Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)

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Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« on: 24 Apr 2015, 11:46 pm »
I want to hear from you Low Wattage guys about your SET amps.  What is it about your SET amp that makes it special?  Please share any relevant information about circuit design, tubes used, caps, and most important, your speakers.  Pics welcome!


Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #1 on: 25 Apr 2015, 01:13 am »
Found Music 2A3 with Mercury rectifiers, direct coupled two stage design. There are two independent power supplies for each of the driver and power tubes.  This 3W plays much bigger on my Tannoy Westminster GR, and while I own some higher powered amps that have more snap and power, the purity and tonal color of these is astounding, the sheer texture of this setup is hair raising at times, it's emotional listening to some music.  I don't have pics in my setup yet, but here are some from someone else's room...

« Last Edit: 25 Apr 2015, 03:21 am by arthurs »


Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #2 on: 25 Apr 2015, 01:20 am »
Looks very nice.  Post some pics of your setup when you can.

What are using for source material?  What preamp?


Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #3 on: 25 Apr 2015, 01:25 am »
I'm in the middle of some room changes.  I'll have new pics in a few weeks. Preamp is Shindo Vosne Romanee and source is Lumin A1 digital or Sansui TU-717 tuner with mods.  I also have a Line Magnetic 219IA SET integrated that's 24 watts using 845's and 300B's. No vinyl rig currently.

Guy 13

Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #4 on: 25 Apr 2015, 02:50 am »
Hi all.
My SET amplifier is a Decware SE84C+ 2wpc bought about six years ago.
The sound of the mids is what make me love that amplifier, never had a system that impress me so much.
As for the highs, I'm 67 years old, so probably my ears are limited to 12 KHz.
I did some tube rolling with the 5U4, 5Y3 and 5AR4 and did not ear any difference between them, so I kept the 5AR4 (Sovtek) because it's smaller.
For the 6922 I've tried five different makes/models new and NOS
and again very little difference between them, so I kept the 6922 Electro Harmonix new.
Now where I saw a difference/improvement in the sound, not much, but still noticible, was with the EL84. I tried different makes and end up with the Electro Harmonix EL84 new because to my ears the sound was a little more natural.
My Decware amplifier is stock, no modification on any components
and I don't intend to change anything, at least for now or even for a very long time.
My source is a Rega Apollo with Signal cables interconnects,
I have a passive switch box (My own brew) and the speaker are
Omega 7F open baffler dipole and I must say thay are the best I have owned, very natural and a good match for the Decware SET.
Of course if I could go from 2wpc to 6-8WPC I am sure it would improve the sound
but like they say: No mony - no candy !
For the bass I don't really know what my Decware SET can do, because I have amplifier open baffle dipole subs.
I would recommend to anyone that want a system that sound natural to go for the Decware - Omega combo.

Guy 13


Mike Nomad

Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #5 on: 5 Jun 2015, 06:30 pm »
I also use a Decware: SE84CKCS (balanced & unbalanced inputs, stepped attenuator, V-caps). While I have done a bunch of tube rolling, I haven't found anything that sounds better than what came with it.

The amp drives a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls (from 1977). Original caps were shot. Tried swapping in some new stuff, sounded worse. Took an easy path, and dropped in new cross-overs from ALK engineering. Otherwise, all original Cornwalls.

Currently, the only tweak is the feet: Brown Electronic Labs (RIP).

I don't know that anything makes my set-up special. I have sources going straight into the amp, so, no pre-amp stage.

I know that it is the best sounding rig I have ever owned. Simply, everything sounds like it is supposed to sound. I hear all the garbage from bad recordings/mastering, digital compression artifacts from broadcast/streamed content, and all the havoc that time and poor storage decisions have on the original tape.
« Last Edit: 24 Jul 2015, 03:44 pm by Mike Nomad »


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #6 on: 23 Jun 2015, 07:41 pm »
Audio Note Kits "Kit 1" with Mundorf Silver/Gold/Oil cap upgrade. Terrific, gutsy little 300B amp. I love it. It blows away the Manley push-pull gear I had before (and that was by no means bad)! Currently searching for more SET-friendly speakers to go with it!  :lol:


Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #7 on: 27 Jun 2015, 01:36 am »
Looks very nice.  Post some pics of your setup when you can.

Here are the Found Music 2A3 mono's with Mercury rectifiers...


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #8 on: 27 Jun 2015, 03:39 am »
I have a DIY EL34 SET with no driver section, my DIY Aikido preamp has just enough gain and a white follower output, which I have found makes a huge improvement between a triode gain stage and the power tube. The Aikido is an ideal driver section for a SET amp as well as a great preamp.  Next, I plan on building a higher powered SET by replicating the exact setup I have now as a driver for a 211,845,805 or GM70... It'll be a while though because I have other stuff I'm working on that takes priority but hopefully it won't be too long. I look forward to a high power SET amp...

Pic below is from 4-5 years ago when the amp was setup as a Tubelab Simple SE with the driver. I still have the same equipment, just modified and tweaked to improve it as much as possible over the years, and now with a HAP-Z1ES source, plus I have several commercial amps to play with... and better cables.  :green: 


Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #9 on: 28 Jun 2015, 11:47 pm »
I like the look of your system Arthurs - understated functional elegance. Your picture has motivated me to increase efforts to complete the transition of my system.

