Well first I took the Synchro Mesh in and out of the system and compared the sound quality differences.
Then I and went back and forth comparing the 16 bit vs the 24 bit.
So, with my system , I can conclude...
With the SM out of the system, the sound has better bass with a solid round quality. With the SM in the system the bass is much weaker and further back in the performance.
However, with the SM in the system, the soundstage is generally further back with a more layered sound, with the SM out of the system the soundstage is more up front.
Then, I compared the 16 bit to the 24 bit. Again, with my my system the 16 bit setting has the bass sounding close to what it sounds like without the SM. That is, clearer, more rounded etc. But, the 24 bit setting has more depth than the 16 bit.
So, to sum up , the SM does improve my system somewhat. But, with a trade off between achieving more depth but with the bass being slighlty buried in the soundstage.
I believe that the standard Squeezebox Touch already has very low jitter and that probably minimizes the improvements that the Synchro Mesh can provide to say a Sonus unit.
Also, my Squeezebox Touch has been modified and I am using an upgraded linear power supply along with a high quality power cord.