What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?

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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #120 on: 19 Oct 2018, 12:31 am »
I have both a Modwright KWA100SE and a Music Reference RM200II amp which i use with my Daedalus DA1.1 speakers. Both work quite well and I'm pleased with them both.

Although I have never heard the KWA150SE, I have read some some reviews comparing it to the 100SE. It seemed that the 100SE was considered to have more of a 'tube sound' than the 150SE. As to how much more of a tube sound - I dont know. But I think this was mentioned in the 6 Moons reviews and I may have read it from another source as well. So depending what sound you want, that might help you.

Does the 100SE have enough power for the DA1.1?  I have Athenas which are pretty similar.


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #121 on: 20 Oct 2018, 09:00 pm »
The Daedalus are so efficient, you can get by with almost nothing and drive them.  I had the 100 SE before my 150 SE, and the difference in volume was negligible.  The 150SE kind of disappears without a sonic signature.  It just makes whatever you feed it louder.  Complete neutrality.   Both are great amps, though.


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #122 on: 20 Oct 2018, 10:40 pm »
Does the 100SE have enough power for the DA1.1?  I have Athenas which are pretty similar.

The 100SE easily powers the DA1.1. Drew769's comments regarding the power needed to handle the Daedalus speakers is correct, imo. You dont need much power at all.

Since my initial comments, I have also used a Vinnie Rossi LIO integrated amp with 25wpc into 8ohms with these speakers,  and I dont hear any limitations from this lower powered amp either.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #123 on: 21 Oct 2018, 12:44 am »
I picked up a 100SE and, as you guys said, it has more than enough power.



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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #124 on: 26 Oct 2020, 12:38 am »
Any new thoughts on amplifiers for these speakers?

Currently using some DIY FirstWatt M2x , but some day hope to finalize on a supported commercial amplifier.

I had my dad’s McIntosh MC60 amps re-done, but one is already shorted out.  The aging repair guy is an hour away, but not sure how many times I want to make that drive. I looked in the box today, a bunch of old looking wiring and sockets, with the new parts he put in last year. Pretty scary to be honest.

I have been considering the commercial Nelson Pass gear - XA-25, XA-30.5, F8, as well as AB gear - Bricasti, Boulder 1161. Modwright Ambrose.

I would like an amp with XLR balanced input, but not a requirement. Using RCA singled ended currently.

Lou likes the LTA Ultralinear.

Current thoughts?


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #125 on: 26 Oct 2020, 12:45 am »
I am using a pair of Digital Amp Company Golden Cherry amps with 60W power supplies that Tommy converted into linear power supplies. 


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #126 on: 26 Oct 2020, 10:30 am »
I am using a pair of Digital Amp Company Golden Cherry amps with 60W power supplies that Tommy converted into linear power supplies.

Those do look interesting, and would not run as hot as most of my other choices. On my list now. Thanks for the suggestion!


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #127 on: 26 Oct 2020, 12:17 pm »
Pass XA30.8 or INT60 are worth a try.  If you don’t have a Pass dealer within 100 miles Reno HiFi can arrange a demo, although shipping these beasts is not cheap.


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #128 on: 28 Oct 2020, 02:41 am »
So far I’ve owned the following amps for my Apollo 11’s, in this order.

Pass XA30.8
LTA Ultralinear (mono and stereo)
VAC 30/30 III Signature
LTA ZOTL40 Reference
Allnic M2500 PX25 mono’s

Some were owned concurrently. All worked well, each with its own strengths, to different effect. I’ve used the LTA Preamplifier with all and more recently moved to an Allnic L9000 OTL/OCL preamp. DAC is Lampizator Pacific. Antipodes CX+EX server.

The XA30.8 excelled at stage width, HF extension and dimensionality, low end control. Weakness was midrange resolution.

The Ultralinear excelled at blackness, mid range resolution, HF dimensionality, bass definition, low volume playback. Weakness was dynamics as the volume increased. No gush factor.

The VAC is a romantic sweetheart. Decent bass and leading edge resolution for a tube amp. Old school 3D sound. Self noise not the best. Not as black as the best. Not as resolved as modern amps. But a really enjoyable amp. Hot.

The ZOTL40 Ref. More power and midrange compared to the Ultralinear. Typical EL34. Not as resolved or black as the Ultralinear. HF and bass extension not as good as UL. Full mid bass. System probably has too many tubes for this amp to excel.

Allnic M2500. Resolved modern tube amp with excellent PX25 bass. Nicely resolved harmonics. Low self noise, but not in the league of the Ultralinear. More meat on bones than UL or any other except the VAC. Nice mid bass balance makes an excellent match for the Apollo magic 10” woofer. Nice gush factor when played loud. Swells dynamically. Only 20 watts but they are clean and consistent up to max. Output. Best match to the Daedalus so far, but $$$.

Note that all are rated between 20w/ch and 40w/ch. But the Pass is a cheater that drives much harder than 30w.

