Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?

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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #20 on: 13 Aug 2018, 07:36 am »
I realize DAC technology may be moving fast, but wouldn't making a digital input modular make it so you can upgrade it?


Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #21 on: 17 Aug 2018, 08:08 pm »
Yes, it would.  However, I am not a digital engineer and I do not have staff on hand to keep up with the programming and other changes required to keep up with rapidly changing technology.

If we had a design that was largely software driven and I had a programmer/vendor who could update this for me, then it would be a possibility.  If I do have this in the future, then I will consider it.  Until then I will not offer DACs in our integrated amps.



Joe Frances

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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #22 on: 18 Aug 2018, 01:27 am »
A couple of points and one question:  I understand you are going to produce the tube hybrid integrated with the same facia as the KWI 200, is that correct? I love the look of the '200 which is a blend of clean modern and classic style. And knobs, yes, lets have real knobs... Additionally, the clear readout makes it easier to use in the near-darkness when changing sources.

So.....(ahem).......any thought on when?


Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #23 on: 27 Aug 2018, 07:04 pm »
Yes, same face as the KWI 200, knobs, displays, etc.  It works and is well received.

As for time? I am hoping to have a proof of concept piece for RMAF and then I would expect end of the year soonest, for production.



Joe Frances

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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #24 on: 29 Aug 2018, 03:35 am »
Oh, gosh, I may have to go to Rocky Mountain.....

Thanks, Dan.


Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #25 on: 29 Aug 2018, 12:05 pm »
I will be attending this years RMAF (my first time).  Looking forward to meeting you Dan and seeing what you have to offer.


Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #26 on: 29 Aug 2018, 03:24 pm »
I look forward to seeing you all there!



Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #27 on: 8 Dec 2018, 03:30 am »
Dan, any further information available on this; are you proceeding; available timeline , etc?


Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #28 on: 10 Dec 2018, 03:21 pm »
I am working on it and late Q1 of 2019 is the soonest that I would expect to have it out.

I plan on the following:

  • 200W into 8 ohms/ 400W into 4 ohms.
  • Same look/feel (face) as the KWI 200.
  • Totally re-designed internals, all modular and everything improved.
  • SS preamp stage of KWI 200 replaced with all tube preamp stage.
  • Mosfet output stage of KWI 200 replaced with BJT output stage of KWA 150SE.
  • Chassis redesigned to allow much more exposed heat sink area to improve overall cooling and allow for higher operating temperature/bias.
  • Phono stage integral or optional.

Price will be higher than that of the KWI 200, but final price TBD.




Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #29 on: 10 Dec 2018, 03:37 pm »
Can the Modification Master mod his own equipment???
I could be interested in the following for my KWI200:
SS preamp stage of KWI 200 replaced with all tube preamp stage.
Mosfet output stage of KWI 200 replaced with BJT output stage of KWA 150SE.

if it was a step-change improvement.
I'm guessing it may not be since it is not modular but sounds like the new one will be a candidiate for future improvements with the modular construction.


Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #30 on: 10 Dec 2018, 03:55 pm »
I am afraid that this will be a completely different amplifier. It will have the same styling (face) as the KWI 200, but everything else will be different I am afraid. The KWI 200 is built on one main PCB with a separate PCB for the preamp stage.  The new Hybrid integrated will be built from at least eight separate PCBs.

You can however, add a tube preamp to the KWI 200, connecting the tube preamp to the HT/BP inputs of the KWI 200. Many of our customers have done this over time with great results.

Thank you,

Dan W.

Joe Frances

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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #31 on: 8 Feb 2019, 05:24 pm »

Any idea if the final product on the new integrated will be out by mid-year?  Not trying to rush you, just thinking about my purchasing and planning options.




Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #32 on: 15 Feb 2019, 04:20 pm »
The new hybrid will debut in April at Axpona 2019 in Chicago.

It will be 200W+ power with a tube preamp section and the same output stage of the KWA 150SE.
It will have the same aesthetics of the KWI 200 in terms of the face plate and knobs, but will be a complete re-design inside.

IMPORTANTLY: This means that it will not be an upgraded KWI 200, but a completely different design. There will be no upgrade path to make the KWI 200 a hybrid.

Pricing is still TBD, but will be higher than for the KWI 200.

I would expect production by mid-year yes.



Joe Frances

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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #33 on: 27 Feb 2019, 04:40 am »
The new hybrid will debut in April at Axpona 2019 in Chicago.

It will be 200W+ power with a tube preamp section and the same output stage of the KWA 150SE.
It will have the same aesthetics of the KWI 200 in terms of the face plate and knobs, but will be a complete re-design inside.

IMPORTANTLY: This means that it will not be an upgraded KWI 200, but a completely different design. There will be no upgrade path to make the KWI 200 a hybrid.

Pricing is still TBD, but will be higher than for the KWI 200.

Dan is a HP amp still in the mix for the new hybrid amp as indicated earlier?

I would expect production by mid-year yes.




Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #34 on: 1 Mar 2019, 04:21 pm »
The design is coming together nicely and will debut at Axpona 2019. The prototype does not have a HP amp built in, but I am still planning on this for the final production units, as well as stock phono stage.

Price is still TBD, but will be more than the KWI 200 of course.


Joe Frances

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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #35 on: 3 Mar 2019, 12:35 am »
The design is coming together nicely and will debut at Axpona 2019. The prototype does not have a HP amp built in, but I am still planning on this for the final production units, as well as stock phono stage.

Price is still TBD, but will be more than the KWI 200 of course.


OK, thanks.


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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #36 on: 15 Apr 2019, 09:34 pm »
I've been talking to Dan directly through email about this project and just found this site so thought I would throw my 2 cents in here also.

I have had Modwright Instruments on my radar for a few years and am finally in the position to upgrade my 2 channel setup so  I am truly excited that Dan's new Hybrid Integrated is soon to be ready. I have been a separates guy for decades - mostly because of the compromises made and the bloated feature set in most available integrateds- but I feel Dan has finally come up with a true contender. i was about to pull the trigger on the SS KWI 200 but decided to try and contact Dan first which I did- he said I may want to wait a bit for this - so wait I did.

200W into 8 ohms/ 400W into 4 ohms. - AWESOME!
Same look/feel (face) as the KWI 200. - Great LOVE it - clean sleek and simple.
Totally re-designed internals, all modular and everything improved. - Unexpected respect for his customers.
SS preamp stage of KWI 200 replaced with all tube preamp stage. - The Holy Grail
Mosfet output stage of KWI 200 replaced with BJT output stage of KWA 150SE. - Nice!
Chassis redesigned to allow much more exposed heat sink area to improve overall cooling and allow for higher operating temperature/bias. - AND looks really cool!
Phono stage integral or optional - Uh oh... whats this bloat??? BUT a TRULY proper Integrated  right? Not sure i would choose to have these add ons and the associated cost. I'm sure the phono stage will be "Good" but better can easily be had externally and as for the headphone output - how many of us sit close enough for the cord to reach our amps anyway? Isnt that why we all have HP rigs next to our easy chair already?

NOW for the BIGGY( I'm hiding behind my chair. I'm sure this wont be popular here) Why do those two tiny little tubes have to poke out the top like that?
I know - because that's cool right? On a full compliment tube amp or a small chassis desk top with limited space I would say yes BUT on this it doesnt make sense to me and is just obligatory pandering to the tube "look". I would much rather respect the sleekness of the design by laying them down behind a nice glass window - I have drawings) OR if you really wanted to WOW 'em, mount them in a pop up glass enclosure for rolling/display purposes - I have drawings for this also (relatively simple design too). If anyone thinks this may be something to be considered I will post them here.

Anyway - Thanks Dan for you time, effort and passion....and, in my case, your impeccable timing!


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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #37 on: 16 Apr 2019, 02:26 am »

ideas are great and all, but a pop-up glass enclosure with tubes in it? Simple? Have you designed electronics before? Sketches?

...and this pop up glass case makes more sense, in terms of added cost, than the headphone amp and/or the phono stage? :scratch:

Note that many of us haven't seen the new integrated, so other than imagination, we don't know what you're talking about. Based on Dan's comments, it seems like he was waiting to reveal details about his product here following Axpona...but you've decided that's your job? :duh:

You understand this is his, paid, site sponsored, space on AC, right?


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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #38 on: 16 Apr 2019, 12:17 pm »
Wow - OK got it.
I'll shut up and go away then - all you had to say. You guys are apparently way too smart for a dummy like me to interact with.

 I've not designed electronics, I'll leave that to Dan.  I only have ideas for the case which I do have experience with. My ideas are quite simple and version 1 shouldnt add much more cost than a piece of glass. Version 2 is actually fairly simple and would add some cost but probably not much. The bigger problem is having enough space to implement it. It takes the same footprint as the current board but obviously would need space below. In either case there is of course the redesign cost.

Several times in the past I have approached other companies whose products I am interested in about potential design changes where the company found my idea worthwhile and did make those changes and/or incorporated them as a new model. Thats a fact - I have and use them daily..

I will say that I rethought posting this here because I had just emailed Dan about this and hadnt given him opportunity to respond first but only after I hit the post button. Sorry Dan. And sorry to upset the status quo.

As previously stated, I'll take my thoughts and ideas and go away. Cary on...



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Re: Modwright KWI 200 Hybrid-- A Pipe Dream?
« Reply #39 on: 17 Apr 2019, 02:22 am »'s a bit abnormal and rather rude behavior to come in, without introduction, and spout news about someone else's business in their online space in your very first post. On top of that, you critiqued his work and added your own $.02. Keep in mind this is Dan's new baby. Many of us have never seen it nor read anything about it. Regardless of your qualifications, it's like coming over to a friend's house unannounced, staying for dinner, then telling him how he should've cooked the roast beef. That you thought twice about it before posting should've been a red flag to you. You'll find AC is a pretty welcoming community, but it pays dividends to always be mindful if not always respectful. My apologies for jumping down your throat. I can lack patience at times and my reaction to your post was not respectful. My suggestion is to introduce yourself, as you'll see others have done just within the past few days, and maybe include a short blurb about your audio history and preferences. :thumb: