ModWright is producing its own products....

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ModWright is producing its own products....
« on: 5 Sep 2003, 12:38 am »
I am pleased to announce that we are about to debut the first of several new product offerings from ModWright.  Based on the success of our tube stage mods in digital gear, I have decided to offer a tube linestage.

This product reflects all that we have learned from our foray into tube analog stages in CDP's and more...

The first product will be a 2CH linestage and it is called the SWL 9.0.  It will be followed by a SE version - SWL 9.0SE at a later date.

Following is a reply to a thread started at Harmonic Dischord.  I was encouraged to post the same here.


Hi, the first unit - the SWL 9.0 - will be a straight linestage with no balance or tape loop, but this could be an option I suppose.

I am projecting Retail Pricing of the SWL 9.0 to be about $950 or so and the SWL 9.0SE will likely be at around $1700.

I am planning a limited production of Beta units that will be sold at VSAC in October and shortly thereafter.  I expect that there will be no more than 12-24 Beta units sold, but they will be offered at around $600.  Beta customers will have the option of having their units upgraded to full production status, when I receive all feedback from Beta Testers, etc.  This upgrade option will be at no or minimal cost, depending on the extent of the changes between Beta and Production.

The difference between the SWL 9.0 and the SWL 9.0SE will be: Parts quality, possibly revised/upgraded circuitry, better power supply, etc.  The SWL 9.0 is intended to be a stunning performer for < $1k and will have excellent performance, fit and finish and build, but will not use cost-no-object parts.

Some of the features of the design are as follows:

1) Choke loaded, separate (external) power supply.
2) Fast rectifiiers w/snubbers for low noise floor.
3) Pure Class A performance.
4) Zero negative feedback.
5) Direct Coupled.
6) Gain/Buffer tube stage with ultra-low output impedance.
7) Current Regulation of plate supply.
8) 2 - ECC99 tubes per unit, two triodes per channel.
9) Four inputs, mute, volume and power = all functions.

I am toying with wheter the SWL 9.0 will have an integral PS or an outboard supply, possibly only have the SE model with an external supply.  I have also considered making the Base unit only have a high-quality toggle w/2 inputs and a volume control only.

I welcome any input at this point RE features, etc.  The struggle is to optimize performance/$ and have a range of options and products to suit different budgets and systems.

Remote Control?  - Yes, but not for the early units and not likely on the SWL 9.0.  It will likely be a future option for the SE model.

Thanks and please feel free to leave me feedback RE ideas and what any of you might be interested in.  Also, if you are interested in being a Beta Tester, now is the time to contact us.  I will value the feedback of Beta Testers and will offer a very attractive upgrade path to those who are willing to evaluate and own our first units.

Upgrade Path:  I am also planning on offering an attractive upgrade path for all owners of ModWright products.  Those who purchase the SWL 9.0 will be able to trade up to the SE model and also to the future Reference Unit (still only on paper) and a planned future tube phono stage.  We are still finallizing the details of the upgrade details/options, etc.  Ultimately, I want to produce fine audio products that represent exceptional value and performance.  I want our customers to experience and enjoy ownership of ModWright products and to return to us for their future upgrades.


Dan Wright
President, ModWright LLC


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ModWright is producing its own products....
« Reply #1 on: 9 Sep 2003, 07:56 pm »
I have great faith in your skills and your integrity.
I look forward to hearing and reading about this new offering.

Once you get the remote working, count me IN!  :P


« Reply #2 on: 10 Sep 2003, 04:58 pm »
I will definitely let you know when we get the remote thing working :).

I plan to use a motorized Alps Blue pot, once I get the rest of the stuff figured out.  I would love to do a relay-driven stepped attenuator type design, but if I do this, it will not be cheap.  To keep prices down, we will likely use a motorized pot or MAYBE an IC-based design, but only after I have evaluated them sonicly.




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« Reply #3 on: 11 Sep 2003, 02:25 am »
I wonder if Audioengr will be one of the Beta buyers... :rotflmao:


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« Reply #4 on: 11 Sep 2003, 03:17 am »
So are you just going for a straight pass through with the addition of the tube sound (liquid midrange or anything else)? You have a PM btw...


SWL 9.0
« Reply #5 on: 12 Sep 2003, 12:09 am »
The purpose of the linestage is to provide gain and buffering.  It is not a passive stage and it is not merely a tube buffer stage either.

I have found that the best preamp/linestage IS still better than the best passive.  I suspect it has to do with current buffering as well as impedance matching and cable driving, but this has been my experience.

I have been able to switch between a high-quality passive attenuator and a good active gain stage and to my ears, the difference was in dynamics, body, presence and soundstage.  Passives can be very clean, but there will most often be a loss of energy and dynamics - again, just my opinion and my experiences.

I am debating about the addition of a balance control.  I really don't want to add more to the signal path, but perhaps I am not allowing for the demand of this feature.

Certainly any feedback would be welcome.


Dan W.

doug s.

