Support for a great brand

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Support for a great brand
« on: 4 Aug 2023, 01:01 pm »
As the subject of the thread indicates the intent here is to support what I believe to be a great American brand in the HiFi industry. At the risk of seeming critical I would like to make some observations and offer free advice.

For starters I owned the latest edition of the X4 and really loved that speaker. I did end up selling but only to spend nearly 10x to beat that speaker and for the asking price of the X4 you would be hard pressed to come close to it (assuming you set it up correctly in the right room, not stuffed near walls with an entertainment center and TV and firing into the side of a sofa with an asymmetrical room and glass coffee table)...

That said it has been over a month since the announcement of the sale of Spatial Audio Lab. Since that time no company posts here, nothing new on the web page or YouTube. Like many of you I am seeing 6-8 Spatial speakers for sale and that is a good amount for a small company (e.g. portfolio run off). For this reason I highly recommend any sort PR campaign. Understanding that it is a small business and likely at capacity... potential consider an Intern like Audio Excellence Canada does on YouTube by partnering with a local school.

No news is not good news and is not inspiring brand confidence. The great thing about 2023 is that you can post anything that is <1-5 mins and cater to the public's A.D.D. and keep the word out regarding these amazing speakers. Again this is meant in the most positive way because I like many care about American small businesses and their employees.

Mr. Big

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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #1 on: 4 Aug 2023, 03:56 pm »
With the sale, I am sure they are planning and getting their new vision, products, and plans in order. Folks selling speakers might be for another reason but I might think they are worried about the company closing with Clayton selling, they should address this concern which may well be unfounded. As far as the speakers go, their ability to reproduce a live event in your room is as good as any speakers I've owned for over 40 years. They do sound different due to being open baffles in design, but in my experience, the Shappire M3 sounds like a panel/electrostatic speaker but on steroids. I had a friend and audiophile over who has $$$$$$ in gear and speakers and he said these sound like a direct feed from the microphone and open like a panel speaker. Everything is present in the room. He has had many systems over my 40 years of knowing him, he got more experience with different brands of gear and speakers than salespeople have. 

Early B.

Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #2 on: 4 Aug 2023, 05:53 pm »
It's not like there hasn't been any news since the announcement of the sale. There have been several lengthy and exceptionally informative threads about Spatial's tube amp and tube preamp offerings here on AC and on Audiogon. Within those threads, there was mention of the new Q series of speakers which debuted at a major audio show recently and are listed on their website as forthcoming end of summer. The website is currently accepting orders. Clayton has been very open about the sale and the future of the company. It appears as though great things are happening. Not sure what else the new owners need to say or do.     


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #3 on: 4 Aug 2023, 07:52 pm »
Given the more personal connection that AC is likely to engender among owners and he strong association between Spatial and its highly respected founder, it seems natural to me that there will be folks who will value reassurance. Having said that, it can be a tricky balance to get right but continued regular participation here from Spatial will be key.

Personally I don't think an intern posting updates will come close to matching Clayton's participation, but the new owners will want to figure something out.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #4 on: 4 Aug 2023, 08:59 pm »
I think we would all agree that we're loyal Spatial owners. The company will have very big shoe's to fill when it comes to Clayton. With all the uncertainty in the world today, and not knowing if all is well, I would have to agree with Bingenito. They should throw the dog a bone, more out of us having concern than anything.

Spatial Audio

Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #5 on: 4 Aug 2023, 09:49 pm »
Hey guys,

The support and confidence we receive from the Audiophile community is highly valued and we appreciate your input. Our focus in the last few months has been to get the X4 back in serial production and service the orders that we have in-house. The company operations are now running smoothly and we have started shipping X4s now that they are in full production. I will endeavor to be more engaged on the forums now that we are getting caught up. You are welcome to contact me directly with any questions or comments: or call 435-640-1294.

We introduced a very interesting new design at the Seattle Audio show recently called the Q6. This a 2-way dipole design using a wideband mid/treble driver. The crossover point is 400Hz, which provide outstanding coherence and imaging. The Q6 is the best sounding speaker we have developed in the history of the company in the $5000 price class, while still being American made with top level build quality, such as premium crossover parts, WBT binding posts, etc. So, we are excited to start production in the next several months. We will announce the order availability of the Q6 very soon.

Spatial Audio Lab


Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #6 on: 4 Aug 2023, 10:35 pm »
As we all know, society has evolved to short sound bytes … and the influencers and media have figured it out… promote yourself by staying in touch… with great frequency. For those who choose not to do so, it’s not so much that they become less relevant as becoming less remembered.

I would encourage Spatial to post at least weekly… even if the updates are small.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #7 on: 4 Aug 2023, 11:22 pm »
Great update Clayton!

As RonN5 states very well… and I agree with him- it helps to play the numbers game in marketing. We are all here to support the brand just drop some breadcrumbs!

Daryl Zero

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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #8 on: 4 Aug 2023, 11:27 pm »

We introduced a very interesting new design at the Seattle Audio show recently called the Q6. This a 2-way dipole design using a wideband mid/treble driver. The crossover point is 400Hz, which provide outstanding coherence and imaging. The Q6 is the best sounding speaker we have developed in the history of the company in the $5000 price class, while still being American made with top level build quality, such as premium crossover parts, WBT binding posts, etc. So, we are excited to start production in the next several months. We will announce the order availability of the Q6 very soon.

Spatial Audio Lab

As I stated in threads about the audio show, that Q6 is no lie. It is about 2/3 the size of the X line speakers and sounded wonderful.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #9 on: 5 Aug 2023, 12:07 am »
To clarify the intern comment was for A/V production like AE Canada does on YouTube. It may take 5 minutes for an employee, designer, CNC operator to speak to the camera but then 1 hour of gear setup/ take down and 2 hours of editing that nobody has time for.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #10 on: 5 Aug 2023, 01:18 am »
To clarify the intern comment was for A/V production like AE Canada does on YouTube. It may take 5 minutes for an employee, designer, CNC operator to speak to the camera but then 1 hour of gear setup/ take down and 2 hours of editing that nobody has time for.
Having an intern to shoot video is an excellent idea. I've been into photography for years (kinda getting out of it lately) but if I would go to a track to shoot motocross, there's a lot of pretty talented young people out there that would love to have an opportunity to show off their skills.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #11 on: 25 Aug 2023, 12:25 pm »
New ownership may be a positive for Spatial, especially if Clayton remains with the company. From a marketing perspective, look at another, larger, direct-to-consumer brand, PS Audio, for inspiration. Paul’s Youtube videos are very basic but some folks love them. Their magazine has some excellent articles, and even Octave Records gives them profile and street cred.

But here’s the thing. It has to be a CONSISTENT effort. That’s what makes PS Audio’s marketing strategy successful. Since moving to a DTC sales model, it feels like it has barely missed a beat. Pick a marketing tool, do it well, and then wash, rinse, dry and repeat. Having great products (like Spatial) is only one leg holding up the stool of success.

Mr. Big

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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #12 on: 25 Aug 2023, 11:39 pm »
New ownership may be a positive for Spatial, especially if Clayton remains with the company. From a marketing perspective, look at another, larger, direct-to-consumer brand, PS Audio, for inspiration. Paul’s Youtube videos are very basic but some folks love them. Their magazine has some excellent articles, and even Octave Records gives them profile and street cred.

But here’s the thing. It has to be a CONSISTENT effort. That’s what makes PS Audio’s marketing strategy successful. Since moving to a DTC sales model, it feels like it has barely missed a beat. Pick a marketing tool, do it well, and then wash, rinse, dry and repeat. Having great products (like Spatial) is only one leg holding up the stool of success.

See new post from Spatial Audio.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #13 on: 26 Aug 2023, 01:02 pm »
See new post from Spatial Audio.

Good stuff, although I have to admit, adding other electronics to the mix when the company has struggled to deliver on orders for just one model of speaker is a head scratcher for me.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #14 on: 26 Aug 2023, 02:10 pm »
Good stuff, although I have to admit, adding other electronics to the mix when the company has struggled to deliver on orders for just one model of speaker is a head scratcher for me.
I’m not privy to any details but my impression is Spatial is setting up well to recover from the contracted position they’re coming out of (health, supply chain, Covid boom/bust, etc).  Being the same age as Clayton I can’t imagine how exhausting it would be to keep up the pace required to run a small company in good times, let alone a company that is stressed.
The current and announced speaker line is significantly streamlined.  The DS collaboration offers synergistic amplification that’s dependent on a different (though maybe no less volatile) supply chain. 
As a product strategy it appears to be similar to other manufacturers that have or are developing systems offerings (Emotiva, PS Audio, Bryston, Daniel Hertz, etc).
Who knows where this will lead or what they have planned long term.  Hopefully Spatial will find success with more people more narrowly focused and hopefully more stable supply chain and economic conditions.

Early B.

Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #15 on: 26 Aug 2023, 02:46 pm »
As a product strategy it appears to be similar to other manufacturers that have or are developing systems offerings (Emotiva, PS Audio, Bryston, Daniel Hertz, etc).

