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For reason too complicated to go into, i have to place my passive sub modules (NO SPikes) on the bottom shelf of my tv stand. This is a secondary system so I understand this is not a preferred or even good placement. With that said, looking for a good anti- vibe solution. Would i be correct that in this application you would want to use something made of the dbneutrualizing format?I guessing, the starting solution would be Four Big Fat Dots directly between the bottom of the sub and floor of cabinet I also have some tenderfeet lying around, so wondering if there this would be better than the dots....thanks
I recently bought a box of DiversiTech anti vibration pads and placed them under all of my components including floor standing speakers and subs. The result was a stunning improvement in clarity, soundstage and fullness of sound, and this is a pretty high end system. Under the subs, the bass in cleaner, tighter, fuller. Each pad is 52 cents. A box of 48 was $25.00.I would be very surprised if other anti-vibration devices make a better sound improvement, regardless of cost.https://www.supplyhouse.com/DiversiTech-MP-2E-EVA-Anti-Vibration-Pad-2-x-2-x-7-8?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpMaAwKT63QIVlIZ-Ch1SGQ6TEAYYAiABEgJlyfD_BwE
Hey MttBsh, perhaps you didn't notice this circle is paid for by Herbie's Audio Lab. I"m sure you meant well, but using this space to advertise a competitive product is not a great idea.