At last!! I've paid for my Revelation MR-2 Mk IV speakers - But what next???

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Hi Graham,

Considering the budget that you have for an amplifier you have many options.  Your main issue that you face is you are considering amplifiers based on recommendations without actually listening to the amps.  This is fraught with danger and I've been caught a couple of times myself.  I've heard the nuforce v2 monoblocks are they are a true audiophile amplifiers.  They may not be to everyone's taste but at their level of performance it is going to take some research to find a better product. 

As you are aware the aussie dollar is very strong at the moment and it may not be a huge risk if you decide to take a chance and order an amplifier if their is a 30 day return policy.  I've bought tons of gear in the last 10 years direct from the US and I have to say that the majority of problems that I experience is with US to Australia voltage conversion.  It costs a quite a bit of money to return a product to the US for repair if there is a problem.

Good luck with your purchase and I hope your personal issues improve and your daughter recovers from her accident.


« Last Edit: 17 Oct 2010, 02:13 am by Rocket »


Graham -

Since you got a pair of NuForce Ref 9V2SE lying around anyway, I'd recommend you keep them for the time being and try them out with the SP Rev's - once they arrive. I think you'll be surprised what this combination is capable of, and if you like what your hear it may from there on be easier to imagine the upgrade to V3, based on the reviews available so far, and possibly even going on to imagine the imprinting of the Ref 18's. The upgrade to V3 is said to be substantial, and the Rev's are surely the speakers to reveal it. 

I believe there are many prejudiced oppinions on class-D(analog switching) amp's like the NuForce's, and it's sad really if it's to hold you back on a closer scrutiny of their potential. With the amounts of money you are thinking of spending think about that it won't cost you a dime to try out what you have under your roof already, and that following that path will be a well tested one compared to the alternative of throwing money at amp's you haven't yet auditioned. It sure seems like a good starting point ahead of any further expenditure.

Money may also be saved wisely considering the combined DAC/preamp mentioned earlier - again, challenging common beliefs.
« Last Edit: 17 Oct 2010, 08:00 am by phusis »


Hi Graham,

It's a pity I don't live in Sydney because I have a couple of amplifiers that you could have a listen to which might provide some further experience of your likes and dislikes.

How much would it cost to upgrade from nuforce v2 to v3?  Did you buy the nuforce v2 from War Audio?

What is the efficiency rating of the speakers?

I currently have a pair of nuforce s9's and salk sould ht'2.  Both rated at about 88db.  I have 120 watt, 150 watt and 300 watt amps that I have used with this combination.  Whilst the 300 watt amp is a little more dynamic and transparent there really isn't much improvement over the 120 watt amplifier.

Are the speakers finished and ready for shipping to Australia?

I have recently purchased a new trumpet (slightly off topic) due to the high aussie dollar.  The company wouldn't ship via usps global express and insisted on shipping using fedex.  Considering this is a relatively small item to ship to Australia it has cost me $400US in shipping fees.

Good luck.




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I am still interested in your Spectrons, but I need 240volt. Can you tell me if yours are dual voltage or if they would need to be modified.


You're spot on. Buy right the first time. I really want to get this right, that's why I appreciate the suggestions zooming in. I just wish I could actually listen to them. Without doubt I need to find a retailer that stocks something like the BAT VK600's and have a listen. The awkward things with Australian/Sydney retail is that even though our dollar is nearly at parity with the US $, they want more than double for the same product.



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I'll check when I get back from RMAF


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As mentioned by phusis and two have amps now, wait for your speakers to arrive...don't buy anything yet.....but go listen to all the amps you can.

Get a feel for each it "sounds"....they all do sound different. Select the "sound" you enjoy.

After your speakers arrive you'll have a better idea of what you'll need to "complete your sound".

Then try the amps that you preferred with the speakers...see if their a good match.

Audio is not a race....take your time and listen. And....if your wallet is "burning a hole" in your pocket...put it in the freezer. :wink:

Happy listening.... :thumb:


Coem Audio have the Virtue Iceblocks. They're in Brisbane, I don't know if they can let you audition but if you're going up that way you could ask them.

I don't have any amps of the power you're looking at although should have one of the classdaudio kits going sometime (this year...)

Wind Chaser


As mentioned by phusis and two have amps now, wait for your speakers to arrive...don't buy anything yet.....but go listen to all the amps you can.

Get a feel for each it "sounds"....they all do sound different. Select the "sound" you enjoy.

After your speakers arrive you'll have a better idea of what you'll need to "complete your sound".

Then try the amps that you preferred with the speakers...see if their a good match.

Audio is not a race....take your time and listen. And....if your wallet is "burning a hole" in your pocket...put it in the freezer. :wink:

Happy listening.... :thumb:

That's very good advice, Chris.  Spending that kind of money shouldn't be a crap shot.


