Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review

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Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« on: 11 Oct 2011, 02:36 am »
Back in April, I got an unexpected phone call from Fritz Heiler of Fritz Speakers. We had not talked in a while, so it was nice to hear from him. After some typical pleasantries and more specific talk of our recent events, Fritz asked if I’d like to demo his REV5 speakers. I explained that I would really like to, but my preamp was at the shop and that I wasn’t certain when I would have it back. Fritz, being far more optimistic than I, stated that I should have the pre back in plenty of time to enjoy some good listening. I took him up on his offer, and the following week Fritz stopped by my work.

Fritz explained that he was headed up North to see his Sweetheart, and it was pretty apparent he was packed for the trip. Digging through the back of his car, he produced a very heavy box that contained the REV5s. Taking a quick peek revealed small stand mount speakers, finished in a gorgeous rosewood veneer. Suddenly, I couldn’t wait to be off work!

Knowing that Fritz had just entrusted me with some very nice gear, I turned to him and assured him that I would take nice care of them in his absence. Fritz replied “Did you get your preamp back yet?” “No”, I replied. With that, Fritz was back poking through the back of his car. This time, he came out with a Blue Circle integrated with pre-outs, and a way bitchin’ power cord. He said “Take this. It will get you through until your pre is back.”

Who does that? I mean, really?

Anyway, Fritz took off, assuring me that he would return the next time he was through town. I went home that night pretty excited, and set everything up. I just guessed at the speaker placement and went from there. Listening that night was enjoyable, but I could tell that I needed to dial in the placement the next day. I relived that scenario each day for a couple of weeks. Honestly, getting these things dialed in to the point I could no longer locate them in the room about kicked my ass, but I finally got it. And then, I finally got it.

The REV5s are some of the most resolving and revealing speakers I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. They play back music and detail that I have never heard before in recordings I am more than familiar with. They are not at all overstated, where the detail becomes grinding, but totally revealing to what is on the recording. I have a live session recording of David Sanborn playing Ballad of the Sad Young Men. I swear, he was in the room every time I played it. Amazingly, though, you can hear him clear the spit valve about two thirds of the way through the song. I know this song like the back of my hand and have never heard that before, or since. I know where it is in the recording now, yet it no longer exists. While sitting here, mouth hanging open and really pleased with myself that I finally nailed the speaker placement, Fritz called. I had to sound like a giddy school girl.  :lol:

While I had these speakers, I tried different valves, cables, and even gave the power cord a couple of cool tests. The REV5s revealed every change, every nuance, and every subtle difference. All invisibly, playing back nothing but beautiful music one would not expect from speakers so diminutive.

To make a long story short, Fritz let me keep the REV5s in my system until last month. He called, and stated he would stop by the next day to pick them up. Well, rather than do anything else, I listened to music long and hard until he arrived. When Fritz arrived, I told him “Let’s just cut to the chase.” Fritz sat in the sweet spot and I queued up a 104 dB’s of The Battle, from the Chronicles of Narnia soundtrack. It was just unbelievable. My living room was transformed into a full symphony orchestra, playing the hell out of a great song. I came out from the kitchen with a couple of cold beverages, and the floor was vibrating. I was vibrating. The full beers were vibrating. The music was crystal clear; fantastic. It crossed my mind “Shit; he’s going to think you’re blowing up his speakers!” I looked at Fritz, and his eyes were closed, with a knowing smile on his face. His look spoke volumes, and the music said why.

When the song ended, we both just sat there smiling. I explained that I was going to keep playing music, but that *one* song kind of summed everything up. With that, we started playing music and just shooting the breeze. Every song played was stunning; deep, deep soundstage, perfect imaging and placement, nothing rolled off, and so resolved only good live seats could be better.  I started talking to Fritz about speakers I would like to have, and Fritz explained the tradeoffs inherent to all speaker designs. Fritz said “Can I bring in another set of speakers?” That’s like asking if I’d like another beer. :D

So, while I powered down the amp, Fritz got another set of speakers. He explained the difference in the crossover design, and why it had to be different based on the drivers, cabinet, etc. We hooked them up and started listening again. Fritz is a great critical listener. I suddenly learned why the REV5s are so resolving and musical. Fritz nitpicks the hell out of his speakers – things I would never pick out, he does.

To make a longer story even shorter, Fritz went back out to his car no less than 4 times that night. Each trip resulted in another speaker design and more damned fine music. Each step of the way Fritz explained his goals with the speaker, his design differences, and his thoughts on what he wanted to change to make the sound perfect. What I learned is that Fritz is a consummate speaker builder, with damned fine ears. He is also one hell of a craftsman. Each piece exhibited more than fine craftsmanship and finishing skills. Fritz is a master artisan, speaker builder, and fine person, as well.

I wish I could tell you all of the music we listened to that night, and all of the subtle things heard in each song. I cannot, though. There was just too much. What I can tell you is that I lived with the REV5s for four months, and they are a spectacular speaker. They play effortlessly, with no hint of strain, congestion, brightness, or muddiness. They play as well at low levels as they do rattling the rafters.  They twinkle at the top end, and punch your gut at the bottom end. The imaging is to die for, once properly placed. If you are in the market for small stand mount speakers, call Fritz and work out a demo. You will be surprised, and not the least bit disappointed.

In closing, thanks again, Fritz. I enjoyed listening to your fine speakers, seeing your fine work, the Warren Haynes tunes, and the laughs. I also genuinely appreciate the use of your preamp; thank you. I have the Touch now, and it’s going off to Wayne very soon. I hope you can stop by again soon.  :thumb:

Have fun,


PS: Here's a pic of the speakers we listened to that night. The REV5s are on the far right. The speaker barely shown in the foreground is a Fritz Speaker, also.  :thumb:


Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #1 on: 11 Oct 2011, 03:33 am »
Hello Jerry,

Thanks for sharing your impressions of the Rev5's.  I'm listening to them as I type.  :thumb:

I gotta be honest though, thus far, my experience with the Rev5's are quite different from yours. That said, I hear some promising stuff going on. 




Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #2 on: 11 Oct 2011, 10:27 am »
Glad to hear Fritz is still got the magic  :).

My Carbon 7s are still the finest speaker I've heard.


Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #3 on: 11 Oct 2011, 11:56 am »
I too am a big fan of the C7's from what I heard of them at the 2009 AKFest.  What is the difference between the Rev5's and that speaker?  One has a 7" woofer while the other a 5"?


Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #4 on: 11 Oct 2011, 03:00 pm »
What is the difference between the Rev5's and that speaker?  One has a 7" woofer while the other a 5"?

Yes and they are also a different Scanspeak model series.
Although the overall sound will be influenced by the design, crossover netowrk and tweeter selection, my general impression (overall, but not specifically with the Fritz speakers, which I have not heard) has been that the Revelator sliced paper cone midwoofers have a slightly more defined and clearer midrange than the Classic carbon fibre filled paper pulp cone midwoofers, which seem to have a bit more impactful bass response.
This is comparing the same size drivers among different speakers, but that perception of response characteristics is also to be somewhat expected when comparing 7" and 5" drivers in general.


Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #5 on: 11 Oct 2011, 04:36 pm »
I had the C7 in my system for 4-5 weeks and then Fritz brought over the R5 and we compared them side by side in the same room and system til the wee hours. I really like the bass extension and impact of the C7 and I also like the detail and resolution of the R5. I think that is a smallish room, the R5 could represent something scarily lose to state of the art with the right electronics. We were using EAR amp/preamp with only 50 WPC so the SPL's were understandably limited on the R5 but a damn fine transducer indeed! Kudos to Fritz :thumb:


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Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #6 on: 11 Oct 2011, 06:40 pm »

Thanks for the review Jerry.

It's always nice to get the inside story of the industries movers and shakers.

So what stopped you from buying the pair? What speakers do you have now?



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Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #7 on: 14 Oct 2011, 02:10 am »
Thanks for the review Jerry.

It's always nice to get the inside story of the industries movers and shakers.

So what stopped you from buying the pair? What speakers do you have now?


What stopped me from buying them is, oddly enough, Fritz.

Fritz is a great listener and speaker builder. We have spent enough time together here for him to understand my gear, my room, my goals, and the music I like. We've talked long and hard about the speakers I want, and how he could acheive that end. His thoughts on the subject meet exactly what I've thought.

