L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread

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Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #80 on: 24 Jun 2019, 05:10 pm »
Has anyone tried the Psvane 300b ACME tubes in the L2? Curious if they will fit with their shape. I have a set of 300b and 845's in my LM 219i and enjoy their sound.

Vinnie R.

Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #81 on: 25 Jun 2019, 03:53 am »
Has anyone tried the Psvane 300b ACME tubes in the L2? Curious if they will fit with their shape. I have a set of 300b and 845's in my LM 219i and enjoy their sound.

Hi dishrag,

The Psvane 300B ACME has quite the large diameter at the top of its "balloon" shape (66mm max).  It is also a tall tube at 157mm max,
so without having it on hand, my guess is that it will fit in the L2.  The part that sticks out of the L2 will actually be larger in diameter
than the opening on the top panel, but it *should* clear it. 

However, the mesh tube cover would need to be customized in length so it covers the tube (up to the opening of the top cover), but not above the opening as the diameter of that tube gets too big! 

Feel free to send me a pair to test out and I'll confirm if they fit and how they sound.  :green:


PS: I scored a pair of new-in-box Western Electric 300Bs on a trade (these were made in 2006).  Looking forward to listening to them

Vinnie R.

Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #82 on: 27 Jun 2019, 03:46 pm »

Michael Lavorgna of Twittering Machines has posted a spectacular review of the L2 Signature Preamplifier & Monoblocks combo!


[This is Part 1/2, and the upcoming Part 2/2 will go into more depth about the L2 Dac and L2 Phonostage modules]

Photo Credit: Michael Lavorgna / TwitteringMachines.com

“The Vinnie Rossi L2 Signature system goes deep. Way, way deep into the music. The overall presentation is rock solid, super stable, squeaky clean and precise coupled with a full boded and rich but not over-ripe sound.

The L2 system made my DeVore’s sound like new speakers, capable of things hereto only imagined. Bass response in particular was better than I’ve heard from the Xs and by “better” I mean in every meaningful way which includes tone, body, weight, and impact. The sound image completely decoupled from the speakers, filling the barn with stereo-defying presence in every dimension. Sounds picked, plucked, strummed, and sung sprung from all over the damned place like a sonic fireworks display. At the same time there was a tactile sense of the subtle, a caressing of micro-detail and nuance, allowing time and timing to create tension and release, the stuff that turns hifi into a moving musical experience. Balancing and delivering all of these traits is, in my experience, something special.

I’ve been following Vinnie Rossi’s hifi products going on 15 years and I am happy to see, hear, and report that he has arrived at the deep end of the pool with a truly satisfying splash. Coupled with my source and speakers, the Vinnie Rossi L2 Signature components offered some of the most musically satisfying sound I’ve heard in the Barn. Bravo!”

-Michael Lavorgna, TwitteringMachines.com

Photo Credit: Michael Lavorgna / TwitteringMachines.com

Many thanks to Michael for all the time and effort with reviewing the entire L2 Signature System, and I am very much looking forward to Part 2! :notworthy:  8)



Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #83 on: 27 Jun 2019, 05:29 pm »
 Congrats, Vinnie, for another well deserved —and glowing— review! Nothing I don’t know :wink:

But I was actually returning here to agree with how freakin’ sharp and sexy the silver version looks. Wow!
For the L2’s design, I like the silver even better than the black. It fits it so well for some reason.
If the rest of my components weren’t black, I’d be tempted to ask if possible to swap my guts into a silver chassis! But naw, I’m happy, just saying how nice that silver looks.


Vinnie R.

Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #84 on: 28 Jun 2019, 09:19 pm »
Congrats, Vinnie, for another well deserved —and glowing— review! Nothing I don’t know :wink:

But I was actually returning here to agree with how freakin’ sharp and sexy the silver version looks. Wow!
For the L2’s design, I like the silver even better than the black. It fits it so well for some reason.
If the rest of my components weren’t black, I’d be tempted to ask if possible to swap my guts into a silver chassis! But naw, I’m happy, just saying how nice that silver looks.