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« Reply #6 on: 12 Sep 2003, 12:44 pm »
hi dan,

i am not presently in the market for a preamp, but if i were, the preamp would have to have a few features to even make it to my short list:
-balance control
-remote for balance/wolume
-full-function tape monitor (or signal processor loop)
-min of three inputs - more would be better


doug s.

Bill Baker

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ModWright is producing its own products....
« Reply #7 on: 12 Sep 2003, 01:25 pm »
Hi Dan,
  I think more people are looking at balance controls maybe to help with odd room acoustics. I am finding more and more people asking for them in my amps.

  You may want to look at the Alps 40mm balance control. I personally find this piece to be an exceptional performer that does not get in the way of the signal as it is designed a bit different from the rest. The only drawback (at least in my case) is it's rather larger size.

  Another option is the Noble unit. I have worked with this one a few times and found it to be a solid performer.

  I'm sure there are other options out there and I would even be interested in hearing of more. I personally do not feel a quality balance control would bring down the integrety of your products, rather offer more options.

  Remote controlled balance??? Good luck on that one. Let me know if you come across something that is not to difficult to set up.

  Keep us updated. I for one am very interested in obtaining one of your preamps for my personal system.

doug s.

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« Reply #8 on: 12 Sep 2003, 02:11 pm »

my present pre has remote balance, cuz it has two separate mono wolume pots.  one button pair on the remote operates both pots, a second pair operates only the left channel, thus effecting balance.  not the most ergonomic solution, but it works, & it's sure better than getting up to adjust the wolume!   :)

doug s.


ModWright is producing its own products....
« Reply #9 on: 12 Sep 2003, 02:53 pm »
I can see the want for a remote volume, but balance?!   I don't get that.  I mean you set it up once and then leave it alone.  Why do you need a remote for the Balance?

doug s.

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« Reply #10 on: 12 Sep 2003, 03:01 pm »
i have found different balance on different recordings...  while i could live w/o a remote balance, i would still really like it.  and, since my present preamp is a dual-mono design, w/two separate pots, it seems to work out ok...

doug s.

Bill Baker

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« Reply #11 on: 12 Sep 2003, 04:33 pm »
Hi Doug,
  Nothing wrong with finding or wanting options that suit your persnal taste and needs. I agre that some recordings could have a imbalance between channels or your room could cause this also.

  Remote balance controls are rare but there are ways. I wouldn't expect to find it on to many production products without it being a HT receiver or processor.


Thank you!
« Reply #12 on: 12 Sep 2003, 05:19 pm »
I can see that there is a demand for balance controls and this will be factored into the final design.

I also can understand a need for a tape-loop or processor loop so that people can integrate this into their HT systems.

The current plan is to offer four inputs and probably an Alps or Noble volume control - likely balance now too.

Tubes are a given.

Remote volume control will follow in the SE version most likely and an add-on option for the basic units in the near future.

I am still struggling with whether to use an outboard power supply or not.  The struggle is to be able to keep costs down such that I can offer the basic unit for < $1k and still have a very high quality product.

Thank you all for the information!


doug s.

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« Reply #13 on: 12 Sep 2003, 06:10 pm »
hi dan,

tape/signal processor loop will certainly be a must for those combining a h-t set up w/their audio, but *i* need it for my dbx 3bx, which is in the loop only on rare occasions.  but it's someting i wouldn't wanna give up.  personally, i'm one of those anomalies that would be happy if i never saw another movie.   :wink:

while i enjoy the fact that my present pre has a remote p/s w/a separate toroid (and on-off switch) per channel, i really am more interested in results - if sonics aren't compromised, i'd be happy w/a one-box unit, as space considerations are easier w/one box.

re: choice of wolume pots, why not come up w/your own (more reliable) iteration of mark porzilli's photentiometer - easily one of the most transparent - if not *the* most transparent - wolume pots extant... :D


doug s.


remote balance control and opporunity cost...
« Reply #14 on: 13 Sep 2003, 02:46 pm »
FWIW, my Acurus DIA-150 has remote balance control. I have no idea what's in there... It seems to work nicely the few times it's used at all, when my wife accidentally hits the balance instead of the volume button.

My input was going to be to leave the balance out entirely. If you do put it in, though, be sure there is a clear setting where it's out of circuit.

As for the outboard PS, it depends on your priorities. If your focus for the non-SE model is value, leave it out. If there is an easy upgrade path to the SE, the customer isn't losing anything long-term. But you have to decide whether the drop in price is attractive relative to the drop in sound quality.

Keep in mind that since you are at the $1k price point, small changes in price take on much greater significance to potential buyers than at, say, $4k.

Can't wait to hear the piece!

Bill Baker

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« Reply #15 on: 13 Sep 2003, 02:59 pm »
Tough calls. There are so many options that can be utilized on any given product that it is almost impossible to to meet everyone's needs when designing custom products. It now becomes a matter of trying to figure out where the market will be and a general idea of what the majority will require. Most will want the purist approach with nothing getting in the way of the signal while some will want the bells & whistles.

  You cannot please or satisfy everyone but with a few levels of models, you can catch most of them.

  Dan, we all know you are going to go with what sounds good and not compromise the sonic qualities just for added "goodies". In the end, that's all that really matters to most.


« Reply #16 on: 13 Sep 2003, 10:53 pm »
Thank you all very much.

I believe that I am going to take the following approach:

1) Purity of signal path is critical, so the base linestage will be pretty much no-frills but will sound excellent.  Hence I might nix the balance option and offer it in the SE model with a bypass switch to bypass balance if desired (good idea from previous poster on this point).

2) Attenuator options become dificult as, believe it or not, a significant cost is incurred here, relative to the overall budget.  I will likely use some form of stepped attenuator in the Ref. version and a high quality pot in the SE model.  I am looking at good quality, cost-effective volume pots for the base model.

3) Power supply is another area where cost plays a key role - more accurately this IMPACTS cost in a large way.  One of my considerations is to be able to offer different levels of outboard power supplies for the  higher end models.  The base unit may include an internal power supply, but I need to be sure that there is no negative impact due to magnetic fields, etc.

4) Tape/bypass loop is not difficult and will not necessarily add cost, so this could be done in the base unit I believe.

5) Cost and Market Position - It is true that small differences in price at the < $1k mark will impact market demand a good deal.  I have set $1k as the definite price break for the base unit vs. SE.  My goal is to provide a sub $1k unit that is better than anything less than 2 x its price.

6) Tube choice is another issue for which I am finding an internal struggle:
I know what tubes I like the sound of - 5687 and ECC99 - but most people don't know these tubes.  The tube that everyone seems to love is the 6DJ8/6922, and I just don't get it as I really don't think that this tube is that musical.  I believe that the 6H30 Russian Super Tube might be the answer, as I believe it promises exceptional sonics and HAS the name recognition.  I have two matched pairs on order and will be working with them next week.

Thank you again for the information.  I will have to look up the 'photentiometer'(?) unit.  I am not familiar with this.


doug s.

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« Reply #17 on: 14 Sep 2003, 02:08 am »
the photentiometer was used here:

perhaps ya should buy this, so ya can dissect it!   :D

it uses a photo-resistor & i small light bulb to change wolume - the light dims, the wolume goes up (or is it down, i don't remember....)  my understanding is this is one of the tings that helped push melos over the edge into insolvency, as it was so sensitive to shipping damage.  someone who used to work for melos also told me that conrad-johnson wanted to buy the company, yust to get ahold of the phototentiometer, cuz it was so transparent.  but this could be a simple rumour...  in any event, it *is* a great pot, imo...

doug s.


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« Reply #18 on: 14 Sep 2003, 04:58 am »
The Placette is the preamp to beat, with the Decware preamp's circuitry & configuration flexibility a close second.  We've talked about this, Danny.  All that fuzzying around with balance (I only use it in my car!), tape loop, remote this and that will just complicate things, increase the price, take away performance and drive the unit into a very elitist minority of customers.  Dusty Vawter is great with this, as he is very conscious of what his price ceiling can be for each component.  A price increase of $50 over that limit could threaten a unit's successful marketing and could mean actual losses instead of profits.  He's told me over the phone when I've suggested certain things.  His answer: "My customers will not pay that price.".

As for tube choice, I have no idea but I can tell you I got rid of my Melos because of those 6922 tubes.  They are sooo microphonic  nothing helped.  Dynamat, Goldmund cones and Herbie's tube dampers were not enough.  As my system got cleaner and more revealling I could hear through my speakers if I touched my Melos' power cord!  Dusty's passive outperformed it by such a wide margin it wasn't funny....

doug s.

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« Reply #19 on: 14 Sep 2003, 06:11 pm »
francisco, i am glad ya like yer passive pre so much.  personally, i wouldn't trade my m.a.r. modded music-director for a placette, even if it put money in my pocket.  my pre needs to be active, & it needs to have toobs.  i won't sacrifice the dynamics & extension of an active pre, nor the soundstaging of tubes.  and, i awreddy get plenty detail & transparency.

re: yer sha-1's microphonics, it seems certain ya had a defective pre - these units are not at all microphonic.  ya can tap on the toobs themselves in my pre, & ya don't hear a thing.  

now, the rogue magnum 99 i had briefly - *that* was a microphonic pre - yust *looking* at it would cause those 6sn7's to ring thru the speakers!    :)

as far as elitism goes, i tink $2k retail is more than reasonable for what i consider the most important piece of electronics in a stereo rig.  and, they'll be awailable used for less, for us cheapskates!   :D    and, if needing remote, a tape-loop, and balance controls makes me elitist, then *screw* the common folk!   :lol:   (personally, i tink these wants makes me more like the mainstream...)

re: car audio, my daily driver doesn't even *have* a radio, let alone a stereo w/a balance control!  for motive toons, that's what the *engine* is for, & yer right foot (or right hand on a 2-wheeler), is what ya use for wolume control!   :wink:


doug s.