Do you thinks Microsoft will drop the 360 price before Christmas?

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 I don't....

Therefore I would get one now. (I did)

The scenario:

1. No PS3 this year for you or your kids unless you have pre-ordered it...and Sony has hinted it may not be able to meet predicted numbers so you may not get one even if you did pre-order.

2. Maybe you don't want a 360 just because you can't have a PS3, but some people will. Lots of Christmas-shopping parents, probably. And the others who will give up on the PS3 until sometime in 2007. So if you do want one, you will be competing with these people very soon.

3. A lot of great new games for the 360 will be released soon. So many people (people with jobs) will want a 360 before Christmas.

4. My Best Buy had only 1 XBox 360 last weekend and I bought it. Doesn't mean there won't be plenty on the way, but maybe not when its convenient for you to buy one.

« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2006, 02:23 am by jqp »


I don't think so either, they have refuted all rumors to that in the past month.  I think they are going to sell a boat load in the US and Asia, except for Japan this holiday season.  The PS3 is not going to come in numbers and the Wii is going to steal some of their thunder.



It would be my guess that Micro$oft will redesign the system somewhere around the projected "half-way point" of its life cycle.  They did not do this with the X-Box and it ended up looking a bit cumbersome and silly next to the revised Playstation 2 (which looked nice but was very fragile...which is a "bad thing" around children). 

Were I Micro$oft, I would combine the HD-DVD, since it is backward compatible with regular DVDs, into the "revamped" redesign of the unit (or product as salespeople are wont to say).  Then I would drop the price by no more than $50 -100 USD, since Micro$oft appears to be mostly concerned about the bottom line, rather than meeting the needs of the actual user of the product.


Rob Babcock

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I wouldn't look for a price drop for the foreseeable future- why would they?  They're already a lot cheaper than PS3, and Sony can't deliver 'em in sufficient numbers to meet demand.  The Wii will sell well but isn't really a direct competitor, IMO.  I doubt the price will drop til later in the lifecycle, unless of course they start to lose the Console War.


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Well its Christmas...

What I did see was plenty of XBox 360s out there, and some bundling of a game withthe system at no additional price. Anyone see any good bundles out there?

Rob Babcock

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Nah, nothing interesting. :?  And does anyone remember Bill Gates boast/threat that HALO3 would be released the same day as the PS3 release?  What happened there, Bill? :nono:


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Was the PS3 released? Were all those PS3s on ebay for real?  :lol:

I have yet to hear of anyone I know owning one...

Maybe he really meant when the PS3 is really released.

But seriously the release is technically out of his hands - Bungie is probably spending lots of time on the movie.   :o

Rob Babcock

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My local Wal-Mart has had PS3's in stock pretty consistently for over a month.


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I don't think there are even any Wiis in NC.

Rob Babcock

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No, the Wii is impossible to get here in SD, too.  Maybe the BB in Sioux Falls has 'em, I haven't been there in almost a month.


Well I wanted to buy my daughter a WII and could not find any.  I did find PS3 a couple of days before X-mas at Costco, but at the $799.00 package price, I decided to buy an X-box 360.  I was able to get a $100 dollar off deal and got the premium for $299.00.  I figured I can always purchase a WII or PS3 later and since I already have many x-box games I can still use those.