Show coverage day 2

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Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #60 on: 16 Oct 2011, 03:26 pm »
Great coverage and a big thank you for all the effort and time to make the updates informative.   :thumb:

Can you go hear the Vandersteen room today?  I believe he is showing the Carbon 5A's.

Anything on the Salk/AVA room?

Should I check youtube for the video of Rim dancing on tables??   :wink: :wink:

Have a great last day.



Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #61 on: 16 Oct 2011, 03:26 pm »
Any comments on the vapor cirrus speakers?  Are they as good as they are touted to be?

You can see a page back the maker of those speakers posted a picture of his own room. 

doug s.

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Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #62 on: 16 Oct 2011, 03:36 pm »
Nice try but your statement makes no sense.  Klaus is a German American and, unlike the Chinese knock-offs, he liscensed the Symphonic designs.  The Chinese just rip off designs with no regard for intellectual property.  Klaus could have made his stuff (or had someone else make it) in China for less money but he knew the quality would not have been up to his standards. 

I salute Odyssey!
hey man, it's a joke, lighten up!   :wink:  but, joking aside; there are similarities - my statement actually makes a lot of sense.  odyssey would definitely cost more if it were made in germany.  don't get me wrong - actually, i think klaus and odyssey are way cool.  but the "chinese crap" statement is simply asking for trouble, and i am not buying it.  like it or not, it is ironic, cuz on many levels, it is exactly what klaus is doing.  only he's going to germany not america for the licensing, and he's going to america, not china for the mfr'g.

and as far as the chinese ripping off designs; yes it is true in many cases.  as it is w/other audio, not yust from china.  you can reinvent the wheel only so many times.    and there's now lotsa gear coming out of china that stands on its own and offers real quality.  think yaqin, mingda, asl, radii, ys audio, hi-vi, usher, and there's more i haven't named.

what pisses me off most is not buying chinese gear w/chinese labels on it; it's buying gear at outrageous prices that's chinese gear w/a designer label plastered on to it.  ever check out red rose music gear?  you can go direct to the source for the identical product at 1/3 to 1/4 the price.


doug s.


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #63 on: 16 Oct 2011, 03:39 pm »
Any comments on the vapor cirrus speakers?  Are they as good as they are touted to be?

Amazing and yes.  :green:


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #64 on: 16 Oct 2011, 03:40 pm »
Thanks for the pics so far.


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #65 on: 16 Oct 2011, 04:18 pm »
Dynamite coverage guys, many thanks to Pez, Tyson, and SoCal for all the hard work. You're great pictures and informative comments make be slightly less disappointed that I didn't go. Thanks!!!!


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #66 on: 16 Oct 2011, 04:31 pm »
Fritz speakers, Modwright KWA 150 SE, Zesto pre amp, WyWires cables, not sure of the TT :scratch:
The room sounded very good. Fritz always brings his A game to these shows. I was impressed with the Zesto tubed phono stage (both MM & MC). Wayne (WGH) and I were in the room at the same time. We played the CD version of Clamity Song from the Decemberists The King Is Dead album followed by the LP version on my copy of the LP. It wasn't even close. The CD was a little harsh and bright while the LP was more spacious, much better soundstage, more air around the instruments and more balanced from top to bottom. I enjoyed my time listening in this room.


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #67 on: 16 Oct 2011, 10:55 pm »
Tyson - But still, OTL amps.  No one should use OTL's, for anything, ever.  IMO.  Mike Galusha, you are the exception that proves the rule.

Now that is some funny shit. They do make good space heaters in the winter. ;)


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #68 on: 16 Oct 2011, 11:33 pm »
Soundsmith and VPI. This was my 7th straight RMAF and I have found Peter's room to always be among the 4 or 5 best sounding rooms at the show, and this year was no different. It is amazing the big sound he gets from those small, very affordable bookshelf speakers (small ones ar $1500 and large ones are $3000). The room doesn't have the soundstage depth I like, but the sound was very coherent and balanced. I'm amazed at the bass those little speakers put out.

I got to hear the new Hyperion cartridge with the cactus needle cantilever playing on a VPI Classic 3. Guys & gals, this cartridge is awfully close to the strain guage in it's ability to retrive detail and present a very full, natural sounding musical presentation. We listened to Janis Ian's Breaking Silence and Michael Hedges' Watching My Life Go By. I also listened to the $15,000 Strain Guage and the $7,000 Hyperion was as close to the sound of the Stain Guage as anything I have heard.



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Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #69 on: 17 Oct 2011, 02:01 am »
I was the coaxer for this room. Glad for the most part you guys liked it. Great seeing you two have so much fun in person.


