Listening Session Feb. 21st

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Listening Session Feb. 21st
« on: 13 Feb 2004, 03:55 am »
Just thought I'd mention here that I'm having a listening session at my place on Feb 21st.  I've mentioned this in the Critic's Circle as well.  

I was thinking it would be interesting to hear a preamp comparison but, I'd like to hear what everyone else wants as well.

Here's what I have and would definitely like to showcase (show off ;) ) :
Eastern Electric Minimax preamp
Eastern Electric CD player
Green Mountain Europa Monitors
GR Research Criterions
Adire sub w/ RAD cabinet

If you want to hear how the Minimax compares to a Decware ZTPre and an Audio Research SP-9, I'd be more than willing to do that.  However, if no one is interested, I'll make my own review of them separately.

Hantra had mentioned something about some kind of fancy PC audio thingy so, he may want to chime in on that...

I also have a Panasonic XR-25 if anyone wants to hear it.  Speaking of digital amps... Bruno had mentioned he'd like to bring his Sharp player to replay the violin solo..  

So, let me know you all would like to do or what interests you most.



Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #1 on: 13 Feb 2004, 05:17 am »
Heh. . . Well. . . I can bring the PC if you guys want to hear it.  If not, then that's cool too.  I also have a little passive preamp here that I think Scott will start selling soon on his site for $150.  It's working GREAT in my system right now, and is perfect for the PC b/c it is such a high output, and doesn't need multiple gain stages after it.

I can really bring about anything of mine you guys want to hear.  I am anxious to hear the Green Mountains. . .



Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #2 on: 13 Feb 2004, 03:15 pm »
H, thanks for putting those suggestions out there.  Do you think you can convince Brad V to come along?  

I hope more people have input as to what they want to hear.  Preamps are tough to compare.  It needs to be really quiet and you have to pay attention to details in a song to be able to really analyze it.  Then (in my case) I have to decide which overall package of sonic characterics is best and then consider cost.  I guess it's the same for any gear but, I've found pre's to be the toughest to judge.

About the GMA's.... one thing they won't do is 'wow!' you right away.  After you listen to them for about 30 minutes, other speakers sound more like speakers, though.  It's strange.  I've heard other speakers sound better but, I like the GMA's more... I know it doesn't make sense.  I think they're a love or hate type speaker.  I think when people get here we should vote on the best pair to do comparisons with.  There's only 2 choices: GR's Criterion's and the GMA's.  We can then place the speakers optimally and start doing other comparo's.  

Also, it'd be nice to know what times work for people.  I'm free all day and night.



Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #3 on: 13 Feb 2004, 05:03 pm »
Do you think you can convince Brad V to come along?

Well, I am going to already be there the day before for the Tony Rice / Peter Rowan show, so he would have to drive separately.  What do you think Brad?  

Anyhow, I know EXACTLY what you mean about the GMA's.  I feel the same about Au24.  I have heard lots of other cables that I think do most things better than the Au24, but they sound like cables.  The Au24 doesn't sound like a cable.

Times are negotiable.  Nothing too early, or too late.  Noon?


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Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #4 on: 13 Feb 2004, 10:14 pm »

I apologize in advance for the cross posting.  But since there seems to be several threads going at the moment with different participants, I thought I would try to catch everyone with this.

I spoke with Carlman today.  He has graciously invited me along for some of the fun at his place on the 21st.  Since he has already got a few pieces of gear to listen to (and we know how long these events can quickly become), he's asked that I not bring along too much stuff.  Rather, he's asked for some input from the group here.  If people are interested, I can bring along any number of the pieces listed below.

Bel Canto Evo2i integrated amplifier
Bel Canto DAC2
Bel Canto PrePro
Bel Canto Evo6
Carver Pro ZR1600 unmodded
Panasonic XR45
Von Schweikert VR-1
Von Schweikert sub
custom built end table sub using Peerless XLS and passive radiator
I also *think* I still have an old modded Audio Electronics Supply AE-3 preamp somewhere in a closet that I never sold...  I can try to find it since it appears that preamps are being compared ...

a range of IXOS cables including their Ixotica line

I also have a number of different one off custom speakers tucked away in closets throughout my house.  Besides giving some further comparisons for the two speakers being evaluated, it might be an opportunity for someone if you want something really cheap since it will clear some storage space for me :)

I'm also waiting on lots of other stuff at the moment.  So there is the possibility of some Opera gear.

Let me know if any of this interests you or if you would prefer I bring nothing along.  Thanks!


Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #5 on: 13 Feb 2004, 10:53 pm »

Do bring that Evo amp if you don't mind.  I am amp shopping, and have yet to hear those. . .




Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #6 on: 14 Feb 2004, 12:29 am »
I think the Evo integrated would be a good one to hear as well.

Hantra, want to bring your Plinius for comparison?


Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #7 on: 14 Feb 2004, 12:53 am »
It's long gone.  I sold it.  

I am using some old Anodyne hybrid monoblocks right now.  They are actually not bad at all for an 80's design.  I got them on loan while I am on my search. . .


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Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #8 on: 14 Feb 2004, 01:13 am »
Will do on the Evo integrated.  I'll bring along the DAC2 whether anyone wants me to or not :)  

Let me know if you want anything else brought along.....


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« Reply #9 on: 15 Feb 2004, 05:04 am »
Carlman, I'd love to attend the get-together at your place, I'll have to see if Hantra can be my ride!!  I'd love to hear the BelCanto and the GMA Europas.  It sounds like it will be a blast.


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Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #10 on: 15 Feb 2004, 12:16 pm »
Drats!  I've been anticipating this and looking forward to meeting y'all, but I'll hopefully be out of town.  If I don't need to work that weekend, we were heading to Asheville to see Jerry Jeff on Saturday and Hot Tuna Sunday.  However, if I have to stay in town I may be able to break away for this.  Doesn't really matter what time. If you don't have enough preamps to fill the day  :wink: , I can bring a Rogue 66 Magnum and/or PS Audio 5.0


Who's coming?
« Reply #11 on: 17 Feb 2004, 02:07 am »
Please chime in whether you're in or not by Thursday this week.... If you'd like directions, address, phone numbers, etc., please send an IM.

I'll post a list of who's coming and what gear will be auditioned Friday.



Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #12 on: 17 Feb 2004, 02:11 am »
I'm in.  And I'm bringing Shawn, who has like 2 posts. . EVER. .  So I don't expect him to RSVP on here. .   :lol:

And if anyone is interested in some amazing live music, there's Tony Rice at the Pour House Friday night!  That should give you some perspective on the hifi.  ;-)


Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #13 on: 17 Feb 2004, 02:50 pm »
Can't come down this time though I did drive right by your place yesterday on the way back from my in-laws on the Chesapeake.  The next several months are pretty busy with whitewater slalom and bike races.  I don't think that I have a free weekend until June.



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Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #14 on: 17 Feb 2004, 05:13 pm »

I'm in...  I'll send you a PM for address information.  Let me know if there is anything else you would like for me to bring along.  How about some good, personally imported Canadian beer?  I don't want to offend the non-drinkers, but I thought I saw mention of refreshments in another thread....

See you all on Saturday....


Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #15 on: 17 Feb 2004, 06:31 pm »
Quote from: hometheaterdoc

I'm in...  I'll send you a PM for address information.  Let me know if there is anything else you would like for me to bring along.  How about some good, personally imported Canadian beer?  I don't want to offend the non-drinkers, but I thought I saw mention of refreshments in another thread....

See you all on Saturday....

Cool.  I have a particular Canadian fave that is unavailable in the states called 'Upper Canadian Rebellion' ... I love that stuff.  I'd be willing to try something new, though.  If someone's offended by beer or Scotch being around, it'd be wise to steer clear of my house.  ;)  However, I haven't met any audiophiles that were offended by its presence or by others around who were consuming responsibly.

Anyway, Glad to see Shane, Hantra, and Shawn can make it.  That's 4 total including me at the moment.  Andy had already told me no-can-do some time ago but, still sorry you can't make it.  Also, I know 'incscrutable' will not make it.


PS, please list what equipment you are bringing.


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Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #16 on: 17 Feb 2004, 07:15 pm »
I'll just be bringing the Evo2i integrated, the DAC2 and some cables to hook it all up... no one has asked for anything else...


Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #17 on: 17 Feb 2004, 09:20 pm »
Hi, Guys!

I wish I wasn't working, Saturday. However, I do, most Saturdays. I would love to meet some of you fellow audiophiles sometime, but my schedule pretty much limits me to Sundays :( .

I'll try to remember to check-in more see what is happening around the area. Hopefully, sometime I can make one of the get togethers.

Good listening :)


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Listening Session Feb. 21st
« Reply #18 on: 18 Feb 2004, 10:06 am »
Also, I know 'incscrutable' will not make it.
Actually, the reports of my demise my be greatly exaggerated.  It's looking more and more like I'm going to have to stay in town, and if so I should be able to come.  Have you set a time yet?


« Reply #19 on: 18 Feb 2004, 05:10 pm »
Yes, the time... Please show up between noon and 1.  

Let me know if you'd like me to order pizza.... you can have lunch when you get to my place.  Just a thought.
