KWA 150 and Daedalus Speakers!

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Daedalus Audio

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Re: KWA 150 and Daedalus Speakers!
« Reply #20 on: 21 May 2009, 06:04 pm »
Thanks guys!!!!   Randy, your comment about detail has been coming up a lot lately, and I appreciate it. Makes me believe I'm in the ballpark for my design objectives, my focus has always been on natural (accurate) sound with the belief that one way to get there is a very fast system that can easily reproduce the quick and subtle transients, harmonics and dynamics which are to me the heart of the music. I guess this comes from my musician/pro background. An example is really hearing the difference between a world class handmade instrument and a 'good' instrument. Of course the overall dif is night and day but when you start to analyze them the individual differences are more subtle. This was where I started years ago in designing a speaker system that would capture those subtle differences because most of the pro gear basically made all guitars sound alike. So my objective has always been to let the subtleties of the source come through as naturally as possible, it sounds like that results in good detail and resolution, I just want good music.  When I was first beginning all this I was fortunate to be in a community with many incredible musicians, one of them being Martin Simpson, the test would be to have him play through the speaker and then turn it off and hear if we felt the excitement and musicality was coming through the speaker like from the real source, quite a learning experience and 17 years later still my bottom line.

So to answer your question, the high sensitivity is more a side effect of pursuing a natural sound, but it does seem that usually the two go hand in hand.



Re: KWA 150 and Daedalus Speakers!
« Reply #21 on: 21 May 2009, 06:14 pm »
Lou, I actually put my Micro Utopia's back in the system for an hour or so last night to try and do a better comparison.  My reaction was as follows:  the Micro Utopia's seem to highlight or accentuate certain details, but at the cost of loosing some of the marvelous items of resolution that the DA-RMa's convey.  With the DA-RMa's, I find that I seem to be hearing more of the whole picture, with more refinement, more subtle things in the music mix.  I don't know if any of  you reading this can make any sense out of what I'm trying to convey  :roll:, as I said I'm no good at trying to be a reviewer....But no doubt that for my tastes, I prefer the  sound of the DA-RMa's (and again, the Micro Utopia's are really fine speakers IMHO).  Also as I hoped for in making this move, my soundstage has certainly become larger, both vertically and horizontally, which is a real nice plus in my room.

Thanks again Lou, and if anyone is interested in hearing the DA-RMa's and are in my area, don't hesitate to contact me.


Daedalus Audio

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KWA's finally broken in!!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: 24 Feb 2010, 08:16 pm »
I'm in the midst of gear evaluations and listening test's on a crossover upgrade for the speakers and have noticed that the Modwright KWA 150 which I use for a reference has finally broken in! it has been playing for better than 6 months, granted that's a long time but good things come to those who wait. in this case I'd say great things!  it has attained a beautiful tube like clarity and richness in the mids and highs while still having great control and extension in the bass. I love this amp!!!!! while the amp has already received rave reviews none of them reflect the truly broken in amp, which is definitely up another notch from what the reviewers heard !



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Re: KWA 150 and Daedalus Speakers!
« Reply #23 on: 24 Jul 2010, 03:24 pm »
I thought I would throw in my 2c now that I've made the jump to a KWA150 (fed by an LS36.5) powering my DA-1.1's with the AP crossovers just back from Lou.  First let me say that the build quality and appearance of the Modwright gear is first rate and the KWA150 makes many other amps (including the ARC SD135 which it replaced in my system) look like toys.  This is one beefy amp that says "I'm all business".  I've got about 100 hours on the amp/preamp combo (well short of the 400 required for full break in) and I can say with confidence that the Modwright/Daedalus combination are producing some of the best sound I've ever heard.  I am literally stunned by the bass response I'm getting (deep, articulate, awesomely powerful) and the dynamic "jump factor" with this setup.  The system is very FAST and has great control with an ability to project sound that is utterly astonishing.  It also has great presence through the vocal range with gorgeous tonality and lifelike detail.  High frequencies are VERY natural and extended.  Imaging and soundstaging are very realistic with good width, excellent depth and very solid image placement.  In short, I'm thrilled.  Thanks everyone for sharing your insights and for pointing me in the right direction.  The Modwright and Daedalus stuff are exceptional and I imagine Dan's gear and Lou's speakers will work extremely well with a wide variety of other products in the signal chain but clearly there is a fine synergy going on here that really needs to be heard to be fully appreciated.


Re: KWA 150 and Daedalus Speakers!
« Reply #24 on: 25 Jul 2010, 07:12 pm »
Thank you for sharing!  This is why we will be proudly displaying at RMAF with Daedalus Speakers!  I believe that Lou will also be using our gear in his room with his speakers!

Another room with our gear in it will be Audio Machina.

Look forward to seeing many of you there!


Dan w.