Lowther room

So we were coaxed into coming into this room. Listening to dsotm on vinyl. Imaging is pretty damn good. It's more than pretty damn good it's very phenomenally excellently great. (running out of steam and adjectives can you tell) it can sound pretty shouty at times, but never erring in maintaining integrity. I've got somewhat mixed feelings about this sound I guess.

Tyson - Finally, a single driver speaker I like!!!!!  Oh, wait...   :wink:

Seriously though, I did not like this system from the 1st row and gladly gave up the sweet spot to Pez.  But then a funny thing happened.  In the 2nd row the sound just gelled and lost the stridency I heard from the front row.  Ah, now we are talking!  Good imaging, bass, and soundstage.  I'm still not a lowther guy, but I gotta give props when a room works, and this one did  :thumb:


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Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #70 on: 17 Oct 2011, 03:19 am »
I had a great time tagging along with Jason and Tyson for most of the day. Thanks for letting me do so.

There were several rooms that sounded great. And several rooms with what I am sure is good equipment, that sounded anemic and boring. Whether it was room treatments, setup, musical selection...some exhibitors simply missed the mark.


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #71 on: 17 Oct 2011, 02:22 pm »
Thanks for the show coverage, fellas.  Doing what you do is sometimes a thankless job, and those who've never attended just cannot understand how difficult it is to do what you do, so just know that I (we) really appreciate it.  I wish I could have joined you again this year, but my middle child's birthday party took priority.  Maybe next year.

Thanks again, gents - truly outstanding coverage.


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Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #72 on: 17 Oct 2011, 03:09 pm »

This room is beautiful. The XA diamonds are amazingly sculpted and definitely grab your attention when you walk in the room. I looks like what I imagine audioohile heaven would look like when you walk in.

Ironically they are playing very angelic choral music and it sounds wonderful. Great soundstage, but not so sure about the imagining as the piece they are playing is very disperse sounding. Thus for I do enjoy what I'm hearing.

We are listening to our music now. (remember this is LIVE coverage folks!!!)

Sibelius sounds seductive, but not quite as woodsy as I have heard it sound on other setups. Great dynamics thus far. I like the balance of theses speakers not tipped up, not bottom heavy but just right.

Ani sounds wonderful! Wow great detail to vocals very focused soundstage and imaging. Very anchored I love it and want more of it!!! Great back up vocals separation. This is truly a great system. Possibly top spot with the TAD room?

Great dynamics on the Mahler!!! Wow. These speakers are the real deal head to toe. I have nothing remotely negative to say about them.

Tool has great head banging qualities. Great bass great slam, just fucking awesome.

10 out of 10 performance in the same category of the TAD room. Phenomenal.

Tyson - Jesus Christ!  Ceramic midrange drivers?  Diamond tweeters?  I HATE those types of drivers.  How the hell did I let Pez talk me into going into this room?

Wait a minute... This sounds, uhm, kinda good.  Oh, no, that's not right, it sounds very good.  No, that's not right either.  It sounds AMAZING.  F'ing AMAZING.  Holy crap! I have listened to a sh!tload of speakers using accuton ceramic drivers and they ALL sucked, bad.  But not these.  These pull of the crazy trick of absolute transparency and killer dynamics (as all accutons do), but coupled with a smooth, seductive, non fatiguing sound.  What?  Crap!  I now have to change my assumptions about how these types of drivers can sound.  I hate when that happens.  This room is at least as good as the TAD room (but in a different way).  Tied, IMO for best sounding room at RMAF this year, so far.

This room was a nice surprise. At first I was suspect and didn't really care for the sound. They were playing some one note voice track that was quite boring. But when they agreed to play Tyson's cd this system really showed what it can do. It was very pleasant. I didn't get to sit in the sweet spot due to some people hogging it all :) but from where I sat, it was enjoyable.

It was nice to see them open to using material that potential customers brought, even if it is Tool at an audiophile show. For other exhibitors, please take note that limiting your demonstration to one type of music is selling yourself short.



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Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #73 on: 17 Oct 2011, 03:16 pm »
Sorry for the abysmal can jam coverage guys. We didn't spend very much time there unfortunately.

We are now listening to the Ayon/avm system.

It's pretty rockin!!! I'm not so hot on the way the system is balanced but it has a pretty high groove factor none the less. Crazy looking speakers. you can definitely tell they are horn loaded they have quite a bit of dynamics. And image quite well. But again the balance is very very dry and really lacks body.

Tyson - crazy good dynamics on this system, maybe the best dynamics of any speaker at the show.  No, scratch that, they had THE best dynamics of any speaker here, so far.  But they also had ear piercing treble that crushed any enjoyment I might have derived from this system.

Like they mentioned, crazy dynamics. These reminded me of Klipsch...ability to rock out and fill a room with sound...only much better. I didn't hear the ear piercing top end that Tyson mentioned, but perhaps that was due to different track? I didn't visit this room with Pez and Tyson.