The outputs on the Found Music amp look like high-nickel types - very nice!

Nicely done!



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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #10 on: 10 Jul 2015, 10:01 pm »
My new amp is a semi-custom Finale Audio F138 FFX SE EL84 amp with a single input and volume control. Tube complement is 2 EL84, 1 12ax7 or 5751, and one 5AR4 rectifier. All iron is custom Hashimoto (outputs, PAS choke, and power transformer.) Coupling caps are Mundorf SIO (but subject to change as the amp breaks in. And, a showroom perfect Porsche mettalic Burgundy paint job. Tubes are all GEC Gold Lion re-issues, and again, no rolling until break-in is complete.

Even at first listen, this is a very special amp -- probably the best el84 amp I've heard, and sounds more like a DHT than I would have ever imagined. Built like a tank and with many boutique parts like tube sockets, RCAs, binding posts, and IEC inlet.

Speakers are either Blumenstein Orca deluxes wit dungeness max subs, or Rethm Trishnas. The whole system is new so I'll update things when I've had more listening time.

5.6 w/channel is more than enough with the 90 sensitivity Orcas, and way more than enough for the 97/98 dB Trishnas.  This is also the quietest amp I've ever heard --tube, SS, digital, etc.

Oh, preamp is an Exogal Comet+.

More and photos when the whole system is together and broken-in.

-- Jim


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #11 on: 11 Jul 2015, 09:07 pm »

Speakers are either Blumenstein Orca deluxes wit dungeness max subs, or Rethm Trishnas. The whole system is new so I'll update things when I've had more listening time.
-- Jim

Very interested to hear about your Blumenstein Orca Deluxe's. How do you like them??  :D


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #12 on: 12 Jul 2015, 12:10 am »
I really like your setup! What are the dimensions of your listening room?

- Woody

Here are the Found Music 2A3 mono's with Mercury rectifiers...


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #13 on: 12 Jul 2015, 12:41 am »
Hi Rebbi,

In short,I love them! Just sounds like music. Probably not a good choice if you listen to a lot of rap, listen lodly (greater than about 85 average), and don't expect to be blown back in your chair and have your pants legs flap.)

My room is 10' x 13' and I sit just a bit further away than would be considered nearfield -- though I know of other Orca users, using 2a3 amps in even larger rooms and still say it can get louder than he can listen. IMO, they are superb speakers if they fit your listening preferences, room, and preferred listening level.

There sizeis deceptive, but you can't change physics.

When these are fully broken-in, then I'll pull out the trishnas, give them more break-in and then decide which I prefer. I have no idea how this will turn out, but so far, the Orcas are the best speakers I've had.

Disclaimer: I also have two other pairs of earlier orcas in bamboo, and of course these are my ears, room, and tastes.

-- Jim


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #14 on: 13 Jul 2015, 12:30 pm »
Hi Rebbi,

In short,I love them! Just sounds like music. Probably not a good choice if you listen to a lot of rap, listen lodly (greater than about 85 average), and don't expect to be blown back in your chair and have your pants legs flap.)

My room is 10' x 13' and I sit just a bit further away than would be considered nearfield -- though I know of other Orca users, using 2a3 amps in even larger rooms and still say it can get louder than he can listen. IMO, they are superb speakers if they fit your listening preferences, room, and preferred listening level.

There sizeis deceptive, but you can't change physics.

When these are fully broken-in, then I'll pull out the trishnas, give them more break-in and then decide which I prefer. I have no idea how this will turn out, but so far, the Orcas are the best speakers I've had.

Disclaimer: I also have two other pairs of earlier orcas in bamboo, and of course these are my ears, room, and tastes.

-- Jim
Very useful, Jim, thank you!


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #15 on: 13 Jul 2017, 02:46 am »
Jim, you have to report on the Orcas with the new SOL drivers!
Arthur, what are those beautiful speakers?


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #16 on: 13 Jul 2017, 02:10 pm »
Well, I don't have the SOL drivers installed yet as I'm doing several mods all at once (binding posts and internal wire, and DoF kit -- Mostly I am not listening right now as I build new networked streamers and a network to feed them, but first speakers on line after that will be my new (old) Abbys but with a custom DoF kit and the WK near-field drivers and massive Mapleshade footers. These may be the permanent speakers in this system, but only time will tell. I loved my original pair of Abbys from way back when and then like a fool, sold them, and have never yet found a speaker that makes music like they do (to my ears.) Recently, and after years of looking, I found an original pair of C&C Abbys and even in the same finish as my old ones. Believe me, these are going to stay put this time -- beeen through enough speakers from cheap to expensive and these just do it for me and I can't wait to try them with the far better source gear I now have instead of the stuff I had with my first Abbys.

-- Jim


Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #17 on: 12 Dec 2017, 01:55 pm »
Here are the Found Music 2A3 mono's with Mercury rectifiers...

I am very curious about the white back wall. Is that a partition? Does it provide some sonic room treatment or hide a door or equipment?

Looks great. Excellent dream setup!


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #18 on: 9 May 2019, 12:24 pm »
Here is one of my amps.


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Re: Tell us about your Single Ended Triode Amp(s)
« Reply #19 on: 9 May 2019, 12:26 pm »
And the other.