dspNexus vs. outboard DACs

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  • Jr. Member
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dspNexus vs. outboard DACs
« on: 3 May 2024, 11:23 am »
Hello Forum Members…

I’m new here, so unable to search, apologize if then has been asked/posted.  I’m a firm believer in room treatment, and then correction.  I’ve had some intense configuration efforts w/n prior systems, that proved to be well worth the effort.  My question is, for those that have a RC setup, have you replaced your entire frontend pre/DAC with a DspNexus or other room correction unit?  I previously used a DEQX premate, and outputted into my pre then amps.  I’m looking at the dspN to integrate, but have a really tough time shedding the front end.


Re: dspNexus vs. outboard DACs
« Reply #1 on: 3 May 2024, 12:17 pm »
I have one customer that had a DEQX Express II system and Behringer DCX2496 for their speaker crossover, sub integration and room correction.  He does not use a preamp, just the dspNexus 2x8 as digital and analog input.  He AB compared them in his system and the dspNexus sounded better than his previous setup and only one system needed instead of two.

Used Room EQ Wizard to make the measurements with the dspNexus mic input and DAC outputs and generate the PEQ info to use in the Audio Weaver DSP processing for room correction.  He is very happy now.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 3
Re: dspNexus vs. outboard DACs
« Reply #2 on: 3 May 2024, 02:43 pm »
TY Hal.  If one goes dspN to DAC, to amp, this was the chain I used previously, would the corrected output from the dspN be lost going thru the DAC D/A’s?


Re: dspNexus vs. outboard DACs
« Reply #3 on: 3 May 2024, 04:00 pm »
Since the dspNexus 2x8 has 4-AKM AK4493S DAC boards that need to be used for analog output, an extra DAC is not needed.  The upgraded AK4499EX DAC's are much better sounding than I have heard.

If you like your DAC sound it would go into the analog input as would a preamp if needed. 

All analog I/O interfaces are balanced XLR connections.