Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes

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Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #80 on: 12 Jan 2009, 08:20 pm »
I've had my ST RT for about a week and couldn't be happier.  :thumb: Now, I just have to wait a little longer for the SC RT to arrive.

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« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2009, 03:18 pm by Atlplasma »


Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #81 on: 13 Jan 2009, 08:46 pm »
Atlplasma, beautiful speakers and room.

Can you tell us what you use for receiver and amplification?



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Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #82 on: 13 Jan 2009, 09:08 pm »
Thanks. The media center is a custom unit made a local craftsman here in Atlanta. He does great work (like taking the unit back and adding the lower shelf when I needed more storage).  :D

Before the Salks arrived, I was using a Yamaha RX-V2700 in a preamp configuration with three Outlaw Model 200 monoblocks. This configuration drove three M&K 750 speakers, which you can see in the pictures. I'll probably convert the L/R M&Ks to rear speaker duty, at least temporary until my budget (and the economy) recovers. Jim is working on a SongCenter RT but had to make some adjustments to accommodate the height of the media center shelf. (Imagine trying to ask any other speaker manufacturer to make their speaker enclosure .25 inches shorter.)

Interestingly, and I just shared this over on the AVS Salk thread, I've been switching between the Yamaha and a 45-year-old Eico ST-70 during music sessions. For music, I'm finding the Eico much more enjoyable. The Yamaha has a "Pure Direct" that claims to deliver playback with the least circuitry. I like the Pure Direct option but still find it inferior to the Eico tube sound, and I'm leaning toward using the Yamaha/Outlaw setup for movie playback and the Eico whenever I want to play tunes--even though swapping speaker cables is an inconvenience.



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Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #83 on: 13 Jan 2009, 09:33 pm »
Interestingly, and I just shared this over on the AVS Salk thread, I've been switching between the Yamaha and a 45-year-old Eico ST-70 during music sessions. For music, I'm finding the Eico much more enjoyable. The Yamaha has a "Pure Direct" that claims to deliver playback with the least circuitry. I like the Pure Direct option but still find it inferior to the Eico tube sound, and I'm leaning toward using the Yamaha/Outlaw setup for movie playback and the Eico whenever I want to play tunes--even though swapping speaker cables is an inconvenience.


No big shock in a well designed tube amp (whether designed or built today or 50 years ago) sounding better than a current SS receiver!   :duh:

I only would have been shocked if it turned out the other way.



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Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #84 on: 13 Jan 2009, 10:06 pm »
I'm becoming a believer in the "tube sound" so many people seem to like. Maybe what's shocking - at least to me - is how good the Eico sounds against a setup that retailed for something like $2500. The other thing that surprise me was that I was able to take an Eico that hadn't been played in at least 10 years and recap and tube it, and it WORKED.  :green:

You have to understand, my electrical skills are pretty minimal (but I'm learning). I was also lucky that a tube veteran from the Yahoo Eico group volunteered to test the thing out before I flip the switch. It just worked out great. 


Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #85 on: 14 Jan 2009, 02:52 am »
Salks and plasma. Yum  :drool:


Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #86 on: 14 Jan 2009, 10:34 am »
 :thumb: Atlplasma.  Lookin' good brother.


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Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #87 on: 15 Jan 2009, 12:38 am »
I feel lucky that the economy stayed strong just long enough for me to buy a few goodies (like the plasma and STs). Now it looks like I'll have to bide my time for who-knows-how-many-months before going after anything else. Oh, well.


Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #88 on: 18 Jan 2009, 09:19 pm »
I am really surprised that Salk Speakers have graced so many homes and hearts and yet very few are featured on this thread. When I first saw this thread I was so happy since this could be a replacement to the discontinued Veracity of the Month Galleries at the Salk website.
Please  shoot and post.




Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #89 on: 18 Jan 2009, 10:42 pm »
Okay, here's my custom HT3s and HTC, in my home:


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Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #90 on: 19 Jan 2009, 12:11 am »
finally upgraded my system with photos on audiogon

here's three classics   2006 salk 1961 Wurlitzer 1953 Kay Upright Bass


Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #91 on: 19 Jan 2009, 02:51 am »
Someone asked for more pics of my V3s. Here are a few closeups:

The first pic shows the custom black chrome feet, then two close ups of the V3s and a final angle shot of the V Monster Jr.


Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #93 on: 25 Jan 2009, 02:25 pm »



Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #94 on: 25 Jan 2009, 07:12 pm »
Really Really Nice....
No Nonsense.



Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #95 on: 5 Feb 2009, 04:58 pm »
funkmonkey,  What veneer/finish are your speakers?

OK, I found it on page two.  That is what I get for starting at the last page and working backwards.   

The veneer is "Survivor Rosewood".



Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #96 on: 5 Feb 2009, 07:46 pm »
The "Survivor" rosewood got it's name because it came from a Brazilian rosewood tree that survived a fire at some point in it's life.  There is no doubt that the same tree would have yeilded a beautiful veneer even if it hadn't been through the fire, but because of that fire, there are additional dark grey/black charcoal areas in the veneer.  I feel very lucky to have been able to find this unique veneer, and I am constantly awed by it's beauty.  Jim did a fantastic job with the raw veneer.  I know from experience that that is no easy task.

The pictures that Jim shot and a few more details can be found here:


Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #97 on: 5 Feb 2009, 07:57 pm »
The "Survivor" rosewood got it's name because it came from a Brazilian rosewood tree that survived a fire at some point in it's life.  There is no doubt that the same tree would have yeilded a beautiful veneer even if it hadn't been through the fire, but because of that fire, there are additional dark grey/black charcoal areas in the veneer.  I feel very lucky to have been able to find this unique veneer, and I am constantly awed by it's beauty.  Jim did a fantastic job with the raw veneer.  I know from experience that that is no easy task.

funkmonkey, Thanks for the explanation.  They truly are beautiful. I see lots of pics here that I like.  I am especially attracted to the walnut and the "larger than life" pics of the clear curly cherry ones. Hope to find some HT3s to see/hear in the Sacramento, CA area.


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Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #98 on: 19 Feb 2009, 06:16 pm »
Love my Song Series!


Re: Members Gallery, Pictures of Salk speakers in members homes
« Reply #99 on: 19 Mar 2009, 02:47 am »
Love my Song Series!

Love your setup! It's very clean and I love how the speakers are such a nice light contrast in the room. Well done  :thumb: