New All-Poly crossover option

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Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #40 on: 19 Jul 2010, 03:12 pm »
Has the slight leanness you initially observed dissipated?


Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #41 on: 19 Jul 2010, 04:27 pm »
Yes. It was at about a week of steady use that things filled out beautifully. In fact, a friend who is interested in a pair of Ulysses brought over his Tube Research Lab Samson monoblock's last week and if anything, they produced a very warm and full sound, especially compared to my Herron's, which are what I would describe as a bit more neutral sounding. Both sound great with the speakers.


Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #42 on: 19 Jul 2010, 07:22 pm »
I too am strongly considering the Ulysses as my next speaker (in addition to the Aspara HL1). I heard Mark D.'s upgraded 1.1s yesterday and was very impressed by his system.


Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #43 on: 19 Jul 2010, 10:37 pm »
LP1. I'm happy to carry this conversation on via AudioCircle, but if you wish to correspond/talk more about the Ulysses, please email me and we can also discuss this in private.

I am not familiar with the Aspara speakers, so I cannot draw any comparison to these speakers, although the one thing I can say with certainty is that they sure do look different than Lou's speakers.

What I can tell you that the midrange of the AP Option Ulysses have the same type of clarity and projection that horns are famous for. I've owned the Beauhorn Virtuoso speaker and I understand the attraction for horn speakers and it is almost always in the midrange. However, Ulysses is a dynamic design, so the other benefits of either design are sure to be different. I think the two full range, midrange drivers of Ulysses are very responsible for this, along with the AP Crossover.

Ulysses images a little different than Mark's DA1.1's and project sound a bit differently, but the same attiributes apply to either model. 




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Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #44 on: 19 Jul 2010, 10:52 pm »
I have heard the Aspara speakers and they are excellent.  They work well with low power amplification and I heard excellent results with Tron electronics.  I seriously considered purchase of these speakers.

I own the Ulysses and at the risk of repeating previous comments, I'm also done looking for speakers.  The Ulysses do everything well and I have yet to find a significant weakness. Every upstream change is readily apparent.  Indeed, as I have made upstream improvements, I find greater appreciation of the Ulysses capabilities.  They impart less of a sonic 'signature' than any other speaker with which I am familiar and just get out of the way of the music. 
« Last Edit: 20 Jul 2010, 01:00 am by jazdoc »


Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #45 on: 20 Jul 2010, 12:25 am »
Jazdoc..Have you had your speakers upgraded with the AP crossover yet? If not and if you are able,  it is a very worthwhile thing to do.


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Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #46 on: 20 Jul 2010, 01:02 am »

I haven't had a chance to upgrade...yet  :eyebrows:

I'm tapped out by recent analog and preamplifier upgrades.  Hope to get up to Lou's later in the year...Merry Xmas to me!


Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #47 on: 20 Jul 2010, 02:01 am »
Jazdoc...If you think you can easily hear differences in your front end now, wait until Xmas....You will be blown away....I'm Frank...Nice to meet you.


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Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #48 on: 20 Jul 2010, 04:34 am »
Frank--Nice to meet you!  Can't wait to hear Lou's upgrade!

BTW, are you going to RMAF?



Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #49 on: 20 Jul 2010, 05:24 am »

The all poly upgrade is not subtle and really does take Lou's speakers to a whole new level. I love
Frank's description and is comparison to "the best speakers on earth." Transparency, detail and a sense of air around the insturments. Vocals are full bodied and the highs are clear, clean and crisp. You have a wonderful Christmas present comingto you :thumb:

I have my hotel room booked for RMAF. I hope I'll see you and Frank there. Lou is adding vinyl this year :drool:

Takie care,



Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #50 on: 20 Jul 2010, 08:31 am »
 I envy you guys(and gals), going to RMAF. Getting there from Europe was a once in a lifetime trip for me, which was partly to hear Lou's speakers. It really is a great show, with a good friendly atmosphere. It seemed efficient, but not officious.

  If you have'nt done already, take some time looking around Colorado and if you have only time for one trip, make it the Rocky Mountain National park. It is only 90 minutes from Denver and just a wonderful experience, the scenery, wildlife.

  If you are a member of Audiogon, then there is usually a meet and greet at the Mexican restaurant over tyhe road, at some point.

  Have a Margherita for me, if you are going


Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #51 on: 20 Jul 2010, 11:19 am »
David. Sorry you won't be joining us, but I will look forward to seeing, speaking and perhaps having a cocktail with Laura and Mark @ RMAF.

Yes, the Rocky Mountain Park is a beautiful place. Trail Ridge Road, the road that cuts through the park, is breathtaking.

