My Capacitor comparisons: Mundorfs, VCap, Sonicap Platinum, Auricap, etc

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Jon L

Well, I suppose it's time for the capacitor thread.  I set out to satisfy my curiosity regarding various caps with first-hand experience, and as such, these impressions are not meant to be the Bible or written in stone.  Personal tastes, system synergy, and cycle of the Moon all apply. 

What you see is my DIY capacitor burn-in setup w/ resistor and *some* of my caps.

In the pic, we have VH Audio teflons (black), Auricaps (yellow), VSE oil caps(silver), ClarityCap SA (red), Almarro polyester (grey), Jupiter beewax caps (orange), Multicap PPMFX (white), Multicap RTX polystyrene (white), Vitamin Q oil caps (small silver tube), NOS TRW polystyrene caps (small silver), Multicap PPFX (not pictured), Hovlands (not pictured), and some large PS caps. 

Mostly I am comparing these in coupling capacitor duty in a couple of amps, Almarro A205a MkII and Bottlehead Paramour I with C4S upgrade.  Both amps are used to drive my headphones and speakers, mainly Headphile modded Sennheiser HE60 electrostats (via SRD7 MkII), AKG K1000, HE Audio EH1.2B electrostat headphones, and my custom speakers (Aurum Cantus G3 ribbon tweeter, Focal 7K2 midrange, actively-biamped).

Almarro A205a MkII with Stax SRD7 MkII transformer and Headphile-modded Sennheiser HE60 "Baby Orpheus" electrostat headphones.

Paramour 2A3 SET with C4S

And the HE Audio EH1.2b electrostat headphones.

If you have cap experience to share, feel free to post them here. 

To start off with some comments.  Don't believe everything you read in those "capacitor reviews" you see in mags, and capacitors, no matter how expensive and praised, will not "transform" turds into swan, not even the VCap teflons b/c caps will not *improve* anything.  All they can do is minimize the self-harm done by them :)

*EDIT*  Some actual listening impressions added.


V Cap Teflon

These are worth the price, but if you read some people's descriptions, you would think the angels from heaven would descend and give you an eargasm.  Not so.  These will not transform your system or turn water into wine.  They do have the least identifiable character and have the best control of various sound ranges.  There is absolutely no overshoot or ringing when trumpets hit or when soprano kicks into high gear.  Not lumpy, bloaty, overly-bloomy in any of the frequency ranges, and they do seem to let most of the details and information through unharmed and well-separated. 

If I had to compare them in headphone terms, it would be like AKG K701 in general gestalt but with improved transparency and dead-neutral bass quantity/quality. 

I *do* however detect a bit of what I call "teflon sound."  It's very hard to actually describe, but those very familiar with how teflon-dielectric interconnects and other teflon caps like Relcap TFT sound will have an idea.  Textures of notes are just a wee bit more "polished" and refined than live instruments, a bit more more "slippery" than should IMO.  This is very subtle and a minor quibble, really, and if I had to use many caps in a cost-no-object component that has to have great transparency, VCap teflons would be my choice.

*Further thoughts added"

These really are great caps, and the defining feature that keeps popping in my brain is "transparency."  The more caps I compare, the less descriptive adjectives are necessary for the VCaps while most other caps need various adjectives to describe their character.  I sometimes wish these had more of that indescribable "magic" of the high-end Mundorfs, but this really comes down to personal preferences.


Jupiter Beewax Cap

The feel and appearance of this thing just does not inspire confidence.  It feels like a piece of candle wrapped in paper, and these are known to have problems in warmer temperature environments.  Do NOT install them near hot resistors, tubes, etc. 

Sound-wise, I was expecting a mess of muddy blob based on appearance, but the sound is surprisingly transparent and clear, not as much as VCap teflons, but very good in absolute terms.  There is *just* a bit more richness, tone, and girth to notes and voices, which are probably colorations, but Jupiter cap doesn't come across as overdone.  What they trade away in absolute resolution, speed compared to VCaps, they battle back with more pleasing density, tone, and that indescribable musicality.  Less separation of notes and a bit less anvil-taught in bass compared to VCaps, but there is plenty of treble and bass quantity.

I like them!  I probably wouldn't use too many in a component, but a couple of them in a otherwise-squeeky-clean component can do wonders for just musical enjoyment. 