Yeah, it's typical for a speaker company to diversify into components and vice-versa. The unique difference is that Spatial is partnering with unconventional tube amp designers to mate with their unconventional speakers.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #16 on: 26 Aug 2023, 05:28 pm »
I disagree, it’s not typical. And those companies that do diversify, like PS Audio and Bryston, are usually well-established. Let’s face it - Spatial is at a pretty critical point. Getting all those X4 orders filled should be its singular focus, not building amps for Don Sachs. Heck, my Spatials are an absolute breeze to drive. There are dozens of SS and tube amps that fit the bill. My XA25 (and XA30.5 before that) are but two examples of suitable amps.

My comments come from a good place. My M3 Sapphires are pretty much perfect for my room, system, and listening tastes. I occasionally get requests from other Toronto audiophiles for a demo and often oblige. I’m downright evangelical in my belief that many audiophiles, especially those with less-than-ideal rooms, should give open baffles a try.

I wish Spatial great success, and that’s why I chime in with some non-fawning comments.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #17 on: 26 Aug 2023, 09:19 pm »
There are dozens of SS and tube amps that fit the bill. My XA25 (and XA30.5 before that) are but two examples of suitable amps.

My 30 year old 18wpc Naim Nait2 had a rip roaring time with my X3s recently. Currently off being serviced and upgraded, I know the X3s will give me every detail of what's restored and improved in the Nait2 when I get it back.

Mr. Big

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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #18 on: 27 Aug 2023, 12:12 am »
I disagree, it’s not typical. And those companies that do diversify, like PS Audio and Bryston, are usually well-established. Let’s face it - Spatial is at a pretty critical point. Getting all those X4 orders filled should be its singular focus, not building amps for Don Sachs. Heck, my Spatials are an absolute breeze to drive. There are dozens of SS and tube amps that fit the bill. My XA25 (and XA30.5 before that) are but two examples of suitable amps.

My comments come from a good place. My M3 Sapphires are pretty much perfect for my room, system, and listening tastes. I occasionally get requests from other Toronto audiophiles for a demo and often oblige. I’m downright evangelical in my belief that many audiophiles, especially those with less-than-ideal rooms, should give open baffles a try.

I wish Spatial great success, and that’s why I chime in with some non-fawning comments.

I have upgraded my room acoustics and this week I get my last delivery from GIK to complete my room.  This evening as I like to do, I played an Ella recording of her and a piano doing Gershwin songs. I've not played it in a while and not with my new room treatments. The Sapphires M3 reproduced the piano like I never heard with the lower registers firm and present along with Ella sounding full and right in the room with a Piano. The sound was open, yet with weight and body, and the bottom end of the panel just being so deep, firm low, and detailed. These panels do both diffusion and absorption and adding my bass traps in the corners just made everything come together which I expected.  I could stop right now and just enjoy the reproduction from my system and the Sapphires and again this reinforces the utmost importance of spending money on your room and proper setup. Picture of my setup with my bass traps just sitting on the floor in the corners.  These will be replaced by Demi Bass traps that will sit in the floor corners and butt right up to the bottom of the impression series panels, then I have 2 more 4" panels coming which will replace each of the 2" panels on the side wall by each corner, so both front wall and side wall will be 4" panels which will improve the sound even a touch more, the panels that they replace will go above my windows below the ceiling and the other on a side wall after the rack so to balance out with the hall way to my left that is open air, I have no wall behind me where I sit.


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Re: Support for a great brand
« Reply #19 on: 27 Aug 2023, 02:14 pm »
I agree with Tangram's claimed utility in expressing "non-fawning comments" and puzzlement over Spatial's decision to "partner" to produce $20K monoblocks.  Consider David Whitt's comment, in part, "...From a business standpoint, we won’t bite off more than we can swallow in what many people are forecasting to be a challenging economy. (Hope for the best - plan for the worst.) We are committed to a measured investment and growth plan that ensures continuity of operations and building confidence in our ability to deliver outstanding value."  Not an obvious retail ploy to undertake production of $20K monoblocks in a "challenging economy."

I recall Clayton's comment, "I don't want to just make toys for rich guys."  OK. Motivations can change. Granted. But it would be nice if Spatial would attend to its current customer base by, for instance, offering X-over upgrades as many seem to desire. Count me in.  Given the marketing copy dedicated to Spatial's no-holds-barred X-over upgrade in the X series, I concur with those who've suggested the inherent business opportunity.

Regardless, I just hope my M3's continue to perform as, overall, they're the most satisfying speaks I've owned in 45 years.