I believe that Lou will have analog, tubes, ss and hopefully the new Bass Modules for our speakers. I've got mine of order.


Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #52 on: 20 Jul 2010, 12:51 pm »

We have similar tastes. I think the Asparas are really engaging speakers, but I'm not sure how well I'd get along with horn speakers over the long term. Also, I recently owned a Tron Syren Reference and Seven Reference that I had to sell due to a house renovation. It's wonderful gear. I am now building a system again. What did you find to be the difference between the Asparas and the Ulysses?

I'd like to go to Rocky Mountain, but I'd rather spend the airfare/hotel/food money on new speakers!



Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #53 on: 20 Jul 2010, 03:14 pm »

I believe that Lou will have analog, tubes, ss and hopefully the new Bass Modules for our speakers. I've got mine of order.

  I would be really interested in feedback on the Base modules, figcom. I believe the current ones are huge and can house a small family. I would only be interested in the smaller units Lou is working on. Assuming they are a bit less huge.

Daedalus Audio

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Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #54 on: 21 Jul 2010, 01:16 am »
thanks everyone for all the kind words!!
 I've noticed some mention about my preference for SS amps and high current so I'll take a moment to talk about that.
the early DA-1 really did need a bit of current to come alive, but all the models since 2007 are not as much dependent on current as that they can take advantage of it, and the new AP models drive almost like horns. very, very easy load...  also when talking about 'high' current, at this point anything over 30 amps is good.
I've always had a personal preference for SS amps because I do like to crank it sometimes and I listen for realistic dynamics (drums) which require a huge amount of headroom, also SS usually has the advantage for bass extension.
 part of my work on the new bi-amp systems is to get the best of both worlds and do it seamlessly. hence at this years RMAF we will run the Atma-sphere for the mains (above 55hz) and the Modwright KWA150's for the low bass. btw I plan to also at times just do the Ulysses w/o the subs using either the tube or SS amps.
anyhow I feel that at this time all my speakers work well with a very wide variety of amplifiers, I don't really see any limitation in that regard.



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Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #55 on: 21 Jul 2010, 05:30 pm »
I wanted to take a few moments to share some thoughts about my DA-1.1’s now that they have had the AP crossover upgrade.  First, a few caveats in order to put my comments in proper context.  We recently moved and my system now resides in a somewhat smaller listening room.  My old room was 14 X 22 X 9 and opened into the lower level of the house in several places.  I had the system set up on the short wall with my entertainment center between the speakers, which were 8 feet apart and 2’ from the front wall.  My listening chair was 11 feet from the speakers. The new room is 13 X 17 X 8 and I’ve got the speakers set up on the long wall about 15” from the front wall 8 feet apart and with about 9 feet from the listening chair.  I’ve ditched the big entertainment center and have an open rack for my gear between the speakers.  So, different room and different configuration to be sure.  I’ve also changed my electronics from an Audio Research LS26 and SD135 to a Modwright LS36.5 and KWA150.  And instead of complete Empirical Design cabling I’m now using a mix of Empirical Design, Stringcable and Dynamic Design cables (as well as stock power cords) while I figure out what is going to work best in my new system.  Finally, since my DA-1.1’s were from the first production run Lou kindly swapped out the internal wiring and installed the Cardas binding posts to bring everything up to current spec. So obviously what follows is not going to be an honest comparison of the DA-1.1’s before and after the AP crossover upgrade as it is quite difficult to attribute the sonic differences I am hearing (and they are HUGE) to the AP crossovers alone.  Having said all that let me say at the outset that with only about 80-100 hours on the system I am absolutely stunned by what I am hearing.  In fact, I would have to say that the sound I am getting in my listening room is some of the best, if not THE best I’ve ever heard…PERIOD, regardless of cost, and I’ve been at this for 25 years. 

What I find difficult is to translate what I am hearing into words that will adequately do justice to what Lou has done with these speaker systems.  In a nutshell, the new system is simply more organic and musically involving and the listening experience has been brought infinitely closer to the most breathtaking live performance. The new system retains the tonal accuracy and realistic warmth of real instruments but adds a layer of dynamic contrast and detail that simply makes things sound more real and alive.  Acoustic instruments possess proper vibrancy and decay.  The interplay between musicians is brought to light in a way that allows the listener to have a greater appreciation and understanding of the players’ virtuosity and the musical intelligence of the composition and arrangements.  Though it sounds cliché, what I am finding is a renewed appreciation for my entire music collection and when I’m listening to my system I am fully transported by the experience. 

What follow is some observations of the typical audiophile criteria but I hope to have made it clear that each of these performance gains are really part of a larger something (an essential musicality) that is present in the new design in a way that simply makes the AP crossover version of Lou’s speakers something extraordinarily special.

First, the new design pushes the boundaries in terms of frequency extremes—particularly in the bass.  In fact, what becomes most apparent with the new crossover is just how powerful, effortless and precise the bass has become.  I’ve been having some fun with favorite recordings that feature well recorded drums and let me tell you I am absolutely floored with the power and accuracy of the bass.  It is like I added a sub without having to contend with the potential downsides (i.e. loss of seamless coherence in the bass).  The improvement in the bass response is worth the price of admission alone for those who are considering the AP crossover option.  I mean it—I’m no bass freak but you have simply got to hear these speakers reproduce the lowest octaves with the new crossovers.  The ability to pressurize the room (without bloat) is simply awesome!

There is also a completely effortless quality to the presentation.  Dynamics, which were always a strong suit with Lou’s designs, are vastly improved.  The music simply leaps from the speakers.  This has the effect of adding greatly to the realism of the entire system.  The other day I was listening to “Just a Little Lovin’” from Shelby’s Lynne’s new CD and the rim shots on the snare were simply “there”.  I’d heard her live a few months ago performing the same song and there is simply very little difference in the way the recorded performance is rendered on my home audio system.  With the new crossovers the system has a “jump factor” that can startle you and then make you smile from ear to ear. 

The other thing I’ve noticed is that the music is completely liberated from the speakers themselves.  Voices and instruments are suspended in three dimensional space in a way that was not true before.  This is simply mesmerizing.  I love the way each instrument has it’s own place within the stage and is properly proportioned and balanced with the rest of the mix.  There is also much more body, texture and detail—an ability to hear into the mix in a way I couldn’t before, all of which makes for a much more musically compelling experience.

I’m sure there is a lot more I can say—I’ll certainly have to report back after the system has been thoroughly broken in and I’ve got proper cabling throughout.  I also have yet to set up my vinyl rig so things could get really interesting!  Nonetheless, I have to say I am simply devastated by the improved sound I am getting.  I’m sure a lot of this has to do with the synergy between the Modwright gear and Lou’s speakers but the ARC stuff I had was no slouch and, if anything, the room I was in was better than the one I’m in now.  So, while it would be foolish to speculate just how much credit to give to the AP crossovers (and new wiring and binding posts) I’ll go out on a limb and say that the revisions to my speakers deserve the lion’s share of the credit.  These are simply not the speakers I sent to Lou last month.  They look the same for sure and Lou has managed to retain all the strengths that his designs are known for (tonal authenticity, lack of listening fatigue, coherence and dynamics) but has pushed things to a whole other level in terms of resolution, dynamic power, bass response and soundstaging. 

Truly remarkable. Lou, I am truly grateful for your efforts!


Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #56 on: 21 Jul 2010, 06:54 pm »
Man, I really would like to have the all poly upgrade done on my DA-RMa's, but shipping them back (and doing without them while they are away) is something I don't like to think about!

Daedalus Audio

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Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #57 on: 21 Jul 2010, 07:08 pm »
Man, I really would like to have the all poly upgrade done on my DA-RMa's, but shipping them back (and doing without them while they are away) is something I don't like to think about!

I have several customers with the same dilemma. all I can say is I will walk you through the repacking and if we schedule it, I will turn them around in about two days. (it's a lot of work to change out all the crossovers and add the extra board, plus I always like to get a fresh coat of finish etc...)  btw, we usually need about a month notice to schedule an upgrade.  also as an FYI for people who have bought them used I have to charge about $400 labor but I waive that for my customers plus upgrade to the Cardas posts N/C.


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Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #58 on: 22 Jul 2010, 01:16 am »

I hear you but to put things in DA-1.1's were the best speakers I've ever owned BEFORE the AP crossover upgrade.  It was the fact that we were moving and I'd be without my system for a while that caused me to pack em' up and send em' to Lou.  Otherwise I'd probably still be with the "stock" version.  But knowing what I know now....


Re: New All-Poly crossover option
« Reply #59 on: 22 Jul 2010, 01:58 am »
Hey Mark...I enjoyed reading your description of the sound of your DA1.1's, after AP. You and I have traveled similar pathways to where we are now with respect to our music systems and like you, I thought my original Ulysses were the centerpiece of the best sound I have ever had in my own home and one of the best sounds I have ever heard from any stereo system. Now with the AP, they have gotten so much better in most every way I could describe to the point where I wonder why I am doing the bass modules. Oh yeah, now I remember.