Jul 2017, 06:16 pm »
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT:  Bryston Active Model T’s with BAX Crossover


First impressions..... My Model T’s with new BAX Active Crossover

Two words:  Extremely impressive! 

Much better than I would have ever imagined possible.  You are rivalling my love of ESL mids and highs with outstanding bass. 

Perhaps the best overall setup that I have owned...and I have owned a lot of various speaker technologies.  Very few with an acceptable WAF.

The Tri-amping I have done over the last three years on my Model T’s was an improvement over the passive Signature crossover but the BAX is night and day better, and I am the first to admit I was as skeptical as they come.

Of course the engineer in me wants to understand how is this possible?  Lol. My guess is the phase alignment of the drivers is much better with the BAX. 

The pro crossover equipment I have used has no such real capability except for a crude time delay of crossover curves to account for different driver locations in a venue.

So far I am just using the default settings.  I used the user interface for 10 minutes to fiddle but just reset everything back to flat for now. 

Time for that beer! 



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« Reply #83 on: 6 Jul 2017, 02:21 am »
Like others in this forum I firmly believe that the traditional crossover has reached the end of its technological life.   

At some point in the future I look forward for a better technical explanation as to what magic your BAX is doing! 
So far I am just using the default settings and very much enjoying the great sound stage. 


James Tanner

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« Reply #84 on: 6 Jul 2017, 10:11 am »
Thanks Drew

As I have said before the thing I love about offering these Active systems where the speaker and active crossover are designed specifically as a matching pair is they really do take the performance to a better quality level.



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« Reply #85 on: 7 Jul 2017, 12:17 am »
Listening to the Signature Ts playing Roger Walters's The Wall at 95 dBa according to the B&K SPL meter.  The 7Bs are cooking but the sound is just FANTASTIC.  Deep and clear.  Not a hint of over driving distortion.  Absolutely amazing.  A concert in my living room........

James Tanner

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« Reply #87 on: 13 Jul 2017, 08:44 pm »
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Saskatoon – Model T Active Setup

July 2017

Hi Folks,

Great Bryston Active speaker setup and sound at our dealer in Saskatoon.

Hi James,
I have attached a recent picture of the active system in the Bryston Room.

It is absolutely fantastic as the performance is profoundly realistic with rich deep bass, liquid midrange and air in the top.

Any album I have put on has been fantastic!
David Puls
Pulsworks Audio Arts

James Tanner

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« Reply #88 on: 15 Jul 2017, 02:39 pm »
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT:  Bryston Model T Active – Tom in Singapore

July, 2017

Thanks James!

I just played my new Bryston BAX-1 Digital Active Crossover on my Model T Signatures for a short while...

Absolutely superb!

It’s such a refined and polished sound now...and the sound stage and detail is incredible...

It’s not like day and night compared to the passive Xovers...which speaks a lot for the excellent quality of the passives...But it’s a whole new level now in terms of resolution and detail...


Later...I played my MD collection...all from Radion recordings over 20 years...and I never heard this kind of detail...details I have never heard before...complete a veil has lifted!

By the way, the Hana cartridge also came for my BLP-1 Bryston Turntable ...and it sounds great out of the box ...superbly balanced sound...exactly what I was missing all the time.

Cheers and thanks for making it happen James!

Best regards,
Tom in Singapore

James Tanner

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« Reply #89 on: 18 Jul 2017, 12:57 pm »
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT:  Bryston Model T Active – Vancouver Audio Show

July, 2017

Hi James,

I recently had the opportunity to hear the latest Bryston Active Model T system at the Vancouver Hifi Centre Audio Fest.

I am particularly interested in the Middle T.

Other than the main speakers in a 5.1 set up, are there any special connection regarding the other speakers? I am thinking of using the Mini T for rears/surrounds as well as the Mini T centre Do you foresee any issues going that route?

The sound quality with the Bryston Active Model T was truly one of a kind.



« Reply #90 on: 18 Jul 2017, 01:41 pm »
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT:  Bryston Model T Active – Vancouver Audio Show

July, 2017

Hi James,

I recently had the opportunity to hear the latest Bryston Active Model T system at the Vancouver Hifi Centre Audio Fest.

I am particularly interested in the Middle T.

Other than the main speakers in a 5.1 set up, are there any special connection regarding the other speakers? I am thinking of using the Mini T for rears/surrounds as well as the Mini T centre Do you foresee any issues going that route?

The sound quality with the Bryston Active Model T was truly one of a kind.


I use a different brand of active speaker so don't know if this experience will apply to Bryston. My experience is that passive speakers will work as surrounds but not as a center channel in an active setup. The match across all 3 front speakers is critical. When I auditioned a passive center channel, even though I had the passive version of the exact speaker I needed it was a very poor match with the actives, like I had a hole in the middle. When I tried three matching L-C-R speakers it was perfect. Maybe Bryston is different but just wanted to share.

James Tanner

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« Reply #91 on: 19 Jul 2017, 02:21 pm »
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT:  Bryston Middle T Active – Customer Feedback

July, 2017

Hi James,

Sorry for the delay in writing you back the first impressions about the Middle T actives and 4B3s / 2.5 B3s set of amps I have received more than 10 days ago.

I was out of town for work so after a couple of days of having this marvelous set in my home I was still unable to set it up immediately. However, I have now had the opportunity to assemble the complete Middle T Active system. I mounted the complete Bryston Middle T Active set: 2 x4b3s + 1 x 2.5B3 + Active Middle T's and Bax-1. Unfortunately I had only the chance to warm up the system for a couple of hours and just see how wonderful these amps and speakers look. I will send you some pictures soon.

And I must admit, the Bryston Active Middle T system is simply magnificent!

Even if your goal (l agree jewelry doesn't have any relevance in playing music) was not to build jewelry pieces of furniture but musical devices the look is magnificent, and the new improvements really achieved new standards for your brand esthetically and functionally. 

Sorry for my not perfect English, but my main language is Italian.  Will be back soon!



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« Reply #92 on: 21 Jul 2017, 02:24 pm »

Well I have had the new Bryston BAX-1 with Tri-amped Signatures ( Qty. 4 7BSST2 for the Low and Mids, and a 4BSST2 for the Highs) now for three weeks and I thought I would followup with my longer term observations, as first impressions can sometimes be wrong. 

I would have to say the following has been demonstrated day in day out with all kinds of music formats:

1.  The speakers are extremely musical and inviting with all music formats.  I really cant find something about them that I don’t like!   

2.  They are well balanced both at low volume and at high volume, which is an unusual comment since most passive speakers have a sweet spot volume and when you go below they sound flat and lifeless.  The ear and most drivers are non linear so perhaps there is some software magic in the background.  No idea…. but I like the net result.  It is very well behaved and as I said above very musical.   

3.  They are also extremely “clear” akin to an electrostatic driver.  I have heard on a few occasions an instrument in the background I had not remembered hearing before during past sessions.  Perhaps it is just old age. LOL

4.  This clarity of sound makes it very easy to up the volume without realizing how really loud you have the SPL.  This is a common observation with good sound systems.  Distortion gives us audio clues that we are “loud”, not so much with the BAX - Signature combo.

Really that is it.  One very happy customer.  Well done James and team.


James Tanner

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« Reply #93 on: 21 Jul 2017, 03:30 pm »

Well I have had the new Bryston BAX-1 with Tri-amped Signatures ( Qty. 4 7BSST2 for the Low and Mids, and a 4BSST2 for the Highs) now for three weeks and I thought I would followup with my longer term observations, as first impressions can sometimes be wrong. 

I would have to say the following has been demonstrated day in day out with all kinds of music formats:

1.  The speakers are extremely musical and inviting with all music formats.  I really cant find something about them that I don’t like!   

2.  They are well balanced both at low volume and at high volume, which is an unusual comment since most passive speakers have a sweet spot volume and when you go below they sound flat and lifeless.  The ear and most drivers are non linear so perhaps there is some software magic in the background.  No idea…. but I like the net result.  It is very well behaved and as I said above very musical.   

3.  They are also extremely “clear” akin to an electrostatic driver.  I have heard on a few occasions an instrument in the background I had not remembered hearing before during past sessions.  Perhaps it is just old age. LOL

4.  This clarity of sound makes it very easy to up the volume without realizing how really loud you have the SPL.  This is a common observation with good sound systems.  Distortion gives us audio clues that we are “loud”, not so much with the BAX - Signature combo.

Really that is it.  One very happy customer.  Well done James and team.


Thanks Drew - now I just have to figure out how to get the message out to more customers and dealers. It's amazing to me how much resistance there is from dealers given the obvious leap forward in performance the Active system delivers  :scratch:



« Reply #94 on: 22 Jul 2017, 12:20 pm »
Thanks Drew - now I just have to figure out how to get the message out to more customers and dealers. It's amazing to me how much resistance there is from dealers given the obvious leap forward in performance the Active system delivers  :scratch:


Think about it, if you were a dealer and 99% of your revenue came from passive speakers and associated gear how do you tell your customers that they have been barking up the wrong tree?
The problem is first they have to educate the consumer and that education may jeapordize sales of all the passive gear they have in inventory.

Its not a SQ problem, its a business problem.

This is not a new situation. The truth has been known for a long time, check out this article from 15 years ago:

James Tanner

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« Reply #95 on: 22 Jul 2017, 12:32 pm »
Think about it, if you were a dealer and 99% of your revenue came from passive speakers and associated gear how do you tell you customers that they have been barking up the wrong tree?
The problem is first they have to educate the consumer and that education may jeapordize sales of all the passive gear they have in inventory.

Hi Witchdoctor,

Don't get me wrong there are great passive speakers out there and for most people they are just what the doctor ordered.  But, Active systems are the next obvious jump in performance and I am surprised that given the concern dealers have these days about the loss of brick and mortar hi-fi stores and the demise of quality demos at high end audio retailers it surprises me that they do not see the advantages of offering active systems.  I can not think of a better way to get customers to come to the store and hear an Active system (certainly not going to happen at your local Best-Buy or ONLINE).  Even if customers have no interest in purchasing an active system I would assume many people would enjoy hearing one and traffic in the store increases accordingly.

So Active increases traffic flow and also think about the VALUE ADDED aspect of the sale of an active setup.  You are delivering and setting up the systems making the adjustments etc. in the customers home - what better way to reinforce the necessity of a knowledgeable dealer.



« Reply #96 on: 22 Jul 2017, 12:35 pm »
I can sense the frustration of customers who have spent $$$ on amps, speakers, and speaker cables that were passive. All of the time spent researching reviews, shopping, tweaking, etc. and having never compared to an active setup. As a dealer would you want to be the person delivering the bad news? :oops:


« Reply #97 on: 22 Jul 2017, 12:41 pm »
I think you are 100% correct that they could use an active system as a source of competitive advantage. I think an e-mail blast inviting people in for an active system audition would work.
If I were you I would craft the invitation in a format that would make it cut and paste easy, put together an outline of the follow up (maybe a checklist) and send to your dealers.

As a customer I personally would enjoy being able to compare passive and active systems after being invited by a dealer FWIW. :D

James Tanner

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« Reply #98 on: 22 Jul 2017, 12:46 pm »
I can sense the frustration of customers who have spent $$$ on amps, speakers, and speaker cables that were passive. All of the time spent researching reviews, shopping, tweaking, etc. and having never compared to an active setup. As a dealer would you want to be the person delivering the bad news? :oops:

As a dealer would you want to be the person delivering the bad news?

No, I would want you to be the dealer that shows for those who show interest the next step forward. 

Active is not for everyone - its much more complicated and requires a much greater knowledge base which in my opinion sets you as a dealer apart from the main stream merchandizers out there.

Admitting as a dealer you have learned something new is not a dis-service to your customer.



« Reply #99 on: 22 Jul 2017, 12:48 pm »
As a dealer would you want to be the person delivering the bad news?

No, I would want you to be the dealer that shows for those who show interest the next step forward. 

Active is not for everyone - its much more complicated and requires a much greater knowledge base which in my opinion sets you as a dealer apart from the main stream merchandizers out there.

Admitting as a dealer you have learned something new is not a dis-service to your customer.