Fritz will absolutely build my next set of speakers.

All I need now is that elusive 'few extra bucks'.  :wink:

Have fun,


Mass. Wine Guy

Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #8 on: 27 Oct 2011, 12:53 am »
Very nicely written. I enjoyed learning about Fritz as much as learning about the speakers. I would love to own a pair of Carbon 7 speakers, but there's no way I can afford them.

LA mitchell

Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #9 on: 26 Nov 2011, 06:00 am »
I'm a beginning audiophile, and I'm hoping to find longevity with a setup sooner than later.

Even though I would be financially comfortable <$1000, it seems like it would be wise for me to
go ahead and get something more ($2000ish) because I could just grow with my speakers
and never have to worry about changing them out.

So, I've kind of narrowed it down to HARBETH and FRITZ just from reading online
for the past 6 months.

Seems like a REALLLY good value for the FRITZ, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the looks of them.


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Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #10 on: 2 Dec 2011, 12:57 am »
Glad to hear Fritz is still got the magic  :).

My Carbon 7s are still the finest speaker I've heard.

I agree with this.  Just love the Carbon 7s.  I have more expensive speakers in the house, VSA Unifield 3s, and I like those a lot, but I still listen to the C7s quite a bit too.  Really enjoy them. 


Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #11 on: 2 Dec 2011, 02:14 am »

Roughly 5 minutes ago, I switched between the Fritz Rev 5's and the Harbeth P3ESR's.   If you have questions, I can try to address em' for ya. 

Russell Dawkins

Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #12 on: 2 Dec 2011, 03:38 am »
I am familiar with the Harbeths - I would like to read your impressions of the comparison, Zero.


Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #13 on: 2 Dec 2011, 11:15 am »
I'd like to hear that comparison, too.  I'm very interested in getting some stand mounted speakers later next year and Fritz is now at the top of my list, based on all the positive reviews of the the Fritz speakers themselves and and his incredible customer service.  I've listened to the Harbeths in a show setting, really liked what I heard, and was even considering a purchase, but I know I would regret getting the Harbeths without hearing the Fritz speakers, especially since I live in San Diego.  I like that he makes an in home audition readily and easily available.  That's very cool. 

LA mitchell

Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #14 on: 2 Dec 2011, 05:29 pm »
I'm standing by to hear your thoughts, Zero. Thanks.


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Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #15 on: 2 Dec 2011, 06:55 pm »
Nola Boxers and Living Sound Audio LS-1.0 are also well reviewed.

Reading reviews can be misleading.  Professionals very rarely slam anything, so you have to do a great deal of reading between the lines.  Non-professionals can have a hard time finding the right words or may not have much of a background/experience.  Shoot-offs are some of the most useful reviews I've found.

So nothing replaces auditioning for yourself.  Everyone has their own values/tastes/interests.  And with all the system/room synergy issues, a in-home audition should always be made (especially if the particular piece won't resale well).

LA mitchell

Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #16 on: 2 Dec 2011, 07:25 pm »
Hi JLM, 

I totally agree. I'm new at this, so I haven't "caught on" yet I guess.

I've been reading Stereophile  for about a year now, and it almost seems like
the reviews could be INTERCHANGEABLE:

"for the price, you can't beat it"

"I've heard better but not at this price point"

"it was like a veil had been lifted"

blah blah blah.....


Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #17 on: 2 Dec 2011, 08:20 pm »
I think it's most reviews from any source.  Honestly, I don't know that I have read a review on any mini-monitor that didn't say "These have a surprising amount of bass for their size" and "They punch well above their weight".

LA mitchell

Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #18 on: 2 Dec 2011, 08:57 pm »
What caught my attention on the HARBETH is that on the Harbeth forum, the owners really
seem to be IN LOVE with their speakers. I wanna feel like that!

and with FRITZ, there were several non-professionals posting positive reviews on forums
like this one. Those descriptions felt very GENUINE.

(hope Fitz-a-Clause comes to town soon!)


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Re: Fritz Speakers REV5s - A Review
« Reply #19 on: 2 Dec 2011, 09:52 pm »
Personally, I'm intrigued by that Acoustic Reality crossover Fritz uses.  I've never seen anything like it.

Anyone here know much about this xover design? :scratch: