SP Tech is Back in Business!!!

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Aether Audio

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SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« on: 4 Feb 2007, 01:36 am »

As many of you have known for some time, we have been almost completely tied up with production of the NuForce S-9 since last June.  Since then we haven't had time to hardly sleep, let alone build our own products.  Well...we've turned the corner on production!  F-I-N-A-L-L-Y!!!  All of the systems are running smoothly and we're producing them such that we are able to allocate resources back to our own products once again.  By the way, just to let you know how hard the S-9 was to build, here's a link for you:


If you can't read Danish, just look at the pictures.  Scroll down to the very bottom of the page.  See that enclosure (third picture from bottom) that's made with layers?  Guess what?  It looks like the Magico "Mini" to me (it is).  So what?  Well, if you can't read Danish, Karsten has translated for us.  According to Hornslet (a big-time enclosure maker) "that cabinet is one of the most complicated they have ever done."  HA! :lol:

COMPLICATED?  Looks like the thing only uses at most... 4 different layers that have different internal dimensioning.  And then it's not very big either.  I'll tell you about complicated.  The NuForce S-9 that WE designed (along with Casey at NuForce) and build for them is bigger - for starters.  It has 23 layers, not counting the front baffle.  Out of those 23 layers, 15 are unique unto themselves and are not duplicated elsewhere in the enclosure.  THAT's "complicated."   :o And to think... a bunch of "farm boys" from the cornfields of Indiana built it - and the machinery needed to do so!  I can assure you too, we have nowhere near the resources that a company as big as Hornslet has either.  So that's why we haven't been around AC here much lately or promoting our own products.  You want ingenuity?  That's what we do. :green:

Besides the fact that we're "back in business" with our own wares, we will be adding some new offerings and updating the Millennial Reference Series to a new level of look and construction.  New crossover components along with a new crossover topology have really brought those products into a whole other league of performance.  To be quite frank, it is highly unlikely that their performance will ever exceed the level that they are at now.

One of the cosmetic changes involves solid hardwood front panels.  Now even the Studio Finish will sport a solid hardwood baffle...and at no increase in cost!  The enclosure sidewalls are still the same black, soft texture finish but I'm sure you'll agree that the hardwood front really dresses it up.  That big 10-inch waveguide looks pretty cool with the complex pattern of wood figuring that undulates through it.  Heck, now your significant other may just let you in the living room with it. :D

Oh, and just to plug the lowly little Timepiece while I'm at it, our dealer in Taiwan has been quoted recently.  According to an associate, that dealer has recently heard the speaker that is made with the same layered Baltic Birch like the NuForce S-9...that everyone has been talking about.  You know, the one that sells for over $20K and only has a single 61/2 or 7-inch titanium composite woofer?  You know, the one that a certain major magazine gave their "best" award.  Ha! :lol:

Well, according to this associate the dealer reportedly said that the Timepiece completely blows that "other speaker" out of the water.  "No comparison, not even in the same league" - or something to that effect.  But, well...that's just hearsay - doesn't prove a thing.  Nevertheless, I'll bet you can't find another speaker for under $3K that performs as well as our Timepiece.  And now it's looks match it's performance a little better too. :wink:

Anyway...I'll give further updates soon, including more info on the "Radiance."  Some of you may remember that guy.  We had to put him on the shelf for a while.  We'll be accepting orders for them soon.  Ever experience a speaker becoming completely invisible (sonically, that is. Visually they're stunning)?  :o You will. 8)

So...we're back in business and taking orders!!!

Hope to hear from you soon!
« Last Edit: 28 Feb 2007, 11:20 pm by SP Pres »


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Re: SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« Reply #1 on: 4 Feb 2007, 03:15 am »




Bill Baker

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Re: SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« Reply #2 on: 4 Feb 2007, 04:19 am »
 :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

 :banana piano: :banana piano: :banana piano: :banana piano:

 :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Double Ugly

Re: SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« Reply #3 on: 4 Feb 2007, 05:30 am »
I learned about this earlier today while on the phone w/ Bob, and it is VERY good news, indeed!

Additionally, I feel I should comment on something Bob said -

New crossover components along with a new crossover topology have really brought those products into a whole other league of performance.
Claims of this nature are made all the time, and in my experience, more often than not they're nothing more than hyperbole aimed at increasing sales.  Truth is, I honestly didn't believe Bob could make 'em noticeably better, and his claims of having done so in telecoms made before they arrived left me questioning everything from his hearing to the ancillary equipment he uses to evaluate the end product.

If you don't believe me, ask Bob, because my "questioning" wasn't the silent type.  :o

Nevertheless, I'm happy to report Bob's hearing is just fine, thankyouverymuch!  :D

Every aspect of the speaker's performance has improved in our (my and my wife's) opinion, and nowhere is it more evident than in the highs.  They were my only nagging issue with the speakers, and then only with certain recordings and/or genres.  The highs are now spectacular, and combined with a midrange and bass even better than before, the 'lowly' Timepiece is truly a world-class speaker IMHO.

Hyperbole?  I think not.  My room may prevent them from imaging as well as they otherwise would (I know, 'cause I've heard 'em), but if you want to hear what a live band sounds like in my living room, give me a shout and find your way down to Mississippi.

As always, YMMV....but I doubt it.  :wink:



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Re: SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« Reply #4 on: 4 Feb 2007, 05:32 am »
Jim, I could NEVER trust YOUR words, but, Bobs another story :lol:

Double Ugly

Re: SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« Reply #5 on: 4 Feb 2007, 05:46 am »
Jim, I could NEVER trust YOUR words, but, Bobs another story :lol:

You may not believe it, but I've lost nary a second of sleep worrying about what you think, Steve.  About me or anything else.

Bob's known me for years, so I'm a known quantity w/ him.  Best I can tell, he has a pretty decent opinion of me, one borne of experience, which has in turn fostered trust.

You will be a known quantity w/ him, too.  Soon.

I promise.  :wink:


Re: SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« Reply #6 on: 4 Feb 2007, 06:12 pm »
Congratulations Bob ... that is excellent news!

Having taken possession just before Christmas, and knowing they are still breaking-in, I am very much enjoying my new Revelations (surprisingly nice studio finish).

I cannot speak to the older crossover design, but as one who has owned about 40 pairs of speaker over the years, ranging in size from the Levinson HQD system to a little pair of ADS 300s in my car, I can attest to the fact that these (with the new crossovers) are very, very special loudspeakers.

... now, about those new solid wood baffles ...  :wink:


Re: SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« Reply #7 on: 4 Feb 2007, 06:33 pm »
After living with the Revelation II for the last 2 1/2 years, I feel no need to look for another speakers.  :thumb:
Welcome back Bob!


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Re: SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« Reply #8 on: 5 Feb 2007, 06:23 am »
GREAT news Bob, but please get back to work on that custom pair NOW (you know what I refer to :lol:) and don't sleep UNTIL you finish it!! :evil:


Re: SP Tech is Back in Business!!!
« Reply #9 on: 5 Feb 2007, 10:08 am »
I had my Revelations upgraded to latest version last week, well they were great speakers before but now they are simply in a whole other league. Every aspect of the speakers performance has been improved, from top to bottom. Especially the imaging is incredible, like entering a virtual 3D world..... WOW!

Here's to you Bob  :beer:

Now I just need to figure out how to get that stupid grin off my face  aa
