Open and revealing - I/C's that transfer what the source produces !

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hi Shek

how many hrs "bun in" have tuan's ic's?
are the pro silways shielded?
do yo know what metal the silway's core is and Tuan's?


I believe the Harmonic Tech I/Cs are shielded.  The core of HT's wires is copper, that I know.  The shielding is copper and silver, etc.  You may want to check their web site,, I think.  As far as Tuan's I/Cs, I don't know.  Trade secret!? :drool:


Tuan is asking I think around $120 for his I/C.  My Blue Heavens cost me I think about $200, while the Pro Silway III like $300.  The bargain perhaps is with the Tuan I/Cs.

Good job, Tuan.  I liked the wire! :drool: :thumb:

Again, Shek, thanks...Actually, the HT ProSidways III is $569 for 1 meter RCA and the Blue Heaven's are $200...

So, my cables are, again, no trade secrets here as I have gave many the recipe to create their own affordable cables... are made from Magnet Wire, sold core...Also, the design is shielded and directional. 
Shaun, thanks to you as well for the great write up...I am glad that the cables are serving you well and bringing you the qualities and characteristics that you were looking for...

For more info, please contact me.
« Last Edit: 21 Dec 2008, 04:40 pm by Sonny »


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Tuan is asking I think around $120 for his I/C.  My Blue Heavens cost me I think about $200, while the Pro Silway III like $300.  The bargain perhaps is with the Tuan I/Cs.

Good job, Tuan.  I liked the wire! :drool: :thumb:

Again, Shek, thanks...Actually, the HT ProSidways III is $569 for 1 meter RCA and the Blue Heaven's are $200...

So, my cables are, again, no trade secrets here as I have gave many the recipe to create their own affordable cables... are made from Magnet Wire, sold core...Also, the desire is shielded and directional. 

Shaun, thanks to you as well for the great write up...I am glad that the cables are serving you well and bringing you the qualities and characteristics that you were looking for...

For more info, please contact me.

Yeap, the PS III + is now $569 a meter.  Mine is not the III+ but rather than the III.  They just keep raising the prices.  So, Sonny's is a bargain comparatively.


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I had another discovery.  I took the Modwright preamp off and hooked back my usual preamp, the Cary AE3 DJH DIY version.  I should have remembered in my earlier posting, but I didn't, so I must apologize for the omission.  When I played contents with more higher frequencies, say violins, the violins came out as on the sharp side.  I suspected it was the Modwright, and indeed it was.  Not that anything is wrong with the Modwright.  Perhaps the Modwright and the I/Cs are not a good match, due to the fact that the I/Cs are on the lean side (don't how how to put it better, as I don't want to label it as white), and the Modwright is very open.  When both pieces image well, the result is not as desirable?  After switching back my preamp into the loop, the upper frequencies became rounder, more pleasant to "my" ears (with "my" emphasized).  So, I concluded that it was the Modwright (somewhat a surprise to me!) causing it to some extent, or both in tandem.  So, I must make this revision.  The other aspects, that the I/Cs are a bit on the dry side for my taste, remains (I used them in conjunction with my preamp also).  So, it's a tradeoff I suppose.  The Tuan I/Cs give you better imaging, and the Harm Tech wires give me warmer/sweeter sounds, but a little less precise preception in terms of imaging, at a higher cost.  So, it's one's preference that matters in the end, IMO. :thumb:
« Last Edit: 20 Apr 2008, 01:46 am by goldlizsts »


Shek, thanks for the clarification...
I am glad that your conclusion is that my DIY I/C was not bright or harsh...but in combo with the MW, it did sound that way...
Again, I think these cables are very very revealing, therefore, what i said earlier in the thread is that matching them with Horns and extremely transparent system may depend on tastes and preferences...


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Shek, thanks for the clarification...
I am glad that your conclusion is that my DIY I/C was not bright or harsh...but in combo with the MW, it did sound that way...
Again, I think these cables are very very revealing, therefore, what i said earlier in the thread is that matching them with Horns and extremely transparent system may depend on tastes and preferences...