End result, if you want to have a system that rocks loud, check these out. I liked the sound.

In the same room were the Legacy Focus and Whispers. I personally prefer the Focus over the Whisper. Not sure why I just do.


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Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #74 on: 17 Oct 2011, 03:17 pm »

This the first full range driver room we've been in. I have to say I really like the way see speakers sound. They are natural, and full. As with most fullrangers they lack treble definition and bass fundamentals, but overall what is there is nice and well defined. The mid bass is very good and vocals are excellent.

Imaging is very nice!!! Focused and solid. Love the look of the amp.  :o

Tyson - Not bad for a single driver speaker.  Good pace, good extension, awesome cabinet work (they are like pieces of art).  But my personal bias is that single driver speakers should be banished to the same rung of hell that OTL amps occupy.  Perhaps I'm not the best person to comment on rooms like this....

I didn't care for these so I left the room and called my wife. :)


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Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #75 on: 17 Oct 2011, 03:20 pm »
Redwine audio

This room sound remarkably balanced on the sibilieus. The violin sounds sweet and seductive. Wow, not t eying to be over bassy almost like they were balanced before just turning them on.  :wink:

Great soundstage and imaging on the ani difranco track. I'm really likening this little setup. Emotional and well balanced. Another set of speakers that disappear nicely. If you are at RMAF you need to check this room out for sure.

Now in to mahler. On the Mahker they do admirably and dynamics, but are not going to win award for gut punching visceral bass.

Tool from outside of the sweet spot sounds very energetic and confident. My head is bobbing, that's a good thing! Any way great room.

Tyson - Quiet.  Very Quiet.  Spooky Quiet!!  Noise floor?  WHAT noise floor?  3 things Red Wine did right that other manufacturers should sit up and take notice of - 1st, speakers are appropriately sized to the room.  2nd, they are pulled well out, away from the walls.  3rd, room treatments on the side walls.  Kudos to getting the fundamentals right!

Sound?  OK not too surprising - they were coherent, precise, punchy, and had a great soundstage.  Deeeeep bass was missing on the Mahler, but the mid and upper bass was great on Tool.  Overall, quite a good room.  And Vinnie is one of the coolest people we talked to today  8)

I concur with these comments. It was very pleasant to listen to. They didn't rock the walls off like other rooms, but it sounded very nice. I only left the room because there were more rooms to see.

doug s.

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Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #76 on: 17 Oct 2011, 03:43 pm »
Tyson - I will tell you guys a secret.  Pez secretly thinks the DEQX guys sabotaged the non-corrected Gallo's to make the corrected demo more impressive.  I think he's full of sh!t. But I'm a former DEQX owner so I'm clearly biased  :o

Seriously though, the switch between corrected passive gallos and non-corrected passive gallos was incredibly obvious to everyone in the room except for the deaf 70 year old dude hogging the sweet spot.  He actually said he could not hear the difference.  I think he needs a different hobby.

And the difference between the passive Gallo's and the fully active Tikandi speakers?  Not even in the same ball park.  I'm seriously considering buying a DEQX again...

+1 on deqx.  i deqx'd a pair of $20 craigslist acquisitions - a pair of sansui sp2500's.  day and night difference.  in non-eq'd form the wintage 'sui's play a nice diffuse sound in a non-irritating way, but nothing even remotely resembling audiophile sound.  w/deqx, they come amazingly close to reference quality sound.  soundstaging, & timbre taken up seven notches, to match w/their already great dynamics...

doug s.

ps - great job jason & tyson!   :thumb:


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #77 on: 18 Oct 2011, 01:17 am »
Audio artistry/parts express

These are a steal at the diy price if it sticks.  Great bass and sound stage however the tone seems to be a little off IMHO, maybe I just had a bad seat.


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #78 on: 18 Oct 2011, 01:21 am »

Yeah this room sounded great, which is weird in that (as other have pointed out) all the previous years YG has sounded horrid.  This room though, this year was tied with TAD for drop dead great sound.


Re: Show coverage day 2
« Reply #79 on: 18 Oct 2011, 02:01 am »
thanks PEZ AND TYSON for the gentle review. you guys made the show fun for me too. btw pez , next time just use a green laser pointer for my free eyesurgery, lol


This room is a lower budget room. The sound is pretty good, there isn't a lot of focus to the soundstage or image. Totally this setup is good. However there isn't anything that is making me want to really like this setup. At the same time there isn't anything that makes me want to hate it either.

Dynamics are pretty run of the mill for this price range and bass slam is just barely good. I keep going back to the imaging on this setup, it's just not solid enough to feel 'hifi'.

Tyson - what can you say when the guy running the room is clearly better and more classy than the sound coming from the speakers?  Tough spot.  Great peeps in this room, but only average sound.