 :lol: :lol: :lol: Graham, not at all. One thing for sure is Ted's HT will kick my HT's butt. No comparison there.

I take it you are in Australia? Have you checked out the amps by Redgum? Very good value mosfet amps and you should be able to get a home audition easily once your Revs get there. No harm in trying right? :)


At your price range, why not look at Plinius? And SA-Reference looks great!

opnly bafld

At your price range, why not look at Plinius? And SA-Reference looks great!

In the May 2010 issue Bound for Sound gave the Plinius SB-301 ($9,000 USD) a very good review.


Hi Graham,

Nice to hear you are getting your Revs... You are going to be one happy guy :)

I'm getting great results with the NuForce V3SE here. So you practically can't go wrong with something in this family.

In my configuration, bi-amping does not give a huge difference. Save your money to start with, you can always borrow an extra set of amps, at some point, to see if it is worth the extra cost.

The front end is critical, plenty of culpits, but also many ways to skin a cat.

What works with me, is J.River media center in WASAPI mode, over a Lynx AES16e card, feeding AES to my own DAC/digital preamp design.

You are welcome to contact me for any further details.



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Rod and JackD201

I will chase up quotes with both air freight and sea via D.B. Schenker.

phusis, Rod, Chris and Wind Chaser

Good advice. I won't jump in. As Rod and phusis have pointed out, I have reasonable amps already with the NuForce Ref9V2SE. I can upgrade them to V3SE. Rod, I did buy them from Pat at War Audio. He wants a bit more than I'd like for the upgrade. Still he's a good guy and he backs his work up very well. So I will go ahead with the upgrade. I will hang off on the P8 to P9 upgrade as I am looking at a couple of different Pre-amps that sell for not much more than the P9 upgrade.
When the Rev's arrive, I will hook them up with the V3SE's and P8. That will be a good base to then do other comparisons. Hopefully with business a little tight worldwide at the moment, there will be distributers/retailers willing to allow in home auditioning. I would love to be able to hook up the BAT VK600's for example.


Your the 3rd person to recommend TRL products by the Weitzel brothers. They make "The Dude" tube based Pre-Amp and "Samson" SS monoblock amps. I must admit they have me intrigued. Reviews/feedback on Audiogon is sensational. Pete (Big Red Machine) has ordered the Pre-Amp unheard and unseen. I was reading a thread by some Texan dude that must have spent in the hundreds of thousands of dollars on his gear. He had multiple versions of the TRL top of the line tube amps @ $140,000 a pop and several lessor models in addition to their Pre-Amp. His thread was'nt bragging about his system, but was discussing with other like purchasers tube type tweaks for the amps. What got me was the low key, matter of fact way they were describing their systems. After reading that, and a review plus feedback on "The Dude" pre-amp by a guy with the moniker Agear, I felt almost inspired/excited  :o :green: enough to whack my order in there and then.

Pete has promised me a report on the pre-amp once its settled in to his system.



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Got to listen to the "Dude" preamp at a March 2010 Rave......good stuff ! 8)

Here's an inside look...thanks to Levi for the photo... (it's large)


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Hi Graham

I was down at Mikes checking out the latest version of his PDX DAC/Pre Amp and the Signature Tranquility.  We had two very experienced equipment designers including the designer of the PDX present, myself, Mike and another very experienced listener.  Both these pieces of equipment are up there with the best at any price - everyone there agreed with that.  And they are way cheaper than some of the stuff you mention.   Save yourself a packet and go up to Mikes to check them out for yourself.



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Still going to do that. My Gold Coast friend visited me last night. I told him I was wanting to use him as a home base in mid November.

I'll contact you before I book flights to make sure you and Mike will be available at the same time. I am really looking forward to it. Rubbing shoulders with industry experienced people, particularly with research and development talent, has got to be beneficial.



  • Full Member
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Still going to do that. My Gold Coast friend visited me last night. I told him I was wanting to use him as a home base in mid November. I'll contact you before I book flights to make sure you and Mike will be available at the same time. I am really looking forward to it. Rubbing shoulders with industry experienced people, particularly with research and development talent, has got to be beneficial.

Great to hear mate - and by that time I should have my PDX which will be fully tricked out with a lightspeed style volume control and Duelund capacitors (they are the best - helishly expensive so virtually no one uses them - but they are the best).  You can have that for about $3200.00 - but I would pit it against anything at any price.  You can also hear the Signature Trainquility everyone is talking about and decide for yourself which you like.  As Lonewolfy says take your time, listen to a heap of stuff and make up your own mind.  I am however confident you won't hear much if anything to match this stuff at any price.  Mike and the others I mentioned have heard heaps of stuff and while they of course have not heard everything rate these DAC's as two of the three best they have heard - the third is the Killer DAC.  Mike thinks the PDX may edge out the Killer with the signature third but really once you reach this level it really does come down personal preference.