Absolutely.  In the end, it's always taste that drives a purchase decision when it comes to sound judgement. 

Just to note, the wires are at the Post Office as of this morning.  Thanks.  It's been a rewarding experience.  I have yet to hear a more revealing wire (except those demo sessions at the hi-fi shows; but those sessions are usually hardly convincing purely they're not in your system), tho at the end I didn't decide to keep it.  It doesn't mean that I will not come back tomorrow to order a pair.   :thumb:


I am here and if you miss the imaging and transparancy, then all you got to do is shoot me a PM and I'll make you a pair...

paul canady

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Vintage Audio Labs on ebay. Pure silver solid core ic's which are now at $70. Very clean and clear. I like them better than the special edition Reality Cables I had. More extended an airy. Anti Cables, signal cable, blue jeans, Audio Mettalurgy GA-0's dont even bother. Purist Audio Musaeus are pretty good but Reality Cables are better and those Taiwan made IC's I feel are even better. I did not personally compare the Jade Audio Vermeil but was told by a realiable source that the Vintage Audio IC's were not as good but not in another world either. Considering the price it left the person shaking there head. It should not have been close.
  However, shipping is expensive but still worth every penny. It is better to combine with other product. Right now I am using all there cable except power cords which are no slouch either.


i have bought TUan's IC to try out and i am very very  impressed. But my cables are so changing (I now listen to Gregg Straley's wonderful LS cables) and i await the finishing of my "real Speakers" ( OB) and in the mean time ordered a pair of Silverline Minuets. SO i wait for my posting. Received the Minuets today but i need to upgrade its X-over
to bring it on par with the rest of the system.


i have bought TUan's IC to try out and i am very very  impressed. But my cables are so changing (I now listen to Gregg Straley's wonderful LS cables) and i await the finishing of my "real Speakers" ( OB) and in the mean time ordered a pair of Silverline Minuets. SO i wait for my posting. Received the Minuets today but i need to upgrade its X-over
to bring it on par with the rest of the system.


So, how are the cables sounding now, if you're using it???


I am still using yr cable between preamp and o so important tweeter amp ( single ended pentode) . it is in the chain and the whole chain is soo transparent that i start to dislike the enormous amount of artificial "echo" reverbation most producers add to the human sound. I hear the human voice "natural" with this electronic reverb around it like a strange halo. It is like a "cloud" around the voice and you hear its decay at the moment the voice stops. Very few cd's found the right balance. most overdo it. Before this setup i never noticed it for the majority of recordings.


I am still using yr cable between preamp and o so important tweeter amp ( single ended pentode) . it is in the chain and the whole chain is soo transparent that i start to dislike the enormous amount of artificial "echo" reverbation most producers add to the human sound. I hear the human voice "natural" with this electronic reverb around it like a strange halo. It is like a "cloud" around the voice and you hear its decay at the moment the voice stops. Very few cd's found the right balance. most overdo it. Before this setup i never noticed it for the majority of recordings.

Thanks Kryill, I am glad you are still using it...seems like the concensus is what you're hearing in my cable...extended and transparent, and of course, open and revealing!!!  Glad that you noticed things you never did before my cables...  Tell me, what amp are you using on the tweeter and what is the speaker/preamp too?



digital preamp is a modded III DEQX ( modded by DEQX itself it takes away the inbox filter of the speaker and replaces it with a digital filter before the DAC section. phase and frequency is corrected and the end result is incredible openness and transparency
unless  a mediocre chain or cables supersedes it.
My tweeter is the HDS Peerless with very low distortion and very good reviews. I am very very happy with this tweeter. It is all revealing and the tweeter amp i bought is a 5 watts TABOO Decware SEP tube amp, because Srajan Ebaen reviewed it with such an enthusiasm

My whole setup is spooky transparent I use silver ribbon IC for mid and bass  ( silver will have a hard time to show its "negative" effects outside the tweeter's range ) as they can use the fast effects of silver but i want musicality and transparency combined for the tweeter. So i stay there with best copper and low dielectrics.

I probably can better your cables fore a much more expensive approach but the sound is already so good, i dont feel any motivation  to explore that further (yet) ;). I have tried the copper cable of KCI the soundbolts. but in my setup i like yr cables better in this context

« Last Edit: 8 Sep 2008, 09:07 pm by kyrill »


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I bought Anticable interconnects from Tuan a month before, let the warm for ~80 hours. Even during this period I noticed substantial improvement in overall performance of my mid-level system (Myryad MX series CD and amplifier, DALI Ikon 6 speakers). I found following advantages comparing to Audioquest king cobra and jaguar i/c I had before:
1) sound is louder
2) bass is more articulated;
3) heights are more vivid,
4) mids extended, but not overstressed.

There are more details, more air... I should say- magnet wire Anticable is a real bargain for price asked. And best of all-  somebody doing his own way can create stuff better than those well funded prime brand manufacturers!
What's next? I am looking to improve "roundness" of the sound by installing some acoustic panels in order to minimize effect of my hard surfaces in the room. Yesterday ordered Lossless power cords from our southern neighbours in Lithuania, and put AQ Jaguar on ebay sale- don't need it anymore.


I bought Anticable interconnects from Tuan a month before, let the warm for ~80 hours. Even during this period I noticed substantial improvement in overall performance of my mid-level system (Myryad MX series CD and amplifier, DALI Ikon 6 speakers). I found following advantages comparing to Audioquest king cobra and jaguar i/c I had before:
1) sound is louder
2) bass is more articulated;
3) heights are more vivid,
4) mids extended, but not overstressed.

There are more details, more air... I should say- magnet wire Anticable is a real bargain for price asked. And best of all-  somebody doing his own way can create stuff better than those well funded prime brand manufacturers!
What's next? I am looking to improve "roundness" of the sound by installing some acoustic panels in order to minimize effect of my hard surfaces in the room. Yesterday ordered Lossless power cords from our southern neighbours in Lithuania, and put AQ Jaguar on ebay sale- don't need it anymore.


Thanks for the comments and feedback regarding my DIY cables.  Just to clarify, these are NOT the ANTI-Cables...yes, I use Magnet Wires, but I apply them in a different application than Anti-Cables....

If anyone would like some more information, please PM me or email me at


well,i i get to meet Tuan in person today to pick 3 pairs of RCA IC.all i could said is WOW .i can't believe what i heard the first 2 hours.everything sound so much better ,the High is just right,Image is right up front.detail detail detail.bass is nice and tight.Thanks again   here is my system ,Arcam 74t >>>>Modwright transport>>>>AVA T8 >>>>>Spectron mkII SE>>>Sp tech revalation . aa



well,i i get to meet Tuan in person today to pick 3 pairs of RCA IC.all i could said is WOW .i can't believe what i heard the first 2 hours.everything sound so much better ,the High is just right,Image is right up front.detail detail detail.bass is nice and tight.Thanks again   here is my system ,Arcam 74t >>>>Modwright transport>>>>AVA T8 >>>>>Spectron mkII SE>>>Sp tech revalation . aa


Thanks Lapsan,

I am glad that the cables work for you and the SP Tech speakers...good to know.
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to come have a listen to those SP TECH Revalations....I am sure they sounded marvelous...

If you need anything else, do let me know.



Anymore take on how the RCA's are sounding?


after about 22 hours of listening since Saturday,it's get better all the time.the separation of instruments is more clear ,the bass is tight not boom.i like it alot.this IC is will stay in my system .no need for me to upgrade any more :)Thanks again

oh BTW,i loan one of my IC to my friend,i let him try it out in his system.i will get feed back from in a couple day. :thumb:



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   PM for Sonny;
