Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?

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I recently had to re-arrange the den a bit to create a space for my son to be able to spread out and play/crawl around in.  I've got a relatively small condo (~1200sqft) and the den is the heart of it, so I can't do anything too funky, but I'd really like to get my magic back.

I feel like I lost a bit of bas impact and my stage feels a little flat and somehow the sound is just less engaging/compelling in comparison to the old layout. 

My gear is good stuff, but since the juggling, I don't think its sounding up to spec.

Please see this link for images of my current layout:  http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?vevol&1276574402&view

We're talking about the bottom left corner of the Great Room pictured above.
« Last Edit: 23 May 2011, 03:28 pm by Gopher »


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Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #1 on: 23 May 2011, 02:58 am »
When all the cabling and stuff are taken apart and moved around. It can take a few days to have it all settle down.
The discovery that it does not sound the same may be upsetting to you. I woould just let it be used for a few days/weeks more without worrying about it at all. it may spring back to having that magic for you.


Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #2 on: 23 May 2011, 03:09 am »

Thank you.  That is a good point you raise, unfortunately it has been a few months now.  I've managed to mitigate much of negative effect the room has had by shifting things further to the right (you can JUST see the TV mount stand peeking) and moving my speakers forward with more toe, but its not quite there. 

I suspect that the left corner is loading the bass weirdly or something...  I really don't have much of a command on acoustic theory.   

S Clark

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Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #3 on: 23 May 2011, 04:19 am »
It sure looks like you could use room treatment.



Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #4 on: 23 May 2011, 04:35 am »
I don't disagree, but I wouldn't know how to approach it.  I don't want anything else on the floor really and my boundaries are pretty uneven for addressing the first reflection point....   I wouldn't mind building something myself, but I don't want to spend a lot.


Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #5 on: 23 May 2011, 05:04 am »
Do you have before photos Fred?  What exactly changed as far as placement goes? 
-listening position
-speaker distances (width)
-speaker distance changes off of the back wall?


Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #6 on: 23 May 2011, 05:13 am »
What happens if you move the speakers two feet forwards?


Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #7 on: 23 May 2011, 05:20 am »
What happens if you move the speakers two feet forwards?

I was thinking the same thing John.


Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #8 on: 23 May 2011, 05:23 am »
Zu Soul Superfly is a great speakers, easy placement, but the floor carpet is a not helping the Superfly.

Auralex Gramma is great product the Superfly can stand on.



Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #9 on: 23 May 2011, 05:35 am »
What were the characteristics of the walls in relation to your speaker placement in your last placement?


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Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #10 on: 23 May 2011, 12:51 pm »
That's my question.  We can see how it is now. What was the config when it was working better for you?  Have you pushed speakers closer to walls?  Moved seating?  Moved other furniture?  Reoriented the entire space?



Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #11 on: 23 May 2011, 02:40 pm »
Thanks for tuning in guys.

I'm only about 7 feet away from my speakers as is and I need the space I have in the room for my son, so moving the speakers forward isn't really an option.   

The L couch used to "L" the opposite direction so the couch ran along the right speaker and behind and on the left was the fully exposed window.  The TV and component stand were also about 2 feet to the left before.  The turntable used to be centered over the stand. 

The speakers were slide to the right about a foot and a half, and forward a bit (by necessity based on amp placement) and I've been playing with toe.

Going from memory, the speakers are about 3 feet off the wall, my listening position is about 7 feet away and the speakers drivers are about 6 feet apart.  From what I've read the speaker distance from the wall isn't really crucial. 

I'm trying to get a screen shot of my condo layout w/ dimensions now.


I hadn't seen that base before.  Can one literally plop the speakers right on top or do you put footers on it or something first?  Carpet spikes or floor studs?  Would toppling over on a small child be a concern?


Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #12 on: 23 May 2011, 02:47 pm »
I'm only about 7 feet away from my speakers as is and I need the space I have in the room for my son, so moving the speakers forward isn't really an option.   

The way I see it, if you won't even just try it and listen and/or measure, why ask people to solve problems for you?

Sorry but... this is the most obvious thing to try.


Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #13 on: 23 May 2011, 02:53 pm »

I'll give it a whirl to see how it sounds, but it could only ever be temporary/for educational purposes.  The thing that prompted the room change was needing it to be more functional/less hazardous for a small child and that would be a little counter productive.

I welcome and appreciate advice though.



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Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #14 on: 23 May 2011, 03:06 pm »
Sounds to me like the biggest change that would impact things would be the moving laterally.  Were you more centered left to right in the room than you are now?  That can really muck things up.



Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #15 on: 23 May 2011, 03:11 pm »
Fred, sorry, I missed the part about the young child. Perhaps during this time a 2.1 system might work better for you.


Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #16 on: 23 May 2011, 03:31 pm »

I'm actually more centered on the room now that its come out to the left.  Previously it was centered based on the wall (with windows) and where the door to bedroom is.  But the L couch gave the right side boundary a more 'balanced' room enclosure. 

Now that it kind of has a boundary on one side and is open on the other a lot more. 


No worries.  It probably would have helped if I had spelled "Son" instead of "soon" above, lol!


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Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #17 on: 23 May 2011, 04:06 pm »
Centered from left wall to right wall is what I'm concerned with.



Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #18 on: 23 May 2011, 04:47 pm »
I figured as much, but I wanted to point out that now that its 'technically' more centered in the room, it doesn't have the same 'centering boundaries' as before.


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Re: Lost the magic with a den re-configuration. Any insight?
« Reply #19 on: 23 May 2011, 05:23 pm »
Just wanted to make sure. The couch will absorb mids and highs but does not act as a boundary in terms of bottom end, boundary interactions, etc.
