Big7 tube shootout!

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Big7 tube shootout!
« on: 15 Oct 2014, 09:26 pm »

Part three.

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« Last Edit: 2 Nov 2014, 04:44 pm by wisnon »


Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #2 on: 15 Oct 2014, 11:56 pm »
I was wondering how the sophias would sound in the Big 7 :nono:


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Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #3 on: 16 Oct 2014, 12:52 am »
Will have to see what is said about the Lampi rectifier.  I got my Lampi and have work to do before unpacking.  Going to start with the stock before dropping in the WE 274b and the RCA 45s.



Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #5 on: 2 Nov 2014, 04:55 pm »


Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #6 on: 20 Nov 2014, 06:15 am »
Late to the party here, but will start adding some feedback as well once I've had a chance to listen for a while through a variety of different tubes.   Have a couple different sets each of 6A3's (GE; Tung Sol), 2A3's (Kenrad dark glass; '52 RCA), 45 ('40s National Union ST-14), 101D's (stock psvane; psvane WE replica; WE NOS metal base), 300B's (TJ Full Music SE carbon plate) and a few different rectifiers (stock; WE nos 274B; psvane 274B WE replica; nos tung sol 5ar4; bendix 5r4wgb; Mullard CV378 '66) which I look forward to reporting on.  Been holding the power tube constant (stock) and trying the others for extended sessions.  Spent the most time with the stock psvane 101D's, GE 6A3's, the 2A3's, NU 45's, and just starting to listen with the psvane WE replica which may need some hours on it to break in.  Have the 2nd WE 101D coming shortly so that I can use a well matched pair of metal base (omg what is going on w the pricing of these tubes?? is that you guys pushing the market  :icon_surprised:).  The quick summary so far is that the National Union 45's are the most "perfect" and well balanced of all the tubes, sound gorgeous yet have fantastic clarity, extension, separation, and very controlled bass.  These are my clear left brain favorites.  My right brain favorites so far are definitely the Ken-rad's - sweet, involving, emotional, bass is not as well controlled as the NatU's and not quite the same clarity, but these are "moving" to listen to.  Definitely put the psvane 101D (regular) and the RCA 2A3's into a different category, and the GE 6A3's are in between these two categories, leaning closer towards the Ken-rad's than any others.  All these tubes are quite well matched (have a tester here for checking).  The TJ Full Music 300B's while sounding very good in some amps in the past also did not impress so not going to spend more time with those.  Will continue to report back on the others before moving on to the rectifier tubes.

Lastly, YMMV.  My system is neutral to lean in the low/mid bass, but very transparent and fast so that will no doubt affect the absolute impressions, so will try to provide relative perspectives as well (Lampizator B7 -> Miyajima Wo1 pre -> ASR Emitter II amp -> modded Quad 57's).


Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #7 on: 20 Nov 2014, 12:01 pm »


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Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #8 on: 20 Nov 2014, 12:16 pm »
Have you tried Globe 45s?  Where do you live?

Also, anyone using 6a3s with what look like springs on the top plate?  I have pairs of those and no springs.  My Bakelite base tubes are here tomorrow or so.  Also a U52 Rectifier to compete with the WE 274b I have.


Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #9 on: 20 Nov 2014, 01:51 pm »
I've not tried globe 45's, but as a general take away (always exceptions), the 45's are probably may the best tube grouping so far.  I have some of the Cunningham CX-345's (balloon shape / "globe") arriving in a couple days.  In the NY area


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Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #10 on: 20 Nov 2014, 02:31 pm »
I am in Brooklyn.  I have basically all the tubes you have, save the 300bs.  I prefer the 101d WE's I have to the 45s in my system.  Could be the speakers I have. They give me that extra holographic sound I am looking for.  I have a bunch of globes I got from a tube contact of mine.  I may sell some tubes to fund a preamp purchase, but the 101ds and my 274b will not go.  U52 from Mullard coming shortly.  Also have a 5AR4 mullard to try as well.

Any Lampi people looking for 2A3s (JAN RCAs), 6A3s (Sylvania/RCAs) or 45 globes, feel free to reach out to me.




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Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #12 on: 22 Nov 2014, 01:14 pm »
May want to give the JJ2a3-40 a try - may fav 2a3 by far and not that expensive.


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Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #13 on: 24 Nov 2014, 04:04 am »
I am going to sell off some of my tubes.  Keep a pair of 6A3s, globe 45s and my 101ds as I need to raise some cash.  I still cannot believe how good the WE 101ds sound.


Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #14 on: 24 Nov 2014, 12:20 pm »
Found this quote on an amp forum somewhere:

"Generically speaking, direct heated rectifiers sound sweeter in the mids. Those rectifiers with the highest voltage drop seem to sound the sweetest. The indirectly heated rectifiers, like GZ32 and GZ34, seem to yield more and tighter bass, but add a harshness to the mids. Tradeoffs, tradeoffs, decisions, decisions... Try them all and you will find a favorite".

5R4 and 274bs tend to have big voltage drops and are directly heated.


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Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #16 on: 25 Nov 2014, 02:59 am »
Tennis balls WEs are in.  The sound is different than with the STs.  I have not figured out which I like better.  There is more bass and it seems a bit more forward in the vocals, but I need to spend more time with the tennis balls to form a full opinion.  They need to burn in a bit too.  They are 95 years old after all. 


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Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #17 on: 25 Nov 2014, 03:44 am »
Ok.  I forgot I changed my USB cable last night.  Swapped back to the loaner I got (and will buy).  I am back to the dynamics I was looking for that I thought sounded different.  I think it is pretty close to the same sound with possibly more bass.  The 3d nature of the music could stop traffic. 


Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #18 on: 25 Nov 2014, 06:39 am »
Aint nothing like the real thing, huh?


Re: Big7 tube shootout!
« Reply #19 on: 25 Nov 2014, 06:39 am »
How do you get the tennis globes to work, given the short pins of equal size?