One thing that is really noticeable with this OPAMP vs any other I’ve tried is the only blackness sound comes from where there’s no sound in the recording (basically modem digital recordings with no tape hiss). It’s particularly striking when instruments start on one speaker to be followed by other instruments on the other. I’ve never heard anything like it before. That said it has started a bit warm and can sound muddy at lower playback volume though nothing noticeable at higher levels. More burn in required before I can judge.
Still, there’sa certain colouration that the TL072 has which was very pleasant that I miss, though the improvements in nearly every other area make the Sonic Imagery 994Enh-Ticha discrete OPAMP the better sounding OPAMP but it’s still a tough choice. I may never be able to decide until I switch the TL072 back in a few weeks.
EDIT: Ordered an Orange discrete JFET OPAMP to try with the Tortuga. It seems that the Sonic Imagery 994Enh-Ticha is that bit better than the stock TL072 in every aria, but lacks that special sense of being at the performance. That magical element.
I figured maybe I need to try another FET based solution so the Orange Discrete OPAMP is now in the way.
This really says a lot on the choice of the TL072 that to my ears it’s still ahead of some very nice discrete OPAMPS.
I’ve swapped the TL072 back in and will see if it still has that special something in comparison when I have a listen later tonight.
EDIT2: Despite everything the 994 does right, the TL072 remains more lifelike giving the impression of being there at the performance. The 994 can only do this with the very best recordings. I think it may be more accurate however I prefer the presentation of the TL072. I think I’ll try the Orange JFET discrete OPAMP though after that I’m done trying different OPAMPS irrespective of what sounds best so it will be down between the Orange and TL072.