Hi Jason,

Thank you!  I'm really pleased with the silver version of the L2 Pre and Monos as well!  :drool:


This has been such a great week - Anthony Kershaw of Audiophilia.com just finished his review of the L2 Dac module today and posted it!


...the [L2]DAC module delivered an unfatiguing sound with superb bass control and an enviable timbral array of percussion instruments. Marimbas, so difficult to record and replicate, sounded precise with solid wood, leading transients and a beautifully smooth decay.

...Voices of all styles and ranges sounded as expected from such a well designed digital device. So many rob the musicality; the essence of the voice. And when the module’s sound is being projected through its spectacular linestage mainframe, it’s an artistic brotherhood of the first rank.

...Much like the [L2]Phono module, the [L2]DAC module plays well above its cost in today’s price/quality ratio. It can win your heart on sound alone, but the fewer cables and lighter footprint may tip the scales in its favour. Highly recommended.

-Anthony Kershaw / Audiophilia.com

Much thanks again to Anthony for all his time and effort conducting the L2 Signature Preamplifier 'trilogy review!'  :notworthy: :singing:

Part 1: The L2 Signature Preamplifier
Part 2: The L2 Phonostage module
Part 3: The L2 Dac module

- Vinnie


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Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #85 on: 23 Jul 2019, 02:36 am »
I do have a LIO, is the Dac 2.0 same as L2, or can it be installed in L2 ?

Vinnie R.

Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #86 on: 23 Jul 2019, 02:43 am »
I do have a LIO, is the Dac 2.0 same as L2, or can it be installed in L2 ?

Hi Mitch751,

Yes, when the LIO DAC 2.0 goes into the L2, it gets the Belleson super-regulator and becomes L2 DAC (and I change the rear plate
so it says "L2 DAC").  For those who are trading-in their LIO (with DAC 2.0) for L2 Preamp or L2 Integrated, I install for you.

Best regards,



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Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #87 on: 24 Jul 2019, 02:40 am »
Thank you for the reply. I am thinking to purchase the L2 and no sure whether I should use the LIO's Dac 2 for L2.

Triode Pete

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Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #88 on: 29 Aug 2019, 05:29 pm »
Hi dishrag,

The Psvane 300B ACME has quite the large diameter at the top of its "balloon" shape (66mm max).  It is also a tall tube at 157mm max,
so without having it on hand, my guess is that it will fit in the L2.  The part that sticks out of the L2 will actually be larger in diameter
than the opening on the top panel, but it *should* clear it. 

However, the mesh tube cover would need to be customized in length so it covers the tube (up to the opening of the top cover), but not above the opening as the diameter of that tube gets too big! 

Feel free to send me a pair to test out and I'll confirm if they fit and how they sound.  :green:


PS: I scored a pair of new-in-box Western Electric 300Bs on a trade (these were made in 2006).  Looking forward to listening to them

FWIW, I replaced my Takatsuki 300B's with some older, used Western Electric 300B's on my fully-loaded L2 preamp...The Tak's were great but I prefer the more relaxed, more natural musical sound of the Western Electrics...

My $0.02,

Vinnie R.

Re: L2 Signature Preamplifer - Information and Discussion Thread
« Reply #89 on: 31 Aug 2019, 03:37 pm »
FWIW, I replaced my Takatsuki 300B's with some older, used Western Electric 300B's on my fully-loaded L2 preamp...The Tak's were great but I prefer the more relaxed, more natural musical sound of the Western Electrics...

My $0.02,

Hi Pete,

I've been using the Western Electric 300B (new-in-box pair from 2006) in the L2i-SE and comparing to the Takatsuki. 

I agree the WE-300B is a touch warmer and more relaxed, but the inner detail and top-end extension and 'air' is not quite
quite at the same level as the TA-300B.  But they are more similar than different... just splitting hairs  :green:

Not sure how the new production WE-300Bs that will be coming from the Rossville, GA plant will compare?  Nobody seems
to know for sure when they are shipping  :scratch:

Thanks for posting!