I would say these are most akin to something like Grado RS-1, except with a bit more treble extension and less peakiness in the lower-treble/upper-mids...

Siemens MKV polyproylene/metalissed aluminium/in oil

*edit* Origin of these caps discovered

I bought these from VSE (Vacuum State Audio) when they were still selling them.  They were said to be some secret industrial caps they found to sound better than others.

When I first installed them after burning them in for days, I *really* hated them.  The highs seemed severely shut-in, bass bloated, and midrange seemed veiled and thick.  But after playing the amp with music for some days, these effects seemed to diminish day by day, and eventually I found the balance to be quite pleasing.  Further burn-in has happened, but I'm sure people's ears/brain need some time to adjust to PIO signature. 

Once fully operational, these had incredible warmth, tonality combined with breath-of-life type of sparkle to midrange/vocals.  These are not high-treble sparkles, but each syllable of vocals seemed more lit, dramatic, and enjoyable.  Treble was never obviously "airy" or minutely detailed, but once settled in, the highs seemed to align and balance with mids.  Same thing with bass.  There's more bass than perhaps neutral, and there is some slowness to bass, but it's still pretty firm and hard-hitting with that roundness of tone. 

Ultimately, I prefer the better non-oil caps for a bit more neutrality, but these have got me curious about Audionote silver-in-oils or Mundorf silver-in-oils.  I will never pay the ridiculous price for AN, but I *may* try the Mundorf silver-in-oils at some point. 



These are good.  Too bad the prices took a bad hike for the end user over the years.  They have nice detail, speed, musicality, and their sound gives an extra bloom to the sound, which will make them fit well into somewhat cooler-sounding components, especially SS.  Not as resolving as Teflons and not as rich/dense as Oilers or Jupiters but a good Jack-of-all...

These worked surprisingly well for me when used as "bypass cap" for a larger (and cheaper) cap, imparting some of the nice detail and bloom to the combo.


Claritycap SA

One of the reviews available tout this cap highly, and it *is* a good cap at the very low prices they command.  It wouldn't hurt to try some as ships them free within U.S.

I found it kind of bland, kind of nondescript, and not great at any one thing.  But there's also no glaring flaws or aberrances that can be distracting, either. 

My main issue was the lack of resolution in the midrange.  I couldn't hear and feel the sumptuous detail and texture that I know to be in the recordings.  Some people say these still are a big jump up from Solens, and I would agree if you're talking about less grain and "strain" in the upper-midrange. 

However, I can bypass the cheap Solen with a small nice cap like Auricap or Polystyrenes, which gets rid of a lot of the glare/strain while offering better detail resolution than unbypassed Claritycap SA.  When I tried bypassing the Clairtycap, I did *not* get much better resolution, and I still preferred Solen+bypass.


_______________________________________ ________
« Last Edit: 7 Jul 2008, 05:15 pm by Jon L »

Jon L

Mundorf Silver-In-Oil

I really did not know what to expect from these.  Some people's reports mention things like "liquidity" and "smoothness," which led me to believe these would share a rather pleasant but not kick-you-in-the-groin resolution or power.  Boy, was I wrong. 

If push comes to shove, words like liquid and smooth *are* applicable, but there is so much more.  The calling card of Mundorf SIO seems to be infinite shades of resolution riding on the oh-so-smooth sonic flow.  There is enough detail for even detail freaks like me, and those who value life-like dynamic range and punch would love these as well. 

Compared to other metallized poly caps, Mundorf SIO seems to be at least 2-3dB louder(!) at the same volume setting with punch that slams harder and truer. 

This cap makes me very curious about the top-of-the-line Mundorf Gold/silver cap, which I happen to have sitting in front of me :)

*More thoughs*

I must say these are probably the caps that most keeps me *wanting* to listen to music instead of rolling more caps.  Musical enjoyment is obtained without short-changing detail or speed; what more can you ask for?  The silver/oil is now 3rd in the Mundorf price scheme, and for many, that's all one needs/wants to spend on a cap. 

_______________________________________ ________

*Edit* Mundorf Silver/Gold added

Mundorf Silver/Gold Capacitor

Mostly I have been comparing the Mundorf Silver/Gold with VCap Teflons, and this has been a tough one to get a handle on. 

