A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup

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A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« on: 5 May 2007, 01:39 am »

Superbly helpful article...merits as a sticky for reference at all times.  A good review for basics for even experienced vinyl-istas  :thumb:


Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #1 on: 5 May 2007, 07:02 am »


Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #2 on: 5 May 2007, 12:58 pm »
I especially note, and second the article's comments about, setting anti-skate via the Hi Fi News and Record Review test record.


Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #3 on: 12 Apr 2008, 06:20 pm »
My Empire 598 has a arm length of 9.00" and an overhang of .719" rotating the cartridge angle on the Enjoythemusic spreadsheet will give tremendous variations on the 2 null points and maximum distortion. While it is impossible to "eyeball" in an angle, the tonearm designer has usually done you a favor by putting a flat reference surface on the tonearm head. But that was for his favorite alignment.
« Last Edit: 13 Apr 2013, 07:43 pm by Wayner »


Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #4 on: 9 Mar 2009, 02:00 am »
I am re-entering the vinyl world after an almost 25 year hiatus.  Half inch mount cartridge allignment seems to be the only thing that has not been simplified after all these years. This task is still only tolerable when stoned. 

How about a swivel loc system with a simple nut tightener at the top of the headshell with simple gradation marks. Delrin would cut the weight down.  Hell with it, I am just gonna design one.   


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Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #5 on: 26 May 2009, 05:41 pm »
I just set up my Technics MK2 1200 with a Denon dl 160 cartridge-- and last night I played the Hi-Fi News record. During the Bias check tones on side 3, I heard no distortion on the 1st of the three tones, but there was buzzing in the right channel on the 2nd. According to this setup guide I've got to adjust the bias, and by this I understand it to mean the Anti-skating. But I moved the anti-skating dial to match the tracking weight setting on the counter weight. But this didn't change the distortion.
(The tracking weight had been set for 1.9, 1.6 +/- 3 being what the DL-160 specifies in its instructions-- I'm not using a tracking force guage)
What should I do? Adjust the tracking Weight? why doesn't the tracking force setting affect the buzzing?
Should I be using a tracking force gauge?

Thanks anyone.


Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #6 on: 26 May 2009, 08:32 pm »
I just set up my Technics MK2 1200 with a Denon dl 160 cartridge-- and last night I played the Hi-Fi News record. During the Bias check tones on side 3, I heard no distortion on the 1st of the three tones, but there was buzzing in the right channel on the 2nd. According to this setup guide I've got to adjust the bias, and by this I understand it to mean the Anti-skating. But I moved the anti-skating dial to match the tracking weight setting on the counter weight. But this didn't change the distortion.
(The tracking weight had been set for 1.9, 1.6 +/- 3 being what the DL-160 specifies in its instructions-- I'm not using a tracking force guage)
What should I do? Adjust the tracking Weight? why doesn't the tracking force setting affect the buzzing?
Should I be using a tracking force gauge?

Thanks anyone.

Yes, you should definitely use a tracking force gauge. The calibration using only the counterweight scale is iffy.  After you confirm the tracking force (yes, 1.9g is good for the DL-160) you would adjust antiskate until the channels either don't distort or reach distortion at the same track. Distortion in the right channel only would seem to indicate the antiskate is set too low.  The stylus isn't keeping good contact on the right side of the groove.


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Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #7 on: 8 Jun 2009, 03:15 pm »
I'm not sure what I'm looking for with this test on the Hi-Fi News, as seen in this youtube video:

When I did this test yesterday with the same setup, I can't tell where the maximum vibration is occurring -- it starts vibrating at maybe 15hz and starts to wane only at 7hz. Is this bad, should it be clear where the max vibration is occurring?
 In the video, i can't see the vibration, but the audio seems to indicate the most vibration is around 9hz in the test.


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Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #8 on: 18 Mar 2010, 09:35 pm »
Conrad Hoffman is a genius.  Make your own arc based on pivot to spindle distance.


Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #9 on: 1 Apr 2010, 08:23 pm »
I think most would answer that 15hz is a little high. You hear 8-12 mostly but have you tested with some material w/ low freqs? Like some organ LPs?


I'm not sure what I'm looking for with this test on the Hi-Fi News, as seen in this youtube video:

When I did this test yesterday with the same setup, I can't tell where the maximum vibration is occurring -- it starts vibrating at maybe 15hz and starts to wane only at 7hz. Is this bad, should it be clear where the max vibration is occurring?
 In the video, i can't see the vibration, but the audio seems to indicate the most vibration is around 9hz in the test.


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Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #10 on: 28 Apr 2010, 12:48 pm »

Just a couple questions from a newbie;

1. What determines which of the alignment programs to use? Lofgren A, B, or Stevenson A

2. There's  several cartridge set up records on the market. Any recommendations?

Thanks for any help.



Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #11 on: 28 Apr 2010, 12:53 pm »
I'd avoid the Hi-Fi News one, at least the sweep. An acquaintance of mine emailed me this after looking at some of my needle drops:

"The HFNRR frequency sweep  is crap. Do not use it.

The reason should be clearly obvious if you open it up in Audacity in a spectrogram view: the sweep speed is nowhere near constant. In fact, it speeds up significantly around 700hz.... which, not coincidentally, is right around where the frequency response drops in your plots.

My (cynical) hypothesis is that Len Gregory mastered this track by manually turning the dial on an oscillator from 20hz to 20khz. He did advertise that this was an all-analog mastering..... bleh."


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Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #12 on: 5 May 2010, 11:58 am »

Thanks DC, I'll keep that in mind.



Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #13 on: 20 Nov 2010, 02:42 am »
G'day all, for what it's worth this is the approach to cartridge overhang that I use with excellent results every time!  http://www.mds975.co.uk/Content/vinyl07.html
Regards, Felix.


Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #14 on: 21 Dec 2010, 12:15 pm »
Just saw this link, Felix. Nice explanation and photos, thanks! I have the HFNRR record, will check for the gauge inside. In the meantime, I've been using Wayner's Way Excellent setup laminates.



Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #15 on: 13 Apr 2013, 07:32 pm »
I have been trying quite a few cartridges on my turntable(s) that I started to notice that at the null points which I use quite often I am really looking at whether or not the cartridge is tracking parallel with the set of grooves under the cartridge body looking straight down (and not putting the needle down).  Given that this ignores variations in the angle of the cantilever coming out of the body.

I will still use the protractors, but this saves a lot of time not looking under the body. Once you have the cartridge set at the right distance that the arc produces two null points at the appropriate positions then it is time for lighting up the shadows.  Works for me.


Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #16 on: 9 May 2013, 07:07 pm »
I used this guide numerous times -> http://vacuumstate.com/fileupload/GuruSetUp.pdf
and here is a link to the guru's protractor -> http://vacuumstate.com/fileupload/Guru_protractor.pdf


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Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #17 on: 11 May 2013, 09:15 pm »
For those unfamiliar with the guru's alignment, it is 1.27mm behind the traditional Baerwald null points, maintaining the same angle.

This has been calculated to be a bogus alignment.  If you maintain the same angle behind the alignment arc, the resultant nulls are misaligned.

For those interested in the calculations there's an article in Vinyl Engine which goes through the math/geometry.  Some people swear by this alignment.  You can try it for yourself if you want.


Tim Marx

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Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #18 on: 20 Jan 2015, 05:08 pm »
Hey there, my first post...new member. What a great forum!

  I have used this reference as a learning guide along with the Hi-Fi News test record. As a newby, this link summed it up best for me. I have a Polestar arm and a ZYX cart on a new table I received late Oct 2014. Its been a great ride so far... "Anvil Turntable" made here in Detroit.  Falling in love with all my old favorites and spending lots on new vinyl. Check out the pics. Thanks for a great site.


Re: A Beginner's Guide to Cartridge Setup
« Reply #19 on: 24 Jan 2015, 10:30 pm »
Looking good and WELCOME TO AC!!!!!