My subjective ranking is:

1. Allnic
2 Ultralinear
3. Pass
4. VAC
5. Zotl 40

That said, I wouldn’t mind picking up an XA30.8 or Ultralinear again to add back to the mix.



Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #129 on: 28 Oct 2020, 12:24 pm »
Now I’m curious about the other 2 versions of the Allnic.  More power (KT150)?  300B sweetness?  Hmmm


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #130 on: 28 Oct 2020, 10:53 pm »
Nice round up, thanks!  I'm looking into an end game type set of monos for my Daedalus, moving my EAR 509ii to my BOWs.  Considering a few options.


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #131 on: 29 Oct 2020, 03:54 am »
I should emphasize the point that the preamp makes a significant contribution to the results. The LTA Microzotl Preamplifier sounds quite different from the L9000 and there is a 4x difference in price. YMMV with your preamp.

I went PX25 on the amps instead of 300b or KT150 because I wanted the sweet organic triode sound. My dac can run either PX25 or 300b, and I always preferred the PX25 here for the robust, full foundation with triode attributes intact. It still was a tough choice as there are way more 300b options than PX25. But again, results are the product of a system.

20 watts from the PX25 seems quite adequate in my 1100 sf listening room.

If in doubt @Ketcham at Kevalin Audio has the PX25 version for audition as well as the L9000 pre. That’s how I ended up with the Allnic pre and amps. No affiliation.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #132 on: 29 Oct 2020, 12:01 pm »
Lou and others were mightily impressed with VAC/Apollo at the Florida show.  No idea if lower line VAC amps would retain that magic.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #133 on: 29 Oct 2020, 12:07 pm »
20 watts into Apollo 11 in a 31’x36’ (x ceiling height?) room would not meet my loudness needs...


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #134 on: 31 Oct 2020, 12:12 pm »
In recent years, improvements in my system have lowered the noise floor while increasing resolution in the digital front end. Coupled with amplification which provides realistic dynamic swings at low levels, I don’t find a need for gross macro excursions which require high power ratings - most of the time. However, sometimes there is a need for a visceral performance (when the wife and kids have left the building) and John Bonham needs justice done. My 20 watts don’t do too bad with this, but someday I might pick up a head banger amp. Smooth amps fairly suck at this and most SS amps are lifeless. I’d look at a VAC Phi 200 or VAC 200iq. My old VAC PA 80/80 was actually a good rock n roller. Those KT88’s had some bite and swell.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #135 on: 31 Oct 2020, 12:53 pm »
I think there are some Class A SS amps that might be worth looking into.  The Pass XA60.8 monos at around $13k/pr appear attractive, and most listeners feel they are a BIG step up from the XA30.8.  The VAC 200 iQ is also appealing, as is the Phi 170 for an integrated.


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #136 on: 31 Oct 2020, 01:57 pm »
Ironically it was the XA60.8 that lead me to the high sensitivity Daedalus solution. With an XA30.8 and low efficiency speakers I was unsatisfied, but didn’t have enough current available on this end of the house to run the XA60.8’s well. Such is the case with the XA30 with many speakers, but not the Daedalus.

My choice 6 months ago was between the 7.5watt (SET) and 20 watt (push-pull) Allnic amps. I went with the power house. This is like 160 watts into 87db speakers. I’d like to try some 2watt SET DHT 45’s some day. I’m certain most of my listening is fractional wattage.

rbbert, looks like you landed those beautiful baked maple Apollo 11’s. This is the pair I first heard and saw. Very nice.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #137 on: 31 Oct 2020, 02:08 pm »
Yes, I'm liking them more day by day.  I have occasionally pushed the volume levels very high and am pleased to note that the Apollo 11's retain their sonic character even then.  My room is about 3400 cubic feet, with a fair amount of dampening, and I can make the needle on my INT-60 move (although nobody is quite clear about how many watts that is, it is more than 30w/ch) with still enjoyable volume (for a minute or two).  Thus my interest in a little more power, even though it would be rarely if ever used.

FWIW, most people I know with 87 dB efficient speakers use a lot more than 160 watts; 350 or more is not unusual, and a big reason I now avoid the inefficient speaker paradigm.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #138 on: 31 Oct 2020, 02:15 pm »
It's interesting, with Daedalus being an AC sponsor, but the Apollo 11's are so good that the associated components that really benefit them are out of AC's usual arena, both price and manufacturers (with maybe a couple of exceptions)


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #139 on: 31 Oct 2020, 02:44 pm »
Points taken. My entry into Daedalus was my current Apollo 11’s, so I can’t comment on earlier efforts really. There are very few if any competitors that offer this level of quality, efficiency, range, and build at near this price point. I’d venture to say that these speakers will do justice in systems up to $200k or beyond, to throw a number our there. At home with 5 watts or 200 watts as well. An excellent choice to build with. Some speakers, like  Magico’s, sound dreadful in a sub-par system. These Daedalus are just musical and natural so you don’t need big $ to sound good. They will deliver in big systems too, like the VAC 450iq, mentioned at the Florida show.