This may be a good time to concede that above a certain level, various great capacitors are not particularly "better," but rather akin to looking at the same object under subtly different lighting conditions and vantage points.  VCap Teflons and Mundorf Silver/Gold share many sound qaulities, especially jet-black, noise-free background from which subtlest details seem to naturally emerge.  Presentation of both are so natural and non-attention-seeking that both may come across as bland or boring when compared to certain capacitors with stronger personalities. 

Long-term living with the caps, however, confirms the greatness of both caps b/c music remains inviting, refined, and eminently enjoyable, as opposed to fatiguing, wearing thin, and distracting. 

Since audiophiles tend to obsess over the last 5-10% of differences, I will mention that Silver/Gold has a bit richer presentation from top-to-bottom with a bit creamier textures and a bit closer imaging.  As one can imagine from this description, Silver/Gold doesn't *quite* seem to be as Nth-degree clean as VCaps but renders more proportion of recordings more tasty. 

I do not believe detail resolution is any less than VCaps, but a tiny bit more harmonic "bloom" over the notes makes music both sexier and less pellucid at the same time.  Some people will absolutely love this quality and call Silver/Gold much "better" than VCaps while others will absolutely declare VCaps to be the better cap for the same reasons.  To throw more wrench into the equation, the optimal tube set for one cap is NOT the best set for the other cap and vice versa.  Such is life.

I am also unable to directly compare Mundorf Silver/Gold to Mundorf Silver/Oil at this time due to my system configuration, but my preliminary sense is that the two are not all that different sounding, though the small amount of gold compound mixed with silver does seem to add just a wee bit extra harmonic richness and warmth.  To be continued.


Mundorf silver/gold vs. silver/oil thoughts added to Post #3.

*More thoughts"

After listening more to the "neutral" camp of caps like Mundorf Zn and Relcap RTX, the calling card of Mundorf silver/gold has to be the come-hither midrange that is colorful without being colored, full of rich textures, and just bristling with life and vividness.  I may respect some other caps more, but I love the Mundorf silver/gold like family.

*Edit* Mundorf Zn added

Mundorf Zn Capacitor

After a long love affair with Mundorf Silver/Oil, circumstances forced my hand to try the Mundorf Zn Tin Foil capacitor. 

Some well-respected modders recommend the Mundorf Zn as one of the "most neutral" cap out there, regardless of cost, including Allen Wright of VSE (Vacuum State Electronics) fame. 

Considering the Mundorf Zn costs less than 1/6th of their top-of-range silver/gold & oil, I was hoping this cap would turn out to be the giant-killer that saves our day and pocketbooks. 

The good news.  This cap has incredible "low-loss" sound.  One gets the impression every little detail comes through and that musical speed does not get impeded.  Bass is taught, punchy, and treble extension soars; midrange seems linear. Its sound signature is what many audiophiles would think of when words like "neutral, detailed, honest, etc" are used, and they would be right, uh..sort of. 

The bad news.  Compared to an exquisite cap like Mundorf silver/oil, what is not coming through as well is the harmonic beauty of the music, the "soul" if you will: overtones upon overtones gently bubbling to the surface as the singer sings the words and the trumpet makes those aching notes. 

In addition, each instrument/voice does not seem as developed 3-D wise.  Through Zn, they seem more 2-dimensional and "flat."  Combined with its more dry (less bloomy) presentation, there is less involvement.

So I have mixed feelings about Mundorf Zn.  Its sound is technically superior and "uncolored," an order of magnitude better than pretty much any other "cheap" cap you can buy.  If I were designing/building a transparent preamp, I can see using the Zn in many places, judiciously mixing them with tube magic elsewhere to come out with supreme results.  If you have a preamp/amp that's more dry and matter-of-fact to begin with, I would advise against the Zn. 

Actually, I think the Zn may lend itself incredibly well as bypass caps in speaker crossovers due to its qualities.  I'll get to that eventually.

*More luminations"

Upon reading back my own words, I realized they were too harsh for these wonderful caps.  After your ears get used to their Teutonic charm, everything sounds just-so and perfectly musical, not wanting for anything obvious.  Still highly recommended, and the price is a bonus. 


Sonicap Platinum Teflon Capacitor

In order to prepare for the Sonicap Platinum, I actually reinstalled the VCap Teflon in place of Mundorf Zn in order to get used to the VCap again for awhile before popping in the Sonicap, which was running on the Cap break-in apparatus at the same time. 

In short, the Sonic Craft website's description of its sound is pretty accurate:
"It is very fast, but full and rich.  The presentation is ultra smooth without loss of detail, focus, or dynamics."

In direct comparison to VCap Teflons, SP (Sonicap Platinum) *was* a bit richer and a smidge creamier.  We're talking about somewhat subtle differences, but SP was definitely a bit denser, darker, therefore subjectively a wee bit smoother through the midranges.  Some will almost recognize a bit of this as found in a good paper-in-oil cap, minus the treble rolloff or bass slowness, of course. 

The VCap still does come across as a teeny bit more transparent and lit-up, and what's somewhat special about the VCap is the fact it sounds *consistently* transparent/lit-up throughout its ranges, especially in the critical upper-midrange to low-treble transition; there's no peaks or bumps here even though the whole range is better lit-up. 

With SP, even though everything else seems a bit smoother and richer, there seems to my ears a very narrow band, somewhere at the highest end of female vocal sibilance to top-hats, that appears to have the tiniest bit more "sparkle" than the rest of the range.  I only mention it b/c it is a difference.

Overall, SP is a nice alternative to the VCap teflons and costs less.  Just like anything in audio, some systems will synergize better with one or the other.  For those who have listened and think VCap is a bit too literal or "sterile" (I don't personally) in their systems, Sonicap Platinum is a viable choice.

« Last Edit: 6 May 2008, 06:12 pm by Jon L »

Jon L


Relcap RTX

This tin foil/polystyrene cap has been around a long time, and many designers and modders swear by their use as bypass caps.  Some more recent cap comparisons also confirm they are very good coupling caps by themselves. 

The RTX had some big shoes to fill, replacing Sonicap Platinums, and I must say they did pretty well against the heavy hitters. 

*Warning* Even after a long break-in, these caps sounded horrid for some hours after being soldered in, sounding grainy on top and anemic in the bass.  Do not evaluate them without a long workout after solder dries.

After dust settled, these turned out to be very balanced top-to-bottom with no gross errors or peaks.  Extension of frequency extremes was impressive, and the level of resolution was high without highlighting upper-midrange or upper-bass.

Compared to Sonicap Platinums, RTX didn't sound as dense and rich in the midrange, but it still managed to sound subjectively neutral, akin to some of those high-class red wines that's on the dry side as opposed to fruity and colorful.  At a bit over half the price of Sonicap Platinums, these are a nice bargain in the cap world, but I wouldn't use too many in equipment that tends toward dryness in the midrange.

What really put the RTX in perspective was when I switched in Mundorf silver/gold again.  Suddenly, I had beautifully colorful (but not colored) midrange that "popped" with effortless midrange dynamics.  Musical textures just pulled your ears in, and that often-yearned-for "magic" was in the air.  Mundorf silver/gold is almost three times the price of RTX, unfortunately, so save your pennies.
*Edit*  Mundorf silver/gold vs. silver/oil

Mundorf silver/gold vs. silver/oil

I finally did some proper comparisons between these 2 capacitors, and while they do share the musical Mundorf house sound, their differences are significant enough that one should not automatically think a system synergistic with one will be synergistic with the other.

There are some who have concluded silver/gold is "not as good" as silver/oil, but I would not agree with that conclusion.  However, they have sufficiently differing presentations and gestalt that yes, one "may" definitely prefer silver/oil in a given setup/preferences. 

One word I would use to describe the main difference is "liquidity."  While both are remarkably smooth, silver/oil has more liquidity, not enough to obscure detail but just enough to "massage" recordings that are not perfect. As a result, I am able to enjoy more percentage of my recordings through silver/oil, which liquifies a few percent of the upper-midrange/low-treble spittiness and hardness inherent in many recordings.  Because silver/oil makes this range less noticeable, the high treble/air becomes relatively more noticeable, but upon closer analysis, the silver/gold has just as much upper end extension and air. 

So once again, I still think silver/oil is the cap that most likely will have me keep listening to my (non-perfect) music collection instead of tweaking, but if your system is already leaning towards liquidity, silver/gold may be a better choice.

Russian FT3 Teflon Capacitor

I must first thank an Audio Circle member Gary (“GBB”) for loaning me the FT3 and K72 caps.  Otherwise, I would have had to buy on eBay and wait a month for delivery.  The FT3 is a great cap sonically, but its sheer size and weight can present a challenge in cramped spaces.  Its lack of traditional leadouts also forces one to make his own; I had to solder some leftover leads as seen in the photo above. 

This cap is exceedingly smooth, smooth, yet resolved like only teflon caps are.  This evenness and lack of glare, grain, or bite can be disadvantageous for FT3, especially in quick cap-rolling A-B comparisons, where a cap with a more insistent personality will attract more attention and spotlight.  However, after living with this cap for a long time, one has to marvel at its consistently musically-revealing nature and tonality.  It doesn’t wear its detail resolution on its sleeve, yet when one chooses to listen for it, the extension in both directions are impressive as well as actual detail.  Its trick is having equal resolution from top-to-bottom, so the whole is well, wholesome.  It conveys music in a flowing, suave tonality and is the crooner of the cap crowd. 
Russian K72 Teflon Capacitor

Probably the most hyped AND maligned cap out there.  Some praise it while others despise it and write it off completely.  It is my understanding that FT3 and K72 caps are internally the same.  Here is an internal picture of K72, courtesy of the internet.

FT3 uses aluminum casing and thin tabs as leadouts while K72 uses thicker steel casing with solid poles as leadouts.  FT3 is glass-encapsulated while K72 is hermetically sealed, and due to the thick steel case, K72 is even heavier than FT3. 

One huge caveat to comparing K72 and FT3 is that the largest value of K72 available seems to be 0.056uF, while FT3 is predominantly available in 0.1 and 0.22uF.  My loaned K72 was the customary 0.056uF and FT3 0.22uF, and yes, the larger cap is “supposed” to be more bassy.  Lo and behold, FT3 does seem to be a little richer in the bass region; however, it was not a huge difference, and there is no way to tell how much of this is due to the uF difference or just the way these caps sound.  This cannot be answered today b/c K72 does not come in 0.1 or 0.22uF and FT3 does not come in 0.056uF. 

These caps do sound similar, but after doing A-B-A-B comparisons using music with and without bass, I can say they do have differences.  K72 adds a pinch of spice and “kick” to the proceedings.  Middle midrange to somewhere in upper midrange seems to sound bit more obviously “detailed” with K72; this leads to a little more tension in the listener’s shoulders when playing poorly-recorded material, i.e. the vast majority of today’s compressed and hotly EQ’d modern fare.  Some may even call it extra grain, glaze, or hardness compared to FT3’s relative softer rendering.  However, with clean recordings, I can see some people even preferring K72 for its more assertive, forward stance.  Combining that little highlighting with a bit tighter control, K72 comes across as hair more dynamic and fun.  Which Teflon cap should you purchase?  Well, both are cheap enough that I think you should try both, but do consider if you wish for a little more smoothness vs. forwardness from current setup.

P.S.  When you tap the stiff steel case of K72, you can hear and feel a hollow “ping” resonance.  I tried applying a strip of EAR Isodamp material, covering about 1/3 of the surface area, which attenuated the sparkle and “detail” just a tad.  I’m not saying one is better than the other, but depending on your tastes, a bit of damping may have a role.   
Are You a Contender?

So, are these Russian teflon caps as “good” as the V Caps, Sonicap Teflons?  Well, I know some say no, but I don’t know how to answer that. 

In direct comparisons, VCap teflon does come across as having the highest highs and the most linear response across the range.  It paints the sonic scape with the finer brush, and its sonic signature reminds me of my beloved Sylvania 5751 triple mica black plate tubes for you tube people.  On the other hand, the FT3 and especially K72 have a more forward, bolder midrange presentation, albeit with a bit less refinement and a bit bolder lower midrange/upper bass range.  I enjoy listening to deep male vocals a bit more through the Russian caps while VCaps absolutely rule with high-pitched female vocals and instruments that live in the same range and above, resolving them with the finest of the surgical scalpel yet without any harshness. 

I really don’t feel all these caps should be given concrete rankings, like number 1, 2, 3, etc.  Let’s just say music can sound glorious with most good caps mentioned in this article, often coming down to tweaking tubes, interconnects, power cords, etc.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2008, 12:23 am by Jon L »


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 5240
Very impressive write up.


  • Volunteer
  • Posts: 3121
  • In time whats deserved always get served.
Very interesting write up thanks for the info and the work  :thumb:


Thank you Jon!  I can definitely relate to the amount of work you've put into this and your review was extremely well thought out and written.  I also am very grateful that I only have one .1uF cap in my preamp that merits being replaced by the Mundorf silver/gold's  :D  that is, if the Cinemag transformers pan out in the output location!


thx Jon

Much appreciated

i wish this thread to be a "sticky"
« Last Edit: 21 Oct 2008, 11:39 am by kyrill »


That was one of the funnest reads on AC in a while. Thank you very much Jon!


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 141

I nominate you for AudioCircle member of the month!
Great write-up, VERY helpful!


Very nice write up, Jon.

I agree with your rankings but interpret the sonics a bit differently.

I use the caps with very low voltage across them. To me, The V-Caps are more musical while the Sonicap Platinums are a touch more sterile.

Horses for courses  :wink:

Thanks for all the hard work.


Just curious, how long did you play said capacitors before you evaluated the sonics?

Double Ugly

As the others said, great write-up, Jon.  I've listened to nowhere near the caps you've compared, but my impression of the few I've heard matches yours.

FWIW, I'm breaking-in what I believe are some pretty good caps in my ModWright Transporter.  While it's difficult to differentiate the effect of the caps vs. that of the tubes, I believe Dan has designed a winner. 


Jon,  Did you try any V-Cap Oil Impregnated Metalized Polypropylene?


My question exactly. I've become fond of the type I and type II Sonicaps in my speakers, but found the Platinums, V-Cap Teflon & Oils and those inexpensive Russian teflons recently for bypass and coupling cap use and love what I hear. It would be great to see you compare the Russians and V-Cap T&O's to the others in your article.

Great thread - this should be part of the FAQ section, if we had one on this site.


Jon L

Just curious, how long did you play said capacitors before you evaluated the sonics?

I just have all the caps connected to my cap burn-in apparatus 24/7.  I started in December, January with some down time here and there, so each cap must have weeks and weeks of burn-in.  Even then, I try to keep the caps in the actual amp for as long as I can before forming my impressions.

Jon L

thx Jon

Much appreciated

can you try a Russian teflon cap ( as you get them at ebay?) I prefer them compared to the Mundorf silver&gold i previously had in My Decware 6wattts tube "TABOO"amp. the Russian was more muscal in my system
i understood that since then Mundorf "dumped their silver and gold an replaced them with a newer generation.

Sigh.  I have almost hit the eBay "buy-now" button many times, but the shipping time mostly held me back.  If *someone* wants to let me borrow a couple of these Russian caps for a few weeks, that would be great.

I'm mainly interested in the FT-3 teflon caps and K40 oil caps, >500V rating. 

BTW, Mundorf didn't "dump" the silver/gold.  They simply created the silver/gold in OIL, which is priced higher.  I *may* try them, but we're getting kind of short on funds after all the cap-buying, so I might need to sell some off before trying new expensive caps  :slap:


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 1083
Hi Jon, thanks for the work and posting results, really great to read. I have a pair of .22uF Russian FT-3 600V if you'd like to borrow for 4-6 weeks. And yes we'd all love to buy any you want to sell  :thumb:
PM me if interested in the FT-3's. (I thought the shipping time would be long too, but arrived in ~ 2 weeks. However my amp won't be built for 4-6 at least unfortunately.)


Sigh.  I have almost hit the eBay "buy-now" button many times, but the shipping time mostly held me back.  If *someone* wants to let me borrow a couple of these Russian caps for a few weeks, that would be great.

I'm mainly interested in the FT-3 teflon caps and K40 oil caps, >500V rating. 

BTW, Mundorf didn't "dump" the silver/gold.  They simply created the silver/gold in OIL, which is priced higher.  I *may* try them, but we're getting kind of short on funds after all the cap-buying, so I might need to sell some off before trying new expensive caps  :slap:

Hi I got the impression of "dumping" from Soniccrafr who sold them w 30% discount and the message: "Note - Sonic Craft is discontinuing the Silver/Gold.  As inventory is depleted out of stock values will be indicated below."
I misinterpreted their message
thx for the correction


Hi Jon,

One of the best threads I've read for quite a while on audiocircle.  I've sent you a pm requesting some advice regarding cap selections.




  • Full Member
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There is also a the new Auricap teflon cap, the Auri-T.  They come in the usual 600V values, and also have 3 200V value caps.
V-Cap also now has some TFTF caps in 300V values, which are a little more affordable