Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!

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Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #40 on: 10 Jan 2015, 04:35 pm »
This is very cool.  I just finished my review of the Lampizator Amber DAC Plus, in which it is compared head to head with the Hegel HD-12 DAC and the Abbingdon Music Research AMR DP-777 DAC/Preamp in a system that features a pair of Von Schweikert VR-5 HSE speakers (check out the pics at the end of the article), which you can view at the following link:



Juan C. Ayllon

Nice review Juan!

Help me understand why there are other inputs if it only works with USB?


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Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #41 on: 12 Jan 2015, 11:30 pm »
"I discovered that the TOSLINK connection did not work unless the DAC was connected to a computer via USB.  Via email, Lukasz Ficus said that the Amber was designed primarily as a USB DAC and must be connected to a computer via USB in order for it to work"

So if I want to connect my Bluray/CD player to the DAC via TOSLINK I also need the DAC to be connected via USB to a computer for it to work? I too would appreciate a clarification here - that doesn't sound right to me,  is that really by design?



Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #42 on: 20 Jan 2015, 01:55 am »
The answer is "sort of".   The Amber was originally a USB only design.  That is what the prefab pcb supported and where we saw the demand at the price point, but it seems many really did want SPDIF so the pcb was modified by the ever talented Lukasz Fikus to accept SPDIF/Toslink.  Its still a usb dac at heart, but those wanting to use spidf only can connect it once, select spdif and disconnect it forever using their  desire spidif.  Those wanting to use both have no issue regarding its default.

The explanation sounds quirkier than it is and the sound makes the day 1 setup MORE than worth it.


Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #43 on: 20 Jan 2015, 02:02 am »
Well that's an interesting design. Thanks for replying Gopher!

As far as ordering an Amber goes, do you get any sort of 30 day money back deal if you order one with upgraded Jupiter Copper foil caps?

I shouldn't really be asking these kinds of questions before consulting with my therapist or more importantly my accountant.


Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #44 on: 20 Jan 2015, 02:07 am »
The thing is the Amber is being sold with a pretty tight margin and it would put us in the red if we ever have to sell open box, but I tell you what.  We've got 9 units purchased and until we have 15 in the field we'll offer a two weekend return period, minus shipping.


Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #45 on: 20 Jan 2015, 02:17 am »
The thing is the Amber is being sold with a pretty tight margin and it would put us in the red if we ever have to sell open box, but I tell you what.  We've got 9 units purchased and until we have 15 in the field we'll offer a two weekend return period, minus shipping.

So are there any Ambers already out to people? I keep waiting to read owners impressions but all I've seen is the one guy who was waiting for his big 7 give a quick review.

You sure are making it enticing!


Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #46 on: 20 Jan 2015, 02:53 am »
Have you come across this amature review preferring a bone stock amber to a $5k AMR DP77: http://www.ayllonmedia.com/1/post/2015/01/the-lampizator-amber-dac-plus-is-it-a-dac-lite-or-a-real-contender-in-home-audio.html

Sure there are some ambers out there and in fact I've got 3 shipping this week one down south to Louisiana one to NY and one to a review in NJ.  :)


Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #47 on: 20 Jan 2015, 03:30 am »
Have you come across this amature review preferring a bone stock amber to a $5k AMR DP77: http://www.ayllonmedia.com/1/post/2015/01/the-lampizator-amber-dac-plus-is-it-a-dac-lite-or-a-real-contender-in-home-audio.html

Sure there are some ambers out there and in fact I've got 3 shipping this week one down south to Louisiana one to NY and one to a review in NJ.  :)

Yes, I forgot about that one. Seems like the Amber is more common in Europe right now than here in the states at the moment.


Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #48 on: 20 Jan 2015, 08:28 pm »
It was released in Europe by direct sale a few months before we decided to make it available in the US. 


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Re: Welcome to the LampizatOr Circle!
« Reply #49 on: 12 Feb 2020, 11:33 pm »
Hi all,
just wanted to introduce myself and ask a Lampizator question. My handle is Timon and I live outside of Vancouver BC. Canada.
My main rig is as follows: Bryston bdp-1, Lampizator gen4 level 3.5 dac, modified Space Tech Labs QA-112 tube preamp, Classe S700 amplifier,
Acoustat 2+2 or 1+1 or B&W 805N. My question is where do I send my dac for service? One of the spdif inputs does not seem to work, and I would love to get an aes/ebu and /or a usb input installed.