My new Quatro CTs

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My new Quatro CTs
« on: 17 Mar 2017, 11:43 am »
These are my new Vandersteen Quatro CTs.  I've had them for a little over a month.
I will write up my listening impressions later.



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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #1 on: 17 Mar 2017, 01:08 pm »
Wow, beautiful.  I nearly got that veneer myself, but then decided to splurge and get them painted in Audi Havana Black, which I love.  Mine are just about done being dialed in. I can't wait to get them in the next couple of weeks.  What are you running them with?


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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #2 on: 17 Mar 2017, 04:24 pm »
Hi, Randy.

I very nearly posted the usual "Looking forward to your impressions," (which is sincere btw) when it occurred to me that I have no memory of ever listening to Vandersteen speakers. I had no clue what Quatro CTs were, what sort of drivers, nor configuration. I've read enthusiastic posts, but it hasn't meant much without any personal experience.

Well, first off I'm reading up on your speakers to get an idea of what they are. Then, I'm going to read about the other Vandersteen speakers.

I still look forward to your impressions.



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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #3 on: 17 Mar 2017, 05:58 pm »
I promise you, they're nowhere near fully broken-in. You'll *think* they are, but over time, you'll realize they weren't. I even ran mine hard w/ an IsoTek System Enhancer CD (many hours). Once you can drive them really hard w/ no fatigue you'll know you've reached the end-game. It took a lot longer than I anticipated.

Since we're sharing photos, here's a couple shots of my Quatro CTs (mahogany walnut).

« Last Edit: 18 Mar 2017, 01:58 pm by nrenter »


Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #4 on: 18 Mar 2017, 01:22 pm »
Thanks guys for your input.  CTsooner, other components in my system consist of a VPI Aries Turntable, Sony 54000ES SACD player, Meridian 508.24 CD player, Modified Audio Research LS-15 line stage and Bryston 4bsst2 power amp.  I also have an Audio Research 100.2 amp I will probably try later after the speakers are finished breaking in.  Speaker cables are Transparent Super.  All source components are plugged into a PS Audio Power Plant Premier. Various Cardas, Harmonic Tech and Purist Audio Design cabling.  So far I have yet to get into streaming but am looking at giving it a try.

I have a lot to say about these speakers...later


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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #5 on: 18 Mar 2017, 02:15 pm »
Congratulations. I heard the Quartro/CTs at a local audio shop and in a word, Amazing! I sat absolutely mesmerized (apt description) for about an hour, not moving, and have never heard anything quite like them. At times the music seemed to be coming from all directions and I thought there was almost too much musical 'information' for me to process. Really, really something. Certainly would be an end of upgraditis speaker for me.



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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #6 on: 18 Mar 2017, 02:56 pm »
Another tip (before you finalize your impressions)...this is particularly relevant given the integrated subs in the Quatros...

Download the test tone tracks from and burn them to a CD. Walk through the tones (in one Hz increments, starting at 10 Hz) and listen for things in your room that resonate. You'll be surprised about what is rattling when you play music: windows, bookshelves, pictures on walls, knick-knacks, etc. That wooden trunk you see in my photo is particularly noisy - between the solid wood construction, the ratios of hight / width / length, the weight of the lid, and that damn metal latch, it sings like a fat lady. Small sticky-back felt pads will become your new best friend (and the cheapest tweak you'll ever do to your system). If you didn't use powered subs before your installed your Quatros, this exercise is well worth the 30 minutes invested.


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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #7 on: 18 Mar 2017, 04:07 pm »

That's great advice about listening to what else in the room is moving, lol.  I LOVE the Quatro's. I"ve heard them so many times that I already know how great it will sound in the room.  My Treo's crushed it other than the base and a spec in the upper mids and the CT version Quatro's take care of both of those. 

So glad you guys are loving them.  I have never heard of any Vandy owner switching to another brand and not missing the Vandersteen's.  That's ultra rare in high end audio.  I do know a few folks who have come back after straying.  I never loved them as my old dealer never knew how to set up any speaker and I didn't realize it fully as I always set things up myself at home and they always sounded so much better than in the store.  I went to buy another pair of PRoacs and ended up wanting Vandersteen's as did my dad and brother.  I was shocked at what I heard.  The room filled with real music and not components.  The sound was as coherent as Maggies or Quads that I've always enjoyed.  I never 'heard' the bass or the high or the mids.  I was sitting a few rows back in orchestra.  I never understood folks who want to sit 'on stage' with the musicians. That's not how we go listen to music, lol. 

They get the micro and macro details correct.  Their drivers are more pistonic that most others and that's why they are always in phase. They literally move like a microphone does.  I like that, but in the end, it's all about them getting the soundstage correct.  Big or small, however it was recorded, is what you will get. 

I'll  be shocked if your impressions are darn close to what I have shared. 


Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #8 on: 21 Mar 2017, 08:35 pm »
Thank you nrenter for you advice.  I did have a single REL Storm subwoofer in my system before I got the Quatro's so I am familiar with various rattlings in my room.  I was only able make things shake when I turned the volume up real loud and played some very low bass tones.  I will take your suggestion.  It will be interesting to hear.  My dealer set up the speakers for me and tuned the bass using the Vandertones test disk.  Frankly I just sat back and observed all of their activity and didn't pay very close attention to what they were actually doing.  I wish now that I have asked more questions and followed their process a little closer.  Given that there may be occasions where I may want or need to move my speakers, or just experiment with locations, I am not at this time very confident in my ability to do this tuning process myself.  Although I do have the Radio Shack meter and the instructions that Vandersteen provides seem very clear, until I go through the process with a successful outcome, I remain a little cautious about experimenting with speaker locations.  Clearly, the setup process for these speakers is unlike anything else I have ever experienced with a speaker....but they are still so new and so different from any other speaker I have ever owned.  As detailed as the process is, it's not rocket science and I am sure I can become comfortable with this tuning process.


Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #9 on: 21 Mar 2017, 10:58 pm »

One of the settings that can also be adjusted is the input impedance on the crossover.  What amp are you using, what is the input impedance and what did the dealer set it to?  It is ok to go one step up or down if you can't set it to match the input impedance exactly.  This will result in a change in the overall bass level. 

I would wait a couple months until the speakers are broken in and you have become completely familiar with the sound.  At that point you can consider experimenting.


Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #10 on: 21 Mar 2017, 11:19 pm »
Thanks for that information.  I do know that the input impedance was set correctly for my amp.  I looked it up myself and watched as they set the dip switches.


Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #11 on: 21 Mar 2017, 11:34 pm »
What amp are you using?


Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #12 on: 21 Mar 2017, 11:52 pm »
Beautiful speakers Randy. What finish is that?

I heard a couple pairs of Vandersteens in Atlanta last year with some AR amps. Incredible sounding.


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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #13 on: 22 Mar 2017, 12:30 am »
The Vandersteen directions for setup are pretty good. There's a few things that, when explained, makes things much easier.

First, you really need to make yourself a spreadsheet to help keep track of things. Something like this...

Second, don't touch pots #9, #10, and #11. They're too close to the crossover point. Just leave them alone. Don't do it.

Third, it helps to conceptually if you think about the listed pot frequency as the high-point of a bell curve (and changing a pot will impact the frequency response of AT LEAST the pot above it and the pot below it). Start with the pot associated with the frequency of largest deviation, change the frequency response by only about 1/3rd of what you think is necessary, and the remeasure all frequency bands. Repeat. You may go back to the same pot, you may tackle a different pot. Let the measurements guide you.


Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #14 on: 22 Mar 2017, 12:12 pm »
I am using a Bryston 4bsst2 power amp.  I also have an Audio Research 100.2 in storage that I may at some time swap in to the system but the current setup sounds so good that I have not been tempted to do so.  The finish on the speakers is zebra wood.

Thank you nrenter for you detailed information about tuning the bass.  I think the dealer had a chart with him similar to your spreadsheet where he recorded measurements but I don't think his tuning process was as comprehensive as yours.  Also he didn't leave the measurements with me.  Just out of curiosity I think I will try taking the measurements as they are now just to see if I understand how to use the sound meter.  I may have more questions....  I am a little disappointed that the dealer didn't take the initiative to show me more of the details...but I should have asked more questions and insisted that I understood the process before they left.  I suppose I could get him back out here to do it for a fee or maybe I could go in to the dealer showroom and have them walk me through the process there.

I don't mean for my ignorance regarding the bass tuning process to overshadow the fact that these are very special speakers.  I marvel every day as I listen to these speakers.  They have truly transformed my music collection and my listening experience.  Details to follow....


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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #15 on: 22 Mar 2017, 01:14 pm »
No need to call the dealer...I'm more than happy to help (as we discussed, I'm "down the street" in Flo Mo).

It's best to have 2 people involved when setting up the low end - one to watch the meter in the listening position (and to flip between the test tones), one to fiddle with the pots. I did it on my own and had to rig my iPhone to watch the meter (FaceTime'ing my laptop) while I adjusted the pots.

I'm the kind of person that needs to know how to do things myself. If I can't teach someone else how to do it, I really don't know how to do it. That's why I was never really satisfied with my analog front end until I could confidently set-up my table (and custom-build protractors using Visio to help others).

For now, just concentrate on really breaking in those drivers. I'm sure the low-end sounds *emotionally* awesome. In a few months when you want some "peace of mind" that your low-end is *logically* awesome, give me a shout.


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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #16 on: 22 Mar 2017, 03:15 pm »
You have now turned this thread into something very special. Thanks so much. I'm about to have Johnny at Audio Connections set up my new Quatro's and I want to see all of this and learn myself.  This is just an awesome and informative thread. Thanks soooo much.  Pete


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Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #17 on: 22 Mar 2017, 04:52 pm »
You're in good hands with Mr. Rutan. I learned from the best.


Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #18 on: 22 Mar 2017, 05:21 pm »
Come join us in North Texas CTsooner.  We can have a Quatro get together...and thank you nrenter for your offer of assistance.  I think it would be fun and informative to go through this process with someone else.  More significantly it would be fun to just listen to some music.  I will definitely take you up on your offer.  BTW, I live at Robson Ranch.

I am very isolated in this hobby.  With all of my other interests I have buddies with whom we can share and participate in our common interests.  However, when I mention to my friends that I am an audiophile, most people look at me like I have a bird on my head.  But, this has been the case most of my audio hobby life.  It has not diminished my passion for music and good sound but I do wish sometimes that I knew others who could relate.  My wife is very tolerant and encouraging.  In fact she went with me to the dealer to listen to the Quatro and immediately said "we have got to have these speakers"!  I don't know whose smile was the biggest; mine or the dealer.  Although she enjoys music, she is not an enthusiast audiophile. 

My other major hobby is photography.  In this pursuit, I am a member of a photography club and have a number of friends with whom I visit regularly to shoot, talk about cameras, lighting, post processing, printing etc.  We enjoy sharing and participating in this hobby.  Sometimes I wish it was that way with audio but I have found that forums like this one and some of the others I visit can and have become somewhat of a virtual community.  I have learned so much through these exchanges and have enjoyed the sharing of information that takes place.  Like most people in this hobby I have a lot I want to learn more about.  Likewise, I think I do have experience and knowledge that I can share with others.  This give and take is at the core of enjoying any hobby.

Thanks to all who have responded to this thread.  I appreciate your input, recommendations, critiques and observations.


Re: My new Quatro CTs
« Reply #19 on: 22 Mar 2017, 08:07 pm »
nrenter, thanks again for the suggestion to check for rattles.  It was very revealing.  Although I thought I knew where the all were what I didn't factor in is that in addition to the new speakers I have a new cabinet.  It is the Salamander Synergy system.  While it is a very sturdy rack the side panels just slide loosely between the two end posts.  They rattle like crazy at about 36hz. For now I have stuck a few scraps of thick paper between the post and the panel and it has seemed to fix it.  Will replace this with some felt pads soon and try to try to tighten those side panels in that groove.  As you can see from the photo those side panels are right next to the sub.  I don't think I would have ever caught this myself just listening to music.