What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?

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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #20 on: 10 Apr 2010, 03:24 pm »
Almost everything ----  because I'm smart about what I buy and because I'm easy to please. The disappointment thread reads that way because everybody wants to think they are pretty damned expert and can therefore critique and dismiss the work of others. Not me. I stand in awe of the fact that this stuff can do what it does.
People need to realize that they themselves are the component most easily modified and least consistent in performance. Reviewers and everybody who imitates them, consciously or unconsciously, approach audio with the assumption that they, and their interpretations, are the standard and the equipment the variable. I would submit that the opposite is most likely true.
I'm not a measurement guy but I have to admit that the measuring machines are 100% consistent from test to test and I know for sure that my ears are not.


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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #21 on: 10 Apr 2010, 04:55 pm »
Almost everything ----  because I'm smart about what I buy and because I'm easy to please. The disappointment thread reads that way because everybody wants to think they are pretty damned expert and can therefore critique and dismiss the work of others. Not me. I stand in awe of the fact that this stuff can do what it does.
People need to realize that they themselves are the component most easily modified and least consistent in performance. Reviewers and everybody who imitates them, consciously or unconsciously, approach audio with the assumption that they, and their interpretations, are the standard and the equipment the variable. I would submit that the opposite is most likely true.
I'm not a measurement guy but I have to admit that the measuring machines are 100% consistent from test to test and I know for sure that my ears are not.

Your opinion is total bullshit - what you are saying is that anything recommended and then you purchase it - and don't love what you hear after a while - is not the equipment - but our expectations

to be critical of me and my ears has been discussed infinite times and is a total waste of time - you should be ashamed of yourself


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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #22 on: 10 Apr 2010, 05:14 pm »
smargo - I would respond appropriately to your comment if it were just a little bit more intelligible. Frankly, all I can ascertain with certainty is that you did not agree with whatever you interpreted my post to mean. Are you drinking this early in the day? Is English not your native tongue? Would you care to go back and reread your post and see if maybe you can tell what you were trying to say?
Presently I am not feeling any shame but I'm open to the possibility that I should - if you can explain why in clear language. That not if maybe is could do?


Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #23 on: 10 Apr 2010, 05:37 pm »
My unique and wonderful ICE amp, tweaked to the hilt by those nice folks at Wyred. (shameless plug but totally true) It will not be prized from my dead hands!

Brian Cheney

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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #24 on: 10 Apr 2010, 05:54 pm »
Let me agree with George and reinforce his impression of the Atmasphere MA 1's, which we used at CES in tandem with the MP 1 Mk 3 two piece preamp.   The combination provided the best music reproduction I have heard in 34 years in the business, with both CD and live music playback as sources.  Kudos to Ralph and everyone associated with him.

B Cheney
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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #25 on: 10 Apr 2010, 06:49 pm »
smargo - I would respond appropriately to your comment if it were just a little bit more intelligible. Frankly, all I can ascertain with certainty is that you did not agree with whatever you interpreted my post to mean. Are you drinking this early in the day? Is English not your native tongue? Would you care to go back and reread your post and see if maybe you can tell what you were trying to say?
Presently I am not feeling any shame but I'm open to the possibility that I should - if you can explain why in clear language. That not if maybe is could do?


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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #26 on: 10 Apr 2010, 07:29 pm »
smargo - I would respond appropriately to your comment if it were just a little bit more intelligible. Frankly, all I can ascertain with certainty is that you did not agree with whatever you interpreted my post to mean. Are you drinking this early in the day? Is English not your native tongue? Would you care to go back and reread your post and see if maybe you can tell what you were trying to say?
Presently I am not feeling any shame but I'm open to the possibility that I should - if you can explain why in clear language. That not if maybe is could do?

I guess all im saying is --- that what you are saying is total bullshit - Is that to hard to understand? - Mr Smarty


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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #27 on: 10 Apr 2010, 07:48 pm »
smargo - You haven't actually explained your position. "Total bullshit" is no doubt clever invective in whatever circles you inhabit, but in a debate it comes up pretty short. Perhaps, if you disagree with my assertions, you could explain how?, why?, which points?
Whether or not you are comfortable with my comments must be a matter of conjecture at this point, however, your responses hint at disagreement.

As much as audiophiles take pride in their hearing, I expect that any comments suggesting a fallibility therein might be unsettling to those who think and devastating to people who can only respond mechanically with sitcom lines.

Mr Smarty? Really? Are you a grownup?


Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #28 on: 10 Apr 2010, 08:28 pm »
Personally, it's harder for me to post in this thread than the other "What is your worst POS..." thread is because it's easier for me to say this speaker or amp is a POS than it is for me to say it's a keeper. 

For one thing, requirements from form factor to level of quality change over time.

Another thing, I know that I am happy with what I have for now given my limited access to funds and opportunity to try whatever else is out there.  So, whatever is best for me now seems too ephemeral to proclaim it to be "the best (right now)".

I love what I have and do think they synergize well except my room is too small for the speakers I have.  I do keep thinking in the back of my mind that I would get a new this or a different that if I had the funds to keep changing things and time to keep auditioning and swapping things around.


Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #29 on: 10 Apr 2010, 08:40 pm »
smargo - You haven't actually explained your position. "Total bullshit" is no doubt clever invective in whatever circles you inhabit, but in a debate it comes up pretty short. Perhaps, if you disagree with my assertions, you could explain how?, why?, which points?

Yes, I was also a little surprised and taken back with that response.  I even went back to the previous page, to see if I had missed some other comments that might have helped to explain smargo's response, but there wasn't anything.


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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #30 on: 10 Apr 2010, 10:44 pm »
My ACI Sapphires. I lost count of the speakers I've owned over the years but these are the most satisfying. More's the pity ACI went out of business.

Stu Pitt

Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #31 on: 11 Apr 2010, 02:38 am »
The best components to ever grace my system is my current system -

Bryston B60 with internal phono stage
Rega Apollo
Pro-Ject 1Xperssion with Speed Box and Dynavector 10x5
Audio Physic Yara Evolution Bookshelf

It took a lot of time and energy to put it together.  I can honestly say nothing I've heard near it's price compares.  Not even close, at least to my ears anyway.

My next move is a DAC to connect my Apple TV to.  I've got a lot of auditioning to do, and refuse to buy anything for the sake of buying something.  I'm the kind of person who wants to buy once and get it right the first time.  Hopefully Rega comes out with a DAC soon!

The best system I've heard - Naim's top of the line 555 components driving their then top ofthe line speakers (DBLs?), which were actively XO'ed.  It also had Linn' top of the line LP12 (at about $30k).

BAT's top of the line gear driving some Veritys was no slouch either. 

One of these days when I win the lottery...


Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #32 on: 11 Apr 2010, 03:42 am »

  Not equipment......"but".......the experience that went with the change from everyday record albums (vinyl) to the audiophile albums.....such as Original Master Recordings by Mobile Fidelity and Sheffield Lab.
  When they first came out in the sevenities.
  Basically the recordings opened a whole new world of music by highlighting different types of music and the surfaces took the hobby to a whole new level.

  That said, the vinyl was played on a "Lin Sondek" turntable and a "Grace" tonearm, which at the time was a pretty good little rig.


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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #33 on: 11 Apr 2010, 06:50 am »
Pez's Tubelab Simple SE tube amp driving the mids of my DEQX controlled DIY Ella speakers was very, very impressive. 

Robert F.

Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #34 on: 13 Apr 2010, 10:16 am »
The best thing is a two part answer.
1) I started to DIY
2) DIY Mini-Statement’s speakers I built are the best I own.



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Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #35 on: 15 Apr 2010, 12:13 pm »
A stereo VHS VCR!

They have a response of 20-20,000hz and record in FM. I use mine to record music! They're much like a reel to reel without the hiss and the frequency response is better. A good one has CD or better quality audio AND it's analog. I like having a time-stamped recordings.

Russell Dawkins

Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #36 on: 15 Apr 2010, 01:31 pm »
I remember when VHS Hi Fi and Beta Hi Fi were the secret weapons of a few exhibitors of high end gear in the late 80's, since they were actually analog and not digital, when digital didn't sound as good as it later became.


Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #37 on: 15 Apr 2010, 01:57 pm »
Hmmm... the very best you say huh? Without any apologies on price?

Int Amp = Audio Note Ongaku
Preamplifier = Silbatone C-102
Ampliier = Wavelength Audio Cardinal X1
Speakers = KEF 104/2, the Avantgarde Duos or the Magiie MG 3.6 (am a speaker sl_t and each speaker has its advantages).


Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #38 on: 15 Apr 2010, 02:58 pm »
Amps: Audio Valve Challenger mono tube amps. - Sold
Preamp: SAS Audio 11-A - Currently own
Speakers: ACI Jaguar with LFM's - Currently own
CDP: Modwright Denon 3910 with Ultimate truth mods with Bendix 6900 tubes and Tube rectified PS (Currently own)
Interconnects: Real World Acoustics - Currently Own
Power Cords: TG Audio SLVR - Sold
Isolation: Symposium Rollerblocks - Sold
Subwoofer: ACI Titan LE - Sold
Power Conditioner: API Power Wedge - Currently Own
Other tweaksL Audiotop CD Cleaner - Currently Use


Re: What was the BEST equipment ever to grace your presence?
« Reply #39 on: 15 Apr 2010, 03:36 pm »
Having no regrets of letting any past gear go, I'd have to say it's everything I have now and set up the way it is down to the last millimeter. It's made up of stuff I chose carefully to match each other and bought them all the old fashioned way....I saved up for them. This system gets me where I want to be (for now and I hope for much longer) so yeah, best I've ever had is what you'll find by clicking my systems tab.