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I read a thread over on the Harmonic Discord site that I thought was interesting:http://www.harmonicdiscord.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8660I was wondering if anybody has had a chance to try this recipe as I am very interested.Love the site!conga
A more consistent twist can be achieved by hand twisting the speaker wire or power cord,definitely hand twist the interconnects.Geometry on the speaker wire is critical to success.
I went to Lowe's and Home Depot to splice wire for most of the day...I am currently trying to find someone on the east coast who can pick me up a couple of rolls. Called up a cable distributor and the salesman asked me what I needed it for. I should have lied but told him it was for speaker and interconnect wire. He promptly told me it wouldn't work and tried to get me to get something else....I just wanna try the re ...
I have access to some of the wire for Stan Warren's speaker cables so I thought I would give it a try. As I twisted the wires I had a piece of electrical tape placed about every 6 inches to hold the twist in place. I will cover the entire cable with heatshrink. I plan to leave the electrical tape in place underneath the heatshrink. Anyone know of any reason why I shouldn''t do this? Would the electrical tape have any detrimental effect on the performance of the cable? Also how many pounds of dry ice does it take to have the desired effect?
LAL, if you have a tight twist don't put any heatshrink on it.It makes the sound stage and dynamics compressed.It also is unecessary.
Scotty,How do you go about constructing the Stan Warren power cords. I have completed the speaker cables and one set of interconnects and am now considering tying the power cord.
Hi Scotty,That's interesting. Stan once told me to use heatshrink, especially on his speaker cables. He said the wire motor effects, caused by the changing magnetic fields, made the cable lose some focus if you don't heatshrink them. I have not tried them without heatshrink. Do PC, IC and speaker cables all sound better without heatshrink?They sound more open and uncompressed but the twist has to be tight and consistent. Not a big difference but noticeable.