Mods to CD Only Players?

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Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #20 on: 1 Oct 2021, 12:45 pm »
I would love to see some tube mods for the Marantz SACD 30n. That would make an awesome successor to the OPPO 205 and no doubt would be a reference caliber unit. CD's on my 205 sound much better than streaming and there is no way I'm going to spend another 5K+ for a high end dedicated streamer.

Craig B

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Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #21 on: 1 Oct 2021, 01:18 pm »
This is something I might have an interest in, though if anyone wanted to know my personal preference, I'd rather see a reasonably priced mod for the Marantz SACD 30n, like Artp (though I don't particularly care whether it was based on tubes or not). I have a good-sized SACD library that I don't care to abandon, and I'd prefer a single-player solution. The 30n comes very close to that for me - I really, really like what it does for redbook playback - but if it could be improved, and eliminate my perceived need (:wink:) for the new PS Audio Perfectwave SACD transport, I'd be in heaven.


Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #22 on: 1 Oct 2021, 04:22 pm »
I am primarily looking at CDP's, not CDT's. My strength is analog and power supply design.


Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #23 on: 1 Oct 2021, 04:32 pm »
The Marantz SACD 30n is interesting, from the stand point that it appears to offer the same or at least similar digital connectivity for audio, that the Oppo 205 does!

I see digital inputs and outputs, including USB. DSD capability?
I also see fixed and variable analog outs.
Lastly I also see a USB input for an outboard drive?

For a product at this price and level, I would envision a mod very similar to what we did for the Oppo 205, with Lundahl transformer coupling and SE and XLR fully balanced outs (we would add XLR outs, possibly as add cost option as the circuit is capable). Pricing would be $2500+, including outboard supply.

The mod that I am considering for the lower priced CDP's would be one-box and less expensive.




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Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #24 on: 1 Oct 2021, 06:14 pm »
Indeed it would be great to have something like the Marantz SACD 30n as well as lower priced offerings. That Marantz unit looks amazing and there is plenty of room on the back for XLR outputs to be added and it already has USB and other connectivity options. At some point we OPPO 205 users will need to replace those units and will want something equal or even better.


Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #25 on: 1 Oct 2021, 06:43 pm »
Yes, the Marantz is the first that I have seen that could fit the bill.

The total investment would be over $5K, but also very flexible and I don't know that you would need a fancy server if the unit is compatible as a Roon Endpoint...not sure about that.


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Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #26 on: 2 Oct 2021, 08:31 pm »
This is an interesting thread and very timely.
My listening has been primarily streaming for the last 5-6 years but recently I have been looking for a high quality CD player. The one I have on my short list is this one Dan:

Marantz CD6007

I dont want a player with any bells or whisles, just superb CD playback. and reliability, and this one seems to fit the bill.
From my research it has a very good AKM DAC and almost all reviews are in high-praise of the sound quality/value ratio.

I am sure your mods would bring this player to a new level at a very reasonable cost.
Best regards


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Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #27 on: 2 Oct 2021, 10:58 pm »
Never mind, just now noticed your previous post, disregard everything below. There appears to be no way of deleting a posted message unless the moderators can.

It strikes me that a stand alone CDP is a relatively simple device, at least in this day and age of advanced digital chicanery. Why not just design, engineer and make an entirely new unit rather than modifying something else that might have dubious appeal from the start. Or better still forget about a stand alone CDP and create a well engineered (or modified) transport utilizing all outputs from I2S to Coax, optical or AES/EBU and others.

The vast majority of people already own an outboard DAC, so why bother with reinventing that wheel. Separate power supplies for each unit, DAC and Transport, might surely be an advantage much like some of the legendary Wadia's form years past. DAC's come in all flavors from Delta Sigma, each with their own signature sound, then there are the R2R Ladder DAC's. It would be a daunting task to please all just on this platform alone. Some thoughts to consider.


Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #28 on: 4 Oct 2021, 08:43 pm »
Absolutely interested. I was just researching an Ayon CD-10 II, tube player. You have my interest, as I am looking for a one box player, not looking for a transport and DAC,


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Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #29 on: 5 Oct 2021, 01:34 am »
Never mind, just now noticed your previous post, disregard everything below. There appears to be no way of deleting a posted message unless the moderators can.

It strikes me that a stand alone CDP is a relatively simple device, at least in this day and age of advanced digital chicanery. Why not just design, engineer and make an entirely new unit rather than modifying something else that might have dubious appeal from the start. Or better still forget about a stand alone CDP and create a well engineered (or modified) transport utilizing all outputs from I2S to Coax, optical or AES/EBU and others.

The vast majority of people already own an outboard DAC, so why bother with reinventing that wheel. Separate power supplies for each unit, DAC and Transport, might surely be an advantage much like some of the legendary Wadia's form years past. DAC's come in all flavors from Delta Sigma, each with their own signature sound, then there are the R2R Ladder DAC's. It would be a daunting task to please all just on this platform alone. Some thoughts to consider.
Your comment, though well intentioned, is naive.  Even during times of JIT supply chain availability bringing a from scratch CD player would be hundreds of thousands of dollars.  The circuit design and boards are the easy part.  Casework, power supply components, displays, hardware, firmware and software design and implementation are the real killers in time, money and then there is marketing.  In my world, supply delays of 6 to 24 months have become the norm.  At the end of that delay there is the questionable spec'ed parts quality being up to standards.  Not a good time to reinvent the wheel.

Modifying a worthy donor is the only thing that makes sense.


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Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #30 on: 18 Oct 2021, 08:27 pm »
I am in the same ballpark as some of the others have mentioned, will not go the streaming method and after having some of modwrights modded cd/dvd/universal players I am all in on a new mod for a cd/sacd player.


Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #31 on: 18 Oct 2021, 11:58 pm »
Thanks guys, the next question then is, just to confirm:

It is something like the CD6007 rather than the Marantz CD30n at a much higher price, that also does DSD, etc?

I ask because they are two very different price point mods. I personally like the idea of taking the CD6007 and making it a REALLY great player! The price will be less and I am tired of the techno-run-around with modern digital personally.




Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #32 on: 19 Oct 2021, 09:05 am »
I would be happy with a one box solution with something like the CD6007. Simple and great sounding.


Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #33 on: 19 Oct 2021, 11:03 am »
 I have to agree that A " One Box Player " would be  great. Having a separate Power supply can be a challenge room wise . Also I think a $2K- $2500 Upgrade cost should be Max investment...


Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #34 on: 19 Oct 2021, 10:37 pm »
The goal would be ideally a one-box solution. We were successful in doing this with the Cambridge CXN Streamer/DAC and the Pioneer LX-500 player. This kept the mod cost down to about $1500 also.




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Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #35 on: 31 Dec 2022, 12:02 pm »
The mod that I'm hoping-against-hope for is a slight variation on the ones being bandied about here: I'd like to mod an Arcam FMJ CD23 to accept a digital input, so I can use it as a DAC. There seem to be two camps on this idea -- one that it should be relatively easy with the technical specs in hand (which I have), and the other that it's completely and utterly impossible. :D


Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #36 on: 3 Jan 2023, 07:32 pm »
It can be done, but I am not the one to do it. It requires connecting to the I2s input of the CDP. I have attempted this with a Sony SACD player in years past and it did not go well.



Bob Stark

Re: Mods to CD Only Players?
« Reply #37 on: 31 Jan 2024, 03:49 am »
I first heard of MW players when I bought a used MW Sony 9000 one box player.  That was the first CD player that really impressed me with its sound.  I didn't own a CD player until 1994 because my records were consistently better sounding than the same music on CD.  I believe my first player I actually kept was the NAD 502 until I bought that MW Sony 9000.  I don't have any technical knowledge of any worth but I do appreciated good sound.  The 9000 was very close in sound to the top box MW Sony 9100 which I had at the same time several years ago.  That 9000 was an awesome one box player.  I realize that it retailed for $3000 new w/o the mods.  I have no idea how much work or cost to you, Dan, that it was, but if you could make a one box player sound as good as the MW Sony 9000 for a reasonable cost, people would be lining up to buy one.  I still have the MW Sony 5400 Signature Truth and it is one fantastic sounding player.  But to be honest, I believe I might have the most add-on tweaks and upgrades that anyone has put in the player.  It just keeps getting better sound with each addition.   

Man, just to let others know, a couple of my audio buddies and I have discovered Auric Illuminator II disc enhancer.  I have now done over 700 discs with one kit.  Each disc significantly improved in SQ.  Together with your player, it really cuts into the records rule theory over CDs.  Personally, I don't think you're capable of designing anything but stunning mods to your players.
