Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews

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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #20 on: 7 Jul 2012, 05:30 am »
I decided to register so I could post about this product, adding my 2cents.

Yesterday my ordered Synchro-Mesh Reclocker arrived from Steve at Emperical.

It sits in my system between the SONOS as a source and the REGA DAC.

The difference it makes is rather astonishing.    Though I ordered it after reading all about what a good re-clocker can do for digital music it's effect is beyond my expectations.

Everything sounds more present, more spacious, and more alive.   It's a bit too early to tell but I feel like it will result in less fatigue as well.

Very happy with this new purchase.

 Care to elaborate any further?


Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #21 on: 7 Jul 2012, 07:40 am »
One thing I do not understand is when a person such as the one above that is enjoying their new SM says something like "less fatiguing".  It's as if something is very wrong somewhere in the system to make digital sound fatiguing in any way whatsoever.  I used to have this feeling of fatigue or just flat out could not stand digital, but nowadays, and for really about 6? years now, I don't find digital to be fatiguing whatsoever. 


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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #22 on: 9 Jul 2012, 07:24 pm »
Hi Steve N. and Empirical Audio.
Very pleased with what the little Syncro-Mesh can give the sound ......... for now are just a few hours of listening and has already started a stage bigger, deeper, better definition of the instruments Stage ....... in short, a nice "toy" really.
Congratulations! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #23 on: 9 Jul 2012, 09:10 pm »

 Can you please describe your system and elaborate a bit further on changes brought on by the Synchromesh?


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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #24 on: 10 Jul 2012, 11:49 am »
I do not know what you mean by change, but my system is as follows:
DIY Music Server specifically for liquid music, with SO Windws 7 with output S / PDIF sound card EMU1212.
Program used for the reproduction FOOBAR
Bifrost Schiit Dac / Dac GIGALAB Moon Nos. modified Mark II
All cables are DIY silver


« Last Edit: 15 Aug 2012, 08:27 pm by audioengr »


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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #26 on: 15 Aug 2012, 07:07 pm »
Broken link.


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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #28 on: 17 Aug 2012, 05:47 am »

     I just purchased the Synchro-Mesh from Steve at Empirical Audio and must say that it outperforms my Monarchy DIP with a much more detailed presentation.  The Monarchy did increase the output voltage to my DAC's which translated in more gain which the Empirical unit does not do but the reconstructed digital stream is more accurate with the SM.  I used to own a Thor Audio DC-1000 but lost it in a house fire and the Synchro-Mesh would have pushed the envelope with that DAC.  Presently I have the CIA VDA-2 and outboard power supply and the SM is making this DAC sing like all get out.  Very pleased with The SM.  Thanks Steve.


Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #29 on: 17 Aug 2012, 07:08 pm »
Thanks for the heads up. Good to hear it's doing good in ur system, sad to hear about a fire wrecking ur stuff tho. I ordered mine, hopefully will be getting it in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to see what it'll do to my Peachtree IDac.


Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #30 on: 19 Aug 2012, 05:17 pm »
For some USB interfaces, the Short-Block does not work:

Rega DAC
Off-Ramp 3

I'll add more here as we discover them.

Steve N.


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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #31 on: 26 Oct 2012, 08:01 am »
I have been using the SM for a week in my system.  My set up is as follows:
Audiocom modded Sonos ZP90->SM->Teddy Pardo TeddyDAC->Naim NAC52/Supercap->2xNaim NAP135 Monoblocks->Wilson Benesch Discovery.  I am streaming WAVs ripped using dB Poweramp over  Ethernet from  a Synology NAS.

The ZP90 mods are mostly in the power supplies and there is no change to the digital processing circuitry and the output is unchanged as 44.1/16.  I know that the ZP90 mods are effectively negated by the SM but wanted to be clear that my comparison is against a modded ZP90 as a baseline.

In summary I would say the effect of the SM is to present a more refined image: smoother highs with less sibillance, more focused images with less of a 'halo' around them. Images which used to be well placed in the 2-d soundstage now have depth and a more tangible physical presence in the room.  The increase in refinement did cause me to question whether some musical edge and excitement had been lost, but when I went back to the SM I always ended up preferring the new presentation of the music.   I did find that bass  output has increased a little and is fuller, which in my relatively small listening room is not entirely desirable.

The SM addresses a real gap in the market; improving the audio quality of affordable consumer audio streamers which have price, usability and home integration as design requirements ahead of absolute audio quality.  The fact it does this without the need to mod the transport is a huge bonus: no more invalidated warranties ! 

 I was able to try a W4S modded Sonos some months back.  The overall effect of the up sampling were  similar, but from memory not so convincing as the SM.

ASRC technology seems to get a mixed response, but my experience is a positive one.  I have recently had my Cyrus DAC factory upgraded to their Qx specification: it also uses ASRC to 192khz and the results are great.

If you are a Sonos owner looking to get the best out of your music I would commend you to give this a go: if you are not impressed Steve offers a refund-mine is staying put!


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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #32 on: 22 Nov 2012, 07:10 pm »
Steve I want to buy one. Is there a wait? Thanks, cooch


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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #33 on: 22 Nov 2012, 07:48 pm »
I just bought one and I believe it took less than 2 weeks from when I ordered to when I actually received it. It was delayed several days due to UPS issues. Just love what it does for my Sonos SP90!!!


Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #34 on: 23 Nov 2012, 12:54 am »
Steve I want to buy one. Is there a wait? Thanks, cooch

Maybe 2-3 weeks.  I still have some backlog, but working hard to reduce it.

Steve N.

steve in jersey

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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #35 on: 25 Nov 2012, 02:20 am »

I'm not quite sure how much gain in jitter reduction I might get by inserting a Synchro- Mesh reclocker between my Auraliti PK100 digital file player & my Metrum Octave DAC, as I find it very hard to stop my music listening sessions with this configuration by itself, but I was curious enough to order the SM.

I would bet that more than a few people would think they were listening to a( more detailed) SACD.rather than the dB poweramp ripped redbook layer of the disc. In any case it should be an interesting comparison once I've inserted the SM into the playback chain.

Thanks for your innovative thinking,can't wait to try this !

Steve A.


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Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #36 on: 10 Dec 2012, 07:49 pm »
Well, I have had my Synchro Mesh close to a month now and I must say I am not impressed. I am using it with a modified Squeeze Box Touch with the top of the line HiDiamond digital coax going into my Cary SACD Pro Dac. Going back and forth with or without the Synchro Mesh there is little if any improvement. The only improvement may be a slight softening of the vocals and I'm not sure if that's a good thing.


Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #37 on: 11 Dec 2012, 07:21 pm »
Well, I have had my Synchro Mesh close to a month now and I must say I am not impressed. I am using it with a modified Squeeze Box Touch with the top of the line HiDiamond digital coax going into my Cary SACD Pro Dac. Going back and forth with or without the Synchro Mesh there is little if any improvement. The only improvement may be a slight softening of the vocals and I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

It is quite possible that a modded SB Touch is about the same as a stock one with the Synchro-Mesh. 

It also may be that the AC power in your area has low-voltage and the AC adapter is not working at its optimum.  Trying another supply may make all the difference.  There are a lot of variables here.

Most of the improvements with the SM will be in the imaging and soundstage width and depth.  Every system is different.

Steve N.


Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #38 on: 11 Dec 2012, 10:38 pm »
Well, I have had my Synchro Mesh close to a month now and I must say I am not impressed. I am using it with a modified Squeeze Box Touch with the top of the line HiDiamond digital coax going into my Cary SACD Pro Dac. Going back and forth with or without the Synchro Mesh there is little if any improvement. The only improvement may be a slight softening of the vocals and I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

The Synchro Mesh added significant improvement in soundstage and image using it with a Bolder digital modded Squeezebox Touch in my system... was pretty apparent A/B.

I have the 96K version and have it set to 16 bits resolution.

What are the other components of your system, Ozzy?


Re: Synchro-Mesh reclocker reviews
« Reply #39 on: 12 Dec 2012, 01:12 am »
It's been a couple of months now that i've had my Synchro Mesh in my system. Apple TV --> Synchro-Mesh --> Peachtree Audio iDac --> Amp --> Speakers --> World

     Was the difference big? Depends on what you call big. If by big you mean that my speakers morphed into 8 way 6 meter tall cabinets with angel wings. Then no, changes weren't big.  If by big you mean that by doing A/B test, in the first try you could tell the improvements, then yes changes were big.
    Changes:  Instruments and sounds  were noticeably more focused. Because of this, the sound, over all, seemed to take a considerable step forward. This helped in the overall believability of the sounds. Actually, sound was so focused at first, that the music seemed to be reaching the "Analytical" sounding boundary. But it never got there. But as the Mesh broke in, with time,  this eased quite a bit and it's no longer a factor. All the good qualities that i stated before stayed, and the analytical sounding part took a 50mg chill pill and Relaxed. Music is still  focused, but fun focused. Music has more reach in the upper edge as well as the lower ranges. Another important and definitive improvement was soundstage. It grew quiet a bit, vertically most noticeably.
Just for fun, and to be able to appreciate these improvements more, i decided one day that I'd last a whole day without the Synchro Mesh in my system. That lasted about  3 songs. Music wasn't as fun. Simple as that.
Another observation: I noticed that in my system the 16 bit option sounded better over the 24 bit. The difference mainly being in all the improvements that i mentioned before being more noticeable. ( Mrs. Signed and Aprooved )  I gotta say that, every system is different, and every system acts differently to what spices we throw at it. So I would encourage anyone to try both settings and see what works best. 
I'm using a wireworld starlight 6 coaxial rca  out of the Synchro Mesh.  I'm very happy with it but I'm gonna be looking into upgrading now in xmas time..That particular conection (Sychro Mesh --> Dac) is very important in my system, and i'm looking forward to what a higher end cable can do to my system. Any recommendations?
