A "revised" Purist?

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A "revised" Purist?
« on: 28 Jan 2005, 06:42 pm »

I thought I'd start a new thread on this subject- hope you don't mind  :oops: .

Do you intend to still have (3) gain settings? -18; 0; +6 ? I wasn't clear on that from your comments in the other thread.

As far as the pink noise generator- depends on the cost savings if it is eliminated. Most folks probably don't need it but if it's almost "free"- then I would say leave it in.

Some of us would still like a buffered tape loop- but as you have pointed out before- recording can be accpomplished via the 0-gain/volume-up method.

Hopefully- the input/output impedences will remain the same- 33k input; 100 ohm output?



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A "revised" Purist?
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jan 2005, 05:09 am »
In addition, how about an option to have balanced outputs as well?



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A "revised" Purist?
« Reply #2 on: 1 Feb 2005, 10:51 pm »
further thoughts..

most cd players have a 2v output- enough to drive a power amp. However, most phono preamps will boost the cartridge signal to 500 mv. (5.0mv cartridge w/ 40db gain= 500mv; or, .5mv cartridge w/60 db gain = 500mv.) I presume, that's why most traditional pre-amps had around 20db of gain.

So, it would seem that a "revised" Purist would allow the user to choose the -18db setting for CD playback and  allow for the same volume control setting as 0db (or +6db) for phono playback- right?  (I know, clear as mud, probably. Us non-technical types can't even ask the questions properly).

Curt, if you understand my question (hell, even if you don't) I would be interested in your comments.




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A "revised" Purist?
« Reply #3 on: 26 Feb 2005, 01:03 am »
any updates?



Re: A "revised" Purist?
« Reply #4 on: 7 Apr 2005, 06:01 pm »
Quote from: WEEZ

Do you intend to still have (3) gain settings? -18; 0; +6 ? I wasn't clear on that from your comments in the other thread.

As far as the pink noise generator- depends on the cost savings if it is eliminated. Most folks probably don't need it but if it's almost "free"- then I would say leave it in.

Some of us would still like a buffered tape loop- but as you have pointed out before- recording can be accpomplishe ...


There will be more than 3 gain settings. I'm thinking of spanning -24dB to plus 9.5dB in six unevenly spaced steps. This plan is to optimize the 24 pos VC using the gain as course volume adjustment. This will match to most all systems out there.

Removing the PN generator would be because no one seems to use it, this is not decided yet and will not effect the price.

Buffered Tape loop has come up so much we will probably add one, anyone else out there that would like this feature?


A "revised" Purist?
« Reply #5 on: 7 Apr 2005, 07:07 pm »
Quote from: HChi
In addition, how about an option to have balanced outputs as well?


Hi Howard,

We don't get many calls for balanced outputs. Not many Mfgs use them.

Actually they are good for long runs in noisy environments but most home audio systems don't benifit from them. The problem is that they add an expense that everyone would have to bear.

What do the rest of you guys think? Good idea or not?


A "revised" Purist?
« Reply #6 on: 7 Apr 2005, 07:13 pm »
Quote from: WEEZ
further thoughts..

most cd players have a 2v output- enough to drive a power amp. However, most phono preamps will boost the cartridge signal to 500 mv. (5.0mv cartridge w/ 40db gain= 500mv; or, .5mv cartridge w/60 db gain = 500mv.) I presume, that's why most traditional pre-amps had around 20db of gain.

So, it would seem that a "revised" Purist would allow the user to choose the -18db setting for CD playback and  allow for the same volume control setting as 0db (or +6db) for phono playback- right?  ( ...


Don't sweat the math, we will do that.

The lowest gain would be for a very high gain system with efficent speakers playing CDs. The highest gain we offer would work for analog discs with a stand alone phono preamp, at least for high-gain cartridges.

Everyone else shows up somewhere in between.


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A "revised" Purist?
« Reply #7 on: 7 Apr 2005, 08:45 pm »
Thanks, Curt.




Preamp "wish list"
« Reply #8 on: 8 Apr 2005, 01:16 am »

I'll add my two cents.


Dual outputs -- main/sub or bi-amping  :)

Tape/line-level output (buffered) -- don't use it much, but it would be nice to have this option in the same system as my best source.   :wink:

Passive (0 and/or less gain) and then active when needed -- max. gain can probably be 6 to 9 DB -- I have not heard a system in the last 10 years with an active preamp than "used" much of the 20 DB that is available in most preamps.

Switchable Home Theater bypass on one source input...

The adjustable gain settings will be great -- it would be really special if we could set a "base point" by the input -- or at least for a few inputs so that there can be some balance when switching between CD/DVD players and phono stages, etc.  (this would be VERY nice, but it would be icing on the cake).




Re: Preamp "wish list"
« Reply #9 on: 8 Apr 2005, 01:37 am »
Quote from: scott_man

I'll add my two cents.


echo dat!  Remote volume control is enough for me, but now a necessity since putting into my also video system!


  • Jr. Member
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A "revised" Purist?
« Reply #10 on: 8 Apr 2005, 06:11 am »
Quote from: Curt
Hi Howard,

We don't get many calls for balanced outputs. Not many Mfgs use them.

Actually they are good for long runs in noisy environments but most home audio systems don't benifit from them. The problem is that they add an expense that everyone would have to bear.

What do the rest of you guys think? Good idea or not?

That's why I suggest to have it as an add-on option :wink:  For people pairing Purist with amps costing >10x the cost of Purist, I think the likelyhood increases. On Purist end, nothing will be gain; but on the fully-balanced design amp end, its true strength can show through Purist and there is no adapters to degrade the sound! 8)


Re: Preamp "wish list"
« Reply #11 on: 9 Apr 2005, 06:07 pm »
Quote from: scott_man

I'll add my two cents.


Dual outputs -- main/sub or bi-amping  :)

Tape/line-level output (buffered) -- don't use it much, but it would be nice to have this option in the same system as my best source.   :wink:

Passive (0 and/or less gain) and then active when needed -- max. gain can probably be 6 to 9 DB -- I have not heard a system in the last 10 years with an active preamp than "used" much of the 20 DB that is available in most preamps.

Switch ...

Hi Scott_man,

With the remote your getting into another type of preamp, the Purist is our reference and should remain as clean as possible. This model is where I put all my new ideas and it can change (be revised once or twice a year).

Sabai is the preamp we plan to put a remote in and that's a whole different topic.

Dual outputs, the Purist already has dual outputs (each out has its own buffer).

Passive attenuators are no good for high-end audio (my opinion), impedance matching is required for good quality audio. Some "special" high-quality transformer passives are pretty good but I still think they are too expensive, too limited, and too specialized for most audiophile systems (again my opinion).

The Purist already uses the buffered passive topology (0dB gain) which I believe is the optimum all around solution.

Thanks for your inputs.