Power In The Highest – The Gospel According to Spectron (& SP Tech)

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 11
"Or just use more efficient speakers.  "

Dear JoshK with 3D Mystery Spectrum,

A couple of years ago, I have visited one of the best tube amplifier designer in this country and the world. The most important part of his stereo system was Steinway & Son in his living room; his wife plays piano and he apperently...listen.

He had efficient speakers, Trio Avangarde (spelling?), German horn speakers with efficiency, I believe more then 100 dB. They were driven, however, by the pair of his 150 wpc tube fully balanced monoblocks.

At first I thought that he try to kill a bird by nuclear device but then I listen.... and it was my 1st exposure to the dynamic range in stereo close to real stuff (e.g. one can hear very clearly how CD mastering compressed LP "free info")

Other day, I visited his factory where he and his team use the same monoblocks but with regular efficiency (highly praised and very expensive)speakers. I was very dissapointed in sound and told him that I am "like a dog: I know what hear but can't explain or even describe it well"

I believe today, I can explain it - luck of dynamic range (similar to that I heard with same monoblocks just a few miles away) and most probably increased tube distortions at very high power outputs (more then 10 fold, my guess)

Best Wishes,


My comment was a little cheeky, I admit.  The comment was mostly directed at higher efficiency speakers then lower watt amps.

I like a some hi-eff speakers when done right.  But to each their own. 

P.S. I use to own a Musician II, it was a very good amp.

Russell Dawkins

I believe that the next "big thing" in home hi-fi development will be the discovery of the importance of adequate dynamic range. By "adequate" I am talking a factor of ten or more above what is generally considered plenty.

Pattern control will be found to be important, too, as Bob already knows!

I may diverge from the consensus on this circle in thinking that pattern control ultimately should extend all the way down to the basement, though, and for that some form of dipole or cardioid bass system will be needed.

Double Ugly

I may diverge from the consensus on this circle in thinking that pattern control ultimately should extend all the way down to the basement, though, and for that some form of dipole or cardioid bass system will be needed.

That's only because you haven't experienced Bob's T-line yet, Russell.  :wink:

Get an Infra-Wave (or two) and all those thoughts will go out the window.  